NBA 2K13 News Post

According to Amazon, NBA 2K13 will feature Kinect Support.

I'm sure we'll see free throws implemented and probably the ability to choose plays, call timeout, setup defensive formations and a few other little things.

I would love to be able to record my very own jumpshot (probably not possible) and get my face scanned in for My Player mode. What would you like to see implemented?

Source - Amazon Outs NBA 2K13 As "Better With Kinect" (360sync)

Game: NBA 2K13Reader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 75 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 Altimus @ 08/03/12 10:08 AM
Face implementation and jump shooting would be awesome.

Not only if the Kinect could use objects we could also get our own dribble packages.
# 2 Steve_OS @ 08/03/12 10:11 AM
Dribble packages, NICE!
# 3 Colt45 @ 08/03/12 10:14 AM
I'd like to be able to use the Kinect to perfect my East Bay Funk Dunk in the Dunk Contest mode.

Though we'll probably only be able to use it to call out picks, or something dumb.
# 4 EllCee @ 08/03/12 10:19 AM
Would be cool if it could capture our jumpers
Also, voice recognition, like calling a timeout or calling for a screen. Idk
Face implementation doesn't sound bad like a bad idea either.
Oh well, all we can do is just wait for 2K to give us the details.
# 5 Drewski @ 08/03/12 10:24 AM
Cant imagine myself using it to shoot or anything like that, however....

1. Being able to scan face for my player would be great, as long as my player is improved upon.

2. Being able to call small things in the middle of a game. "Bynum set a pick" "Kobe cut".

3. Being able to call defensive settings. Zone switches and such.

4. Being able to call specific plays while on offense.

5. Being able to make substitutions, call time out.

Essentially all of the menu stuff while in the middle of a game could be used through Kinect voice recognition, it would make the game much more fluid, and I would likely finally cave and buy a Kinect if its done properly.

Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2
# 6 mestevo @ 08/03/12 10:35 AM
Create a player. I don't know enough about basketball to really want anything else, would need to learn about plays and stuff. I just have the CPU call them and run them per the UI that appears on the court for the most part now.
# 7 JerzeyReign @ 08/03/12 10:38 AM
Originally Posted by Steve_OS
Dribble packages, NICE!
This times infinity squared!! Knowing the handles I possess, I finally can say: #ISOMOTIONACHIEVED!!!
# 8 THE YAMA @ 08/03/12 10:39 AM
Voice commands and create-a-player would be my top two.
# 9 iLLosophy @ 08/03/12 10:54 AM
If they play this right, this could turn out to be really cool. But if it is like what Kobe demo'ed for the PS3 move... not going to be a good look.
# 10 qnzballa5 @ 08/03/12 11:28 AM
Sounds good.. voice contros etc.. but i do not want to dribble or shoot.. If dat is da case i would play real life basketball which i do..
# 11 RocRell @ 08/03/12 11:44 AM
I definitely want face implementation on here , voice commands , and etc. That would truly be bad ***
# 12 morningstar777 @ 08/03/12 12:06 PM
Only thing I care about if Kinect was integrated would be voice coaching (Subs, running plays, picks, etc). Like what Fifa is doing to 2013. Other than that (Jumpshots, dribbling, etc) I'd rather use my controller
# 13 Marc_Rez @ 08/03/12 12:06 PM
Not a big fan of the Kinect so I dont think I would use any of the features unless like some of the previous posters said if it has face scanning then I might use it.
# 14 qnzballa5 @ 08/03/12 12:13 PM
Exactly.. not hating on the kinnect.. Its cool for the face scanning and voice controls.. But for shooting, dribbling we want to use the controller.. I see 2k n other companies are tryin to make everything virtual n that is bad.. Ppl dont want to fake dribbling with a ball or pretend shooting come on now.. But the face n voice is cool..
# 15 Virtualc @ 08/03/12 12:19 PM
i dont have the 360 but when i heard what fifa was doing i thought that was cool. Where if u swear and stuff the ref will start calling that. I think if u start swearing and stuff the refs call techs that would be cool
# 16 letsgocavs99 @ 08/03/12 01:07 PM
I don't have a 360, but some of my friends do and thry plsy 2k, so it would be fun to...

1. Create a jumpshot
2. Import your face
3. Dribble Packages
4. Call plays/ make defensive assignments on the fly

Those are mine.
# 17 exposedaking @ 08/03/12 01:14 PM
I bet its just for voice commands...hopefully im wrong

Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2
# 18 Jakeness23 @ 08/03/12 02:06 PM
If they could use the Kinect for face implementation, could they use the camera for the PS3?
# 19 infam0us @ 08/03/12 02:59 PM
This is no good, if I start yelling plays and pointing my finger while I play 2k, my family is really going to think I'm crazy.
# 20 sooperb @ 08/03/12 06:20 PM
Originally Posted by infam0us
This is no good, if I start yelling plays and pointing my finger while I play 2k, my family is really going to think I'm crazy.

It is going to be used to call time out and pick the mode you want to play(2k... play association).This way you dont have to worry about the task of pressing the button. I know better. It will be VERY simple stuff. We will have to wait until 2k15 for the good stuff.

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