News Post

At the dawn of August, we're learning a lot more about which teams are contenders and which are...ahem...pretenders. Outside of the AL East, each division is easily up for grabs with very close races -- although the AL East is only separated by 6.5 games, a margin which is easily erased with a bad series or two.

So, with so many teams (15 to be exact) still realistically having playoff potential at this stage of the season, we're going to be darned impressed when you accurately predict the World Series.

So who do you have winning both leagues and playing in the World Series?

Sound off!

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Member Comments
# 1 Blzer @ 08/03/12 10:10 AM
The Braves are playing so strongly, that I have a feeling their healthiest lineup can take on anybody.

I also want to see what kind of finish the A's will have by the end of all of this. I don't think they are the AL favorites by any means, but I'd certainly like them to be when all is said and done.
# 2 THE YAMA @ 08/03/12 10:34 AM
Completely biased here, Tampa Bay Rays vs Los Angeles Dodgers.
# 3 TheNumber35 @ 08/03/12 10:48 AM
Homer Pick: Tigers vs Dodgers

I wish Detroit could get themselves together and make a run to the WS...but the pitching (outside of Verlander on most nights) and offense (outside of Biggie and Miggy) are both struggling pretty heavily right now. They might not even make the playoffs if this continues. And the Dodgers speak for themselves, I love what they did at the Deadline and I think they have such a strong team overall.

Realistic Pick: Angels vs Dodgers

Dodgers like I said earlier, strong team overall. Angels are a juggernaut with very good pitching and I think whoever wins the duel between them and Texas is a much more realistic pick to win the AL Pennant. And with LAA having 4 guys who can lock you down on any given night, I'd have to give them the edge heading into a series with Texas...although I think it would go 7 and it would be a hell of a series.
# 4 slickdtc @ 08/03/12 10:55 AM
Texas Rangers v. Atlanta Braves

I'm fairly strong behind TEX, but the NL is wide open. I'm very excited to see the Reds make the postseason and have a realistic shot at going to the Fall Classic.
# 5 sydrogerdavid @ 08/03/12 11:10 AM
Ask again later.
# 6 thbends @ 08/03/12 11:13 AM
Rangers vs Dodgers
# 7 Baseballking888 @ 08/03/12 12:13 PM
Angels Vs. Dodgers
# 8 JBH3 @ 08/03/12 01:22 PM
AL: Rangers.

They have the offense, defense, and starting/relief pitching needed to make it back to gm6 w/ one out left. For their sake, hopefully they finally pull it off.

NL: Giants.

I think they make a push over these next 2 months, and Lincecum dials in, Cain remains Cain, Vogelsong continues to pitch great, and the offense gets a boost from Pence and a returning Pablo Sandoval.
# 9 texasgmr @ 08/03/12 02:14 PM
I am going to go with my home state the Texas Rangers and my Favorite team the Atlanta Braves. Braves if they stay healthy can make a good run.
# 10 Doctor_Insomniac @ 08/03/12 02:23 PM
A's vs Dodgers

I Don't know why, but that is my picks.
# 11 akh4708 @ 08/03/12 03:46 PM
AL: Definitely Angels made some strong moves at deadline and they should be able to hit full stride right around playoff time.

NL: Nats all the way.....that rotation has been nasty and as long as they can stay strong when Strasburg hits his limit they should do nicely in the playoffs with their full lineup.
# 12 DrJones @ 08/03/12 04:28 PM
Angels over Reds
# 13 TCM @ 08/03/12 04:52 PM
Giants over Rays
# 14 bkrich83 @ 08/03/12 05:00 PM
Rangers over Reds.
# 15 Travis40 @ 08/03/12 05:06 PM
Rangers over Braves
# 16 SPTO @ 08/03/12 05:27 PM
I think it's a little too soon to ask the question. Couldn't we wait til the start of the playoffs. As it is now I'd go Angels vs Braves
# 17 Lovesports @ 08/03/12 05:34 PM
Yankees vs Nationals
# 18 miami01 @ 08/03/12 05:51 PM
NL: Dont really see any of the teams out of the west and i think the nats will shut down strasburg. so i think its either the braves or the reds. Im a braves fan but will go with the reds on the strengh of better pitching.

AL: I dont see anyone beating the rangers. the al has some tough teams but the rangers are stacked and once hamilton gets back to his normal self, its over.

Reds vs. Rangers
# 19 TheMatrix31 @ 08/03/12 06:12 PM
Good God if it's Angels/Dodgers.

Everyone here will act like they care. Ugh. UGH UGH UGH!

Right now, I'll say Angels/Giants.
# 20 Marino @ 08/03/12 06:16 PM
Angels/Reds but I would love for the Dodgers to be in there. I just dont see it though.

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