NCAA Football 13 News Post

NCAA Football 13 Videos
Member Comments
# 2
legendkiller5 @ 06/27/12 05:01 PM
Mizzou in their old unis. Cool.
At this point...why keep showing them in the screens.
At this point...why keep showing them in the screens.
# 5
legendkiller5 @ 06/27/12 05:36 PM
# 6
CT Pitbull @ 06/27/12 06:12 PM
sooo...STILL short socks for most all teams ive seen but some have medium length ...WHY NOT MAKE THEM ALL MEDIUM LENGTH...SJSU has medium sock but ole miss is stuck w/ ankle socks ..WHY?....no new equipment, hairlength (white or black) for players and no dirty white unis ....whatever

What i don't understand is, what are we supposed to take away from these screenshots? They could at least release some shots to show off different lighting effects: evening, night, rain, snow and dome games. Every shot is seemingly from the same time of day and these do absolutely nothing to say NCAA 13 shots are noticeably different from NCAA 12.
# 10
LionsFanNJ @ 06/27/12 08:30 PM
# 11
PowerofRed25 @ 06/27/12 08:31 PM
This year we have:
- No updated uniforms
- No updated conferences
- No updated rosters
- No new animations
These screenshots literally feature nothing. Even last year the screenshots at least showed us something, be it pro combat uniforms or the new graphics changes. This is just bad. I'm sorry, I can't keep toeing the party line that "all these things will be fine and updated in the retail version."
# 12
C the Lyte @ 06/27/12 08:34 PM
Check out screen shot 238.
-you can do that when you go to dynasty mode
-operation sports team and many others probably have a roster to download unless you dont have psn or xbox live plus they will have to pay them players alot of money to use their names in the game so that means like 1000$ spent to get like 25000 names into the game for us which leads to a worst game than it already is in your opinion
-there are alot of new animations this year catching, throwing, and tackling animations is where there is new animations you must have not seen them in the demo cause i did
Im not going to complain about ncaa football being bad i am grateful to have a game this year cause we can honestly not have a college football game where we have to play old versions like most people still play college hoops 2k8 and ncaa basketball 10
# 15
PowerofRed25 @ 06/27/12 08:55 PM

Holy missed point batman. Look at the title of the thread, then look at the topics being discussed and then read my post.
# 17
PowerofRed25 @ 06/27/12 09:30 PM
Hopefully EA reverses the trend of previous years where the screenshots were always better than retail. Maybe this year we'll have a retail exponentially better than the screenshots and videos.
# 18
C the Lyte @ 06/28/12 07:18 AM
But when the players are on the ground or certain "foot plants" (especially on replays) look like the players are playing in my neighbor's yard (whose house has been foreclosed on) I got a problem with that. Am I exaggerating with that? Only a little.
# 19
fsufan4423 @ 06/28/12 07:28 AM
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