Need For Speed Most Wanted a Criterion Game News Post

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Get an Insider walkthrough from Criterion of Need for Speed Most Wanted. Check out the open world of Fairhaven City, and the high-octane races and chases that take place within.

Game: Need For Speed Most Wanted a Criterion GameReader Score: 5.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 4 - View All
Need For Speed Most Wanted a Criterion Game Videos
Member Comments
# 1 Str0mTropper @ 07/27/12 10:15 PM
I guess you still can't customize cars.
# 2 bigbob @ 07/27/12 11:01 PM
Originally Posted by Str0mTropper
I guess you still can't customize cars.
If you watch the video, it shows you at the end that if you preorder, you do get mods and customization unlocks. So, yeah, you can customize them.
# 3 Str0mTropper @ 07/28/12 12:46 AM
Originally Posted by bigbob
If you watch the video, it shows you at the end that if you preorder, you do get mods and customization unlocks. So, yeah, you can customize them.
I think those are cars that are pre-customized, just how they did for The Run and Hot Pursuit. Where certain cars had rims and body kits but YOU couldn't change anything but the color.
# 4 ps3veron @ 07/28/12 05:25 AM
Looks like a cross between Burnout Paradise and NFS: HP, which should mean good things.

One thing that bugs me; I love the look of the city and all but I hate the "ghost town" effect.

I mean, where are the pedestrians? I get the idea of this being focused on racing but if you're doing it in a city, at least have some people walk around? And I don't even mean GTA style run over people and cause carnage, just have the pedestrians avoid cars like Driver San Francisco or the old Midtown Madness series.

Or perhaps this is an early build?
# 5 WLU Golden Hawk @ 07/28/12 10:39 AM
This is nothing like the old Most Wanted
# 6 THE YAMA @ 07/28/12 11:55 AM
After watching this video, I still plan on getting Forza Horizon.
# 7 MightyDuck @ 07/28/12 12:40 PM
I'm very excited for this game. I absolutely loved Criterion's version of Hot Pursuit, so I'm hoping this is just as well done.

Looking forward to getting some racing in online this Fall.

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