NCAA Football 13 News Post

I might be biased because I live in a Big Ten city, but I haven’t been to a professional sporting event that reached the intensity level of big-time college football. A common criticism of the NCAA series has been the inability of these games to recapture that vitality. But with improved sound and extra presentation elements, it looks like NCAA 13 will get closer than ever. It remains to be seen whether EA’s move toward replicating the TV broadcast experience will be a success. But based on what we’ve seen in the demo, the NCAA atmosphere remains intact, and I’ll take that atmosphere over Madden’s any day of the week.

Is the NCAA Football atmosphere a drawing point for you at all?

Game: NCAA Football 13Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 60 - View All
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# 21 BA2929 @ 07/06/12 04:28 PM
I've stood on the field, during a game, at Arrowhead Stadium in KC and did the same in Norman, OK at an OU football game. In my opinion, the atmosphere at Arrowhead was about 10 times louder than in Norman. My ears actually hurt at Arrowhead. In Norman, it was just slightly uncomfortable.
# 22 BA2929 @ 07/06/12 04:29 PM
Originally Posted by mizzou852
How does Kansas get into a BCS bowl and not Missouri? We beat those losers.
Haha, I agree. But I got to go to the game for work for free. So I was quite happy with the selection.
# 23 The JareBear @ 07/06/12 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by BA2929
I've stood on the field, during a game, at Arrowhead Stadium in KC and did the same in Norman, OK at an OU football game. In my opinion, the atmosphere at Arrowhead was about 10 times louder than in Norman. My ears actually hurt at Arrowhead. In Norman, it was just slightly uncomfortable.
So you make the point for us either way, the games need better crowd noise
# 24 LastExit @ 07/06/12 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by mizzou852
Heres the best idea. Max out crowd volume. Turn down everything else. Then turn up your tv
I'd do that but I don't need to hear that stale "d-fense" chant on 3rd down that you rarely hear at any college football games on full volume.
# 25 Rasco11 @ 07/06/12 05:18 PM
I dont know that the NCAA series has ever had "atmosphere.". And, nothing from the demo indicated massive improvement!?! Atmosphere would be enhanced by a multitude of crowd reactions (this includes boo's too), dynamic play-by-play with a natural translation of emotion, more cutscenes of emotions (players, coaches, fans) relating to pain, elation, deflation, urgency, yelling, tension, exhaustion, adrenaline, etc.

One other minor nitpick i have is the non tv broadcast replays. If you want to mimic a true broadcast (as evident by the espn graphics/overlays, etc) then dont show me an exagerated and zoomed in replay at ground level from some rotating sprinkler cam?!?
# 26 Gloves 82 @ 07/06/12 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by mizzou852
Wow. This is way off topic right now. But just 5 years ago. #4 Missouri played #2 Kansas. Wth happend to Kansas?
Remember that KU didn't have to play OU or Texas that year.
# 27 kingsofthevalley @ 07/06/12 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by Rasco11
I dont know that the NCAA series has ever had "atmosphere.". And, nothing from the demo indicated massive improvement!?! Atmosphere would be enhanced by a multitude of crowd reactions (this includes boo's too), dynamic play-by-play with a natural translation of emotion, more cutscenes of emotions (players, coaches, fans) relating to pain, elation, deflation, urgency, yelling, tension, exhaustion, adrenaline, etc.

One other minor nitpick i have is the non tv broadcast replays. If you want to mimic a true broadcast (as evident by the espn graphics/overlays, etc) then dont show me an exagerated and zoomed in replay at ground level from some rotating sprinkler cam?!?
My God man, you hit the nail right on the head. All of their camera angles are horrible. I thought we were going to get the broadcast camera angles from Madden 12, I guess not Also, yes the title of the thread is slightly strange seeing that NCAA has never really had an in-depth presentation/atmosphere.
# 28 sactown_13 @ 07/06/12 07:01 PM
Originally Posted by OKSTcowboys
College atmosphere is everything.... ive never seen a NFL crows rudh the field after a win
Yeah, because they would get arrested.
# 29 sactown_13 @ 07/06/12 07:02 PM
Originally Posted by PowerForce
How different are Madden and NCAA? One is hyped up about twitter feeds and the other authentic crowds...Which would you rather have? Easy choice
I think the other is more hyped for the new physics engine dont ya think??
# 30 sactown_13 @ 07/06/12 07:08 PM
Kansas City and Seattle get nasty, other than that i would say college atmosphere is better than just about every team in the NFL
# 31 PackerBacker123 @ 07/07/12 12:24 AM
reasons madden will beat ncaa... nfl atmosphere
# 32 BA2929 @ 07/07/12 12:33 AM
Originally Posted by jaredlib
So you make the point for us either way, the games need better crowd noise
Exactly. The crowd should sound like it did back when they had the 'Toughest Places to Play'. THAT was loud. Now it's more like a dull-NAIA crowd roar. You literally cannot hear the person next to you when you're on the field at Arrowhead or even Norman, so I don't know why the guys at EA think you should be able to hear the QB audible over the crowd in NCAA and Madden.... not that I've played Madden since '10.
# 33 mlp111 @ 07/07/12 02:37 AM
top reason it wont for me, 'infinity engine'!
# 34 fsufan4423 @ 07/07/12 06:25 PM
Madden dosen't have a great deal of atmosphere, but yet its better than NCAA
# 35 DGuinta1 @ 07/07/12 06:35 PM
No reason I would buy this and not Madden.
# 36 videlsports @ 07/08/12 08:21 AM
In real life the College Atmoshpere is way better, the Fans, The Food (tailgating in Penn St is Good, and the Best Part..... The College Ladies. Yup in real life better than The pros, But we are talking NCAA and Madden here: Madden Still has the Infinity Engine, that alone is better than Ncaa, they both have passing trojectories, so that's a wash. NCAA has better presentation, but we will see because Phil Simms and Jim Nance are in the Game.
# 37 SlickRick11 @ 07/08/12 10:13 AM
College Atmosphere is my favorite part of the real life game......EA should have already nailed this by now and of what I've seen on the impressions thread they missed the boat on this one again

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