NCAA Football 13 News Post

Don't expect an overhaul in NCAA Football 13 teambuilder. Check out the following quotes from Justin Dewiel, Community Manager at EA Sports, as he talks about some of the additions on his Twitter timeline.

TeamBuilder will have new high school stadiums and uniforms, but there's not an overhaul of the feature this year.

I just reconfirmed that you can still import your previous year.

yea, still 12 teams like last year. No gameface integration this year.

Just confirmed with the team that we're aiming to launch the ‪#NCAAFootball13‬ TeamBuilder site this Thursday. Will let you know when it's up.

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Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 60 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 huntt26 @ 06/26/12 01:22 PM
It's a shame that such a promising feature just gets left behind. No updates this year, teambuilder teams will not be shown in ticker, etc. So much potential to be tapped and it's ignored.
# 2 huntt26 @ 06/26/12 01:23 PM
Any news on a release date for the website?
# 3 daytarious5 @ 06/26/12 01:23 PM
what about the new faces?
# 4 lionden_56 @ 06/26/12 01:24 PM
Sad, but expected.

Lets at least hope they fixed some of the bugs with it.
# 5 speedy43 @ 06/26/12 01:31 PM
# 6 cuttingteeth @ 06/26/12 01:33 PM
I second the gameface thing. Is it in teambuilder? Inquiring minds want to know...
# 7 floppychulo @ 06/26/12 01:34 PM
Good Grief, no updates! Ridiculous!!!!
# 8 khaliib @ 06/26/12 01:34 PM
I assume the limitation is still is 12 Team import?

I'll drop $80 for any other developer to build a Generic Fully Editable College game now.

It can be Jr Colleges far as I care.
And they can use this Teambuilder Online tool since EA sees no value in it.

Anyone, please!!!!!!
# 9 TDenverFan @ 06/26/12 01:38 PM
More stadiums and a few more uniform option? Good with me. TB needed more generic looking small stadiums.
# 10 mattynokes @ 06/26/12 01:38 PM
I just said this in the other thread, but since it's closed I'll share again...

In the least they should deliver on last year's promise where we were supposed to be able to edit Teambuilder rosters prior to entering dynasty mode. Not being able to edit home states and have correct eligibility years for players puts unnecessary restrictions to your teams.

Or (and I know this is a stretch...) make the upgrades so we can actually edit that stuff in Teambuilder?

For me this is a big one. Not only because it was promised last year and they failed to deliver since they screwed up so many other things and didn't have the time to incorporate this, but because I hate making a team from, say South Carolina, and having the majority of my players from somewhere out west. Also not being able to differentiate between a true and redshirt freshman is annoying.
# 11 SnakeEyez @ 06/26/12 01:39 PM
Funny thing is, it really doesn't need an overhaul.

Just add more logo/helmet/uniform slots for the created teams, and most of us would be happy for this year.
# 12 moylan1234 @ 06/26/12 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by TDenverFan
More stadiums and a few more uniform option? Good with me. TB needed more generic looking small stadiums.
I think he just means the new team uniforms not more uniform options that we can edit. but all we've heard so far is no overhaul that doesn't necessarily mean no additions or as I've been asking for them to just fix the errrors
# 13 floppychulo @ 06/26/12 01:44 PM
I guess in this case no news turned out to be bad news.
# 14 cuttingteeth @ 06/26/12 01:44 PM
If they allowed 32 teams to be used in-game...do you know how epic that would be? It'd be THE game...perhaps forever.
# 15 TDenverFan @ 06/26/12 01:45 PM
Originally Posted by moylan
I think he just means the new team uniforms not more uniform options that we can edit. but all we've heard so far is no overhaul that doesn't necessarily mean no additions or as I've been asking for them to just fix the errrors
Shame. I really wanted more small stadiums though, so the new HS stadiums are nice. It was annoying trying to make small teams and needing to use 1 of 2 or 3 stadiums.
# 16 DirtyJerz32 @ 06/26/12 01:47 PM
Still only able to import 12 teams? That's ashame if I true. Such a great feature wasted.
# 17 moylan1234 @ 06/26/12 01:48 PM
definitely pumped for the new stadiums that will go a long way in giving each team it's own identity. I would love to see some pics of them hopefully none are greyd out on the site like that High School 2 from last year
# 18 Steve_OS @ 06/26/12 01:55 PM
Updated OP w/ more Q&A.
# 19 TDenverFan @ 06/26/12 01:58 PM
Since we're forced to have 4 unis more plain HS unis is good, too. I know I'd occasionally give a team one of the premade generic unis if they were a small school.

They should let us pick how many of each type of uniform we get. Sometimes I only want 2 or 3 jerseys. And I think we should be allowed to have 2 colored alternate unis if we want. Not a lot of teams have road alternates.
# 20 a_densen @ 06/26/12 02:02 PM
One of the things that killed team builder for me was the limited sock and shoe options. I know it sounds petty but that was a big thing for me "If you look good, you feel good, if you feel good you play good" -Willie "Mays" Hayes. My question is, will this feature be left out of teambuilder again? Whomever can answer this, i would greatly appreciate it.

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