OS Community Xbox Live Avatar Gear News Post

Operation Sports has its own official Community Xbox Live Avatar Gear! Plenty to choose from, including a varsity jacket, hoodies, hat, helmet, sneakers and t-shirts! If you are on Xbox Live, check it out and post some of your images here! We'd love to share them on Twitter and Facebook.

Here are some other images of what is available for the OS community!

Game: OS Community Xbox Live Avatar GearReader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: Xbox 360Votes for game: 5 - View All
Member Comments
# 21 CaliDude916 @ 07/24/12 11:32 PM
# 22 mgoblue @ 07/25/12 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by Steve_OS
Nope, just something we wanted to offer to the great OS community.

Keep em' coming guys and if you have Twitter, tweet me or @operationsports and I'll RT it!
Cool...still awesome, just more was interested in how this stuff worked with MS.

One of these days I'll have a few extra points sitting around and get one of them...
# 23 murph17 @ 07/25/12 12:39 PM
Originally Posted by Steve_OS
Nope, just something we wanted to offer to the great OS community.
Really? That kinda sucks, I knew M$ would be taking their cut but I figured some of this $$ made it back to OS.
# 24 CaptainZombie @ 07/25/12 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by murph17
Really? That kinda sucks, I knew M$ would be taking their cut but I figured some of this $$ made it back to OS.
Maybe MSFT looks at it as free advertising, which still kind of stinks.
# 25 redsrule @ 07/25/12 08:59 PM
I'll grab the hat, when I get a 1600 card in the future I'll get the top too.
# 26 Pappy Knuckles @ 07/27/12 07:54 AM
Originally Posted by CaptainZombie
Maybe MSFT looks at it as free advertising, which still kind of stinks.
It would be nice to see OS get some $ for this, but at least these avatar items are pretty inexpensive. You'd have to get a ton of members buying stuff to earn any type of significant return. I think it's pretty cool they hooked up with OS on this one though.
# 27 redsrule @ 07/28/12 10:44 AM
Bought the hat. Didn't know that there were shoes too though... Oh well, just another thing I'm going to buy when I get more points.
# 28 Candyman5 @ 07/30/12 03:42 AM
Steve you really need to sell some of these Items IRL. I would buy the hoody in a heart beat. Maybe even the shoes depending on the price.

Just an idea and Im sure im not the only one.
# 29 sportznut02 @ 07/31/12 11:19 PM
That is some cool stuff. If only I still had a 360. We need an OS avatar for the PS3.
# 30 Steve_OS @ 12/07/12 04:29 PM
Any interest in other colors or other items of interest? We have been approached to see if we'd like to add different colors to our inventory or possibly other accessories, if there is enough interest.


# 31 ExtremeGamer @ 12/07/12 04:34 PM
Originally Posted by Steve_OS
Any interest in other colors or other items of interest? We have been approached to see if we'd like to add different colors to our inventory or possibly other accessories, if there is enough interest.


OS themed football, basketball, etc

White shirt

Some stuff like that.

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# 32 AUChase @ 12/11/12 06:37 PM
A black version of the shirt and hat would be pretty cool.
# 33 DirtyJerz32 @ 12/14/12 09:40 PM
You should do colors based on the color of you screen name here on OS. Mods green, supporters blue, etc...
# 34 Candyman5 @ 05/08/14 01:54 AM

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