NHL 13 News Post

GameInformer's, Matt Bertz gives us the goods on the new trading interface in NHL 13.

Once you propose a trade, if the opposing team doesn’t accept it will give you feedback about how closely your offer comes to being feasible. In my experience this could still use tweaking. Because Montreal was in the market for a top-six forward and was willing to give up its first round pick, I offered Pierre-Marc Bouchard for the pick (an admitted reach) to see how far off this proposal would be. The GM said that they were very interested but I had to sweeten the pot. I tried adding a sixth round pick, and that wasn't enough. I eventually worked my way up to offering Bouchard and a second rounder, and I was still receiving the same feedback even though it was apparent that my first offer was much further beneath their expectations than they originally let on since they were still rejecting my much more generous offer. Hopefully EA Canada has time to refine this feedback to be more specific.

The NHL development team also opened up about other changes its made since we saw the game a couple months ago. Based on early fan feedback on NHL 13’s direction, the development team also decided to change the player ratings to create more of a gap between the star players and the average skaters in the league. Franchise player like Sidney Crosby are still rated in the 90s, but the average ratings of third-line defenders are in the mid-70s instead of the low-80s this year.

Game: NHL 13Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 23 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 MizzouRah @ 07/24/12 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by RealmK
The NHL development team also opened up about other changes its made since we saw the game a couple months ago. Based on early fan feedback on NHL 13’s direction, the development team also decided to change the player ratings to create more of a gap between the star players and the average skaters in the league. Franchise player like Sidney Crosby are still rated in the 90s, but the average ratings of third-line defenders are in the mid-70s instead of the low-80s this year.

Glad to hear it. Here's to hoping they have time to add a bit more feedback with CPU gm's on trade offers.
Pretty much what we all have been asking for! Great news!!
# 2 Al_Tito13 @ 07/24/12 07:50 PM
Originally Posted by RealmK
The NHL development team also opened up about other changes its made since we saw the game a couple months ago. Based on early fan feedback on NHL 13’s direction, the development team also decided to change the player ratings to create more of a gap between the star players and the average skaters in the league. Franchise player like Sidney Crosby are still rated in the 90s, but the average ratings of third-line defenders are in the mid-70s instead of the low-80s this year.

Glad to hear it. Here's to hoping they have time to add a bit more feedback with CPU gm's on trade offers.
This is awesome news indeed! Long time since I was hoping for this to happen, and I'm not the only one. I think the better player differentiation will really improve the game in a lot of ways, not only for trades but also actual gameplay.
# 3 BlueNGold @ 07/24/12 07:58 PM
Is it September yet?
# 4 Vikes1 @ 07/24/12 08:10 PM
Originally Posted by RealmK
the development team also decided to change the player ratings to create more of a gap between the star players and the average skaters in the league. Franchise player like Sidney Crosby are still rated in the 90s, but the average ratings of third-line defenders are in the mid-70s instead of the low-80s this year.
They listened to us! Thank you EAC.

Also liking that search thing they've added for looking for specific player types.
# 5 liberaluser @ 07/24/12 08:40 PM
Originally Posted by RealmK
Yep it only took a few years of constant hounding but /Rock voice FINALLY...PLAYER SEPARATION.. HAS COME BACK, *raises eyebrow* TO NHL.
I'm not hopeful of that. A few lower ratings aren't going to make players feel much different, especially since people can do that manually already for mixed results. New ratings aren't going to give star players unique animations or unique dekes. Or give the lower rated players clumsier animations to show the skill gap.

I'm more convinced that we will see noticable team strategy separation after altering each line slider manually. But individual players will probably skate the same and act the same as always.
# 6 06woz @ 07/24/12 08:44 PM
Prospect rating of 4 or higher? I guess we're gonna see a revamped potential system.

The writer I found comical. Montreal wanted a top six forward and he offered Bouchard and a 2nd and was upset that it wasn't accepted? Sounds perfect to me.
# 7 Majingir @ 07/24/12 10:13 PM
I don't get why they don't just do what Madden(which is also made by EA Sports) does for their trade stuff. You just mention players being traded, and you'll get offers from everyone, offering stuff for what you're trading.

EX- Lets say I'm dealing a 5th and 4th round pick, I'll go to the trade finder, select both those picks, then when I search for a trade, lots of teams will be offering me 4th round picks, some might even offer a 3rd round pick.

Trade Finder is the most helpful part of franchise modes in madden and nba games, sucks MLB doesn't have it(though at least MLB has an interest level meter), but NHL games are probably worst game to make trades in
# 8 Bellsprout @ 07/24/12 10:16 PM
I was going to comment on the game, but I can't stop staring at Zach Parise and Ryan Suter in Wild sweaters...
# 9 bukktown @ 07/24/12 10:20 PM
Originally Posted by 06woz
Prospect rating of 4 or higher? I guess we're gonna see a revamped potential system.

The writer I found comical. Montreal wanted a top six forward and he offered Bouchard and a 2nd and was upset that it wasn't accepted? Sounds perfect to me.
He offered Butch and a 6th round pick and the CPU gave him feedback that the deal was close, so he upped it to a 5th then 4th then 3rd then a 2nd and the CPU feedback was the same every time. His point was that the CPU should have said not even close with the first offer.
# 10 THE YAMA @ 07/24/12 10:33 PM
I'm still on the fence about getting this game or not. I like what I'm reading about the new trade interface, however.
# 11 gopher_guy @ 07/24/12 10:46 PM
If this game hasn't excited you into buying it, I don't think you'll ever buy another NHL game :P
# 12 voodoo_magic @ 07/24/12 11:34 PM
Besides the ratings tweaks this jumped out at me:

You can also search based on the star level of six different skill groupings: skating, shooting, puck skills, physicality, hockey sense, and defense. If you’re looking for an aggressive blue liner who isn’t afraid to put people through the glass, searching for a player with four-star physicality and defending skills is much easier than drilling into the ratings of every single defender in the game to find an ideal candidate.
Might be able to find a guy for your system that doesn't have all the skills of a top player but can be effective while being cheaper, and like they said easier to find.
# 13 06woz @ 07/24/12 11:50 PM
Originally Posted by bukktown
He offered Butch and a 6th round pick and the CPU gave him feedback that the deal was close, so he upped it to a 5th then 4th then 3rd then a 2nd and the CPU feedback was the same every time. His point was that the CPU should have said not even close with the first offer.
That's the kind of crap trading that has plagued this game. Try a 6th, then a 5th, then a 4th. Here's a few things to consider,

1. He never offered a top six forward, maybe PMB is "close to" a top 6 forward hence the offer was close. He never improved on the talent going back with subsequent offers.

2. Why would you increase the value of a trade with a team that does not want picks, by offering a better pick? It was clear in that example that Montreal wanted to get a player to make them better now. That's why they were willing to give up their first round pick in the first place.

3. If PMB plus a 6th is "close" why would PMB plus a 2nd be significantly better? Especially for a team that doesn't want picks?

I'm not calling it a flawless system, since I have no hands on time with it, but the given example proves nothing. He was trying to rip off the AI and he got rejected.
# 14 bukktown @ 07/25/12 12:34 AM
Originally Posted by 06woz
That's the kind of crap trading that has plagued this game. Try a 6th, then a 5th, then a 4th. Here's a few things to consider,

1. He never offered a top six forward, maybe PMB is "close to" a top 6 forward hence the offer was close. He never improved on the talent going back with subsequent offers.

2. Why would you increase the value of a trade with a team that does not want picks, by offering a better pick? It was clear in that example that Montreal wanted to get a player to make them better now. That's why they were willing to give up their first round pick in the first place.

3. If PMB plus a 6th is "close" why would PMB plus a 2nd be significantly better? Especially for a team that doesn't want picks?

I'm not calling it a flawless system, since I have no hands on time with it, but the given example proves nothing. He was trying to rip off the AI and he got rejected.
I see what your saying now and your right. He should've offered a better forward and see how that affected the feedback.
# 15 BLA244 @ 07/25/12 01:16 AM
I think it will add to the intensity of GM online and offline
# 16 bwiggy33 @ 07/25/12 01:51 AM
I love the idea about them changing the ratings to show a significant difference between the best and the mediocre, but the biggest problem is EVERY PLAYER CAN MAKE THE SAME MOVES! Sorry for the caps but I'm pretty adamant on this. Until they change the skill stick to separate each player and the different stick handling moves they can do, the player differential won't reach it's full potential. Now the difference in speed rating of players should make a huge difference with the game however. This is going to make setting each line to aggressive, standard, and conservative (if those options are still in the game) huge. If you have a 3rd or 4th line playing an aggressive style against a top line on another team you should get dominated (which didn't happen in 12). Hell I could cycle the puck all day in 12 with a 3rd or 4th line. I'm praying that this will be all work out for 13 like they are making it sound.

As for trades this rating differential should be great because 3rd and 4th liners aren't quite as valued if your going to try to get a star player. You won't be able to trade Brodziak and Powe and a 2nd round pick for Rick Nash because Brodziak and Powe should be rated in the 70's overall wise and seen as more defensive players that aren't top six forwards. I'm also loving the idea of each team changing their team strategy over the course of the year to go into a buyer/seller/rebuilder type approach. Hopefully that will all play out well. The Show has this feature but I've never been able to fully see it work the way it should (obviously this game is not The Show though).
# 17 mattbertz @ 07/25/12 02:46 AM
Originally Posted by 06woz
That's the kind of crap trading that has plagued this game. Try a 6th, then a 5th, then a 4th. Here's a few things to consider,

1. He never offered a top six forward, maybe PMB is "close to" a top 6 forward hence the offer was close. He never improved on the talent going back with subsequent offers.

2. Why would you increase the value of a trade with a team that does not want picks, by offering a better pick? It was clear in that example that Montreal wanted to get a player to make them better now. That's why they were willing to give up their first round pick in the first place.

3. If PMB plus a 6th is "close" why would PMB plus a 2nd be significantly better? Especially for a team that doesn't want picks?

I'm not calling it a flawless system, since I have no hands on time with it, but the given example proves nothing. He was trying to rip off the AI and he got rejected.
Actually, NHL 13 lists PMB's role as a "top six forward," so I wasn't trying to rip off the AI. I was following the guidelines set forth by the game.
# 18 Gagnon39 @ 07/25/12 03:57 AM
Originally Posted by Al_Tito13
This is awesome news indeed! Long time since I was hoping for this to happen, and I'm not the only one. I think the better player differentiation will really improve the game in a lot of ways, not only for trades but also actual gameplay.
As long as the player differentiation results in more team differentiation, I'm all for it. In years past the best team has only been 7-8 points higher than the worst team.
# 19 Money99 @ 07/25/12 09:14 AM
Originally Posted by RealmK
For sure. I'm sure Hank will be happy to read that bit.
LOL! This game went from a sure rental to nearly an automatic day-1 purchase just from that tidbit!
# 20 bwiggy33 @ 07/25/12 09:31 PM
Originally Posted by RealmK
Every player in real life can too. The question is do they have the skill to pull it off as easy as a Crosby or Ovechkin? I've seen Shaun Thorton pull off dekes during a game and score that one wouldn't think a 4th line tough guy role player would be able to do.

I really don't want the NHL series to become another 2k type of deal where the controls feel clunky and unresponsive depending on what player you're controlling quite honestly.
I know 4th liners have good hands, but not in an actual game. Ya once in a rare while they can when they are facing the opposing teams 4th line and worst D pairing. They aren't going to pull that off against a 1st or 2nd line. Hell I watched Derek Boogaard in warmups and he had terrific hands, during a game whole different story because defensive pressure was put on him.

Also there is no way that Shawn Thornton can pull off some of the stuff that Crosby, Malkin, Ovi, Datsyuk and others with tremendous hands can do. That's what limits this game greatly. At the very least they need to edit the players puck control a crap load. The puck control slider limits every single player, not just one, so they need to edit that attribute a lot otherwise that distinguishing of Crosby's hands vs. Matt Kassian's won't be well represented in the game.

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