NCAA Football 13 News Post
NCAA Football 13 Videos
Member Comments
# 2
rspencer86 @ 06/25/12 12:18 PM
again what are they trying to show off by posting these ncaa12..i mean ncaa13 screen shots?
# 4
CcAaRrSsOoNn3 @ 06/25/12 12:37 PM
# 5
CcAaRrSsOoNn3 @ 06/25/12 12:50 PM
Are those grass stains on the white uniforms? Or are they just shadows?
Sent from my 1983 Motorola DynaTAC mobile phone
Sent from my 1983 Motorola DynaTAC mobile phone
Who do they have doing the motion capture for these throws? This is horrendous.


Best ones:


Best ones:

Why does Tennessee's colors look yellow almost? EA is just plain lazy.
Regarding the new Mizzou unis, they're in the game. I know with some (all?) of the unis that are new for 2012 EA has agreed to not release them in the game until they've been used by the team first. I don't k ow the mechanism EA will use to do this however.
# 11
superblaine @ 06/25/12 02:03 PM
This is my biggest concern.

That DT made a great pick-up on the blitzing Left Tackle. Gave the QB just enough time to get the ball a...WAIT A SECOND!
This would be one of those times when I wish there was some kind of "reach" animation for rushers instead on just being locked up with the blocker.
# 14
fcboiler87 @ 06/25/12 02:21 PM
They have Purdue's new jerseys in, but there are no names on the back. Please tell me this is because it's an early build or something...
# 15
MrChainsaw @ 06/25/12 02:32 PM
I am really not sure what some of you are expecting in terms of a graphical upgrade from NCAA 12 to 13. They aren't going to completely overhaul the visuals for us every single year. The reason 12's graphics weren't spectacular probably had something to do with the sheer amount of content that was stuffed into the game. Sure, 13 may look almost identical to 12 but EA can really only do so much from year to year.
Has anyone else noticed how in some of their previously released screenshots EA has the "NCAA Football 13" watermark in the bottom left but i didnt see it in any of these screenshots I looked at. This would say to me that these shots are probably from an early build of the screen capture feature.
Don't worry about putting too much stock into these screenshots in terms of "updated uniforms" as EA has already confirmed in their presentation webcast that they have added well over 200 new uniform pieces, which could be entire uniforms for some teams or maybe helmets, special jerseys, pants, variations for others. Best thing to do is wait until July 6th when the Season Ticket owners get to play it a week early and post vids at that time.
Don't worry about putting too much stock into these screenshots in terms of "updated uniforms" as EA has already confirmed in their presentation webcast that they have added well over 200 new uniform pieces, which could be entire uniforms for some teams or maybe helmets, special jerseys, pants, variations for others. Best thing to do is wait until July 6th when the Season Ticket owners get to play it a week early and post vids at that time.
# 19
KushNstien @ 06/25/12 02:58 PM
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