NBA 2K13 News Post

Just in case you missed the E3 streams, 2K Sports has posted the NBA 2K13 video interviews with Producers Erick Boenisch and Rob Jones, with Ronnie Singh leading the way.

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Source - 2K Sports Weekly Update #1 - E3!

Game: NBA 2K13Reader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 75 - View All
NBA 2K13 Videos
Member Comments
# 21 youvalss @ 06/17/12 10:11 PM
Wait a minute...was that Ronnie2K doing the interviews?! Oh man...after what I posted they'll most likely ignore (or drop) my wishlist posts. What was I thinking?
# 22 belikemike @ 06/17/12 10:29 PM
Originally Posted by blackngoldfan
Lol. If you close your eyes, it sounds like they are being interviewed by Ray Romano (Everybody Loves Raymond)
I closed my eyes and then fell asleep. I guess I can get rid of my sleeping pills now and just listen to ronnie2k from now on at night.
# 23 TreyIM2 @ 06/17/12 10:31 PM
Originally Posted by chandlerbang
game will turn into AND1 mixtap with live 10 dribbling and shotstick wont be availiable so i cant cosign. Use buttons for dribbling if isomotion moves are to hard for you to remember is the best option.
Lol. Funny but it's not necessarily about "memorizing" controls. Iso motion is non-intuitive and clunky and shot stick, to me, is silly. U may have gotten used to em and that's fine. I don't like em and neither does Mike Wang. He's mentioned changing em at least twice and I co-sign that.

Nothing wrong with giving an option and I wouldn't be surprised that if they were added as a viable option, many a 2Ker would jump from the iso motion ship.
# 24 coop15 @ 06/18/12 01:12 AM
2K quit bs in fans bring back crew in nba 2k13 thats what alot of fans want.
# 25 JerzeyReign @ 06/18/12 05:43 AM
Originally Posted by newmoon
How about you don't get caught up in the all the Propoganda, and marketing buzz words, and actually start thinking.... year after year there are the same problems, and now you see a 2k13 video and you are excited..... theres an old saying the proof is in the pudding.

How about not insult my intelligence and interview like you aren't reading from a script.... Maybe ask one tough question.... or don't call it an interview, call it an advertisement.

Come on man they'll never make changes, real changes unless people wake up. If this is the best they can do, then say so. I guarantee I'll at least STFU, and say hey they've reached their technological limits I can either buy it, or don't. But don't keep Yanking my chain.
Bruh, you quoted me but you're not talking to me. Talking around me but not really talkin' to me. They have a foundation -- they have 4 months to tweak -- not sure where the buzz words come into play. Maybe you're trying to hard to label my excitement. You really seem disgruntled but the best part of all this is if you don't like the product 2k puts out EA has a game coming out -- maybe the issues 2k has will be fixed in EA's product.

We have resilience training in the military, one of the key modules to that training was 'hunting the good stuff' -- always try to find the good in something. If we on the forums learned how to 'hunt the good stuff' we wouldn't be as negative. You don't forget about the issues but a calm, collected mind will produce more constructive ideas than an angered one. The time they have to tweak the game and the opportunity I have to push some ideas forward excites me. Key word in that is 'me'. But... my heart is done bleeding for now -- be one with the wind grasshopper -- be one with the wind...
# 26 DBMcGee3 @ 06/18/12 10:16 AM
They keep talking about how different the game is, and with 4 months to go maybe they're right, but that little gameplay video they showed on Spike a couple of weeks ago was quite disheartening for me. It really looked exactly the same as 2k12, plus an extra animation here and there.

As far as the All-Star weekend, are you serious guys? It looks super, duper garbage from what I've seen, and you're telling me I have to pre-order to get it? Maybe 2k will be much better than Live again this year, but it seems like they're at least a little scared to be panhandling for pre-orders like this. Gonna have to play both and make a decision I guess.
# 27 Pared @ 06/18/12 10:51 AM
Originally Posted by youvalss
Wait a minute...was that Ronnie2K doing the interviews?! Oh man...after what I posted they'll most likely ignore (or drop) my wishlist posts. What was I thinking?
I don't think you have anything to worry about.
# 28 videobastard @ 06/18/12 01:05 PM
I would rather see some impartial interviews by people that would ask the tough questions. Its too one sided and not getting to the balance of the pros and cons. Cant take these type of interviews seriously.
# 29 LD2k @ 06/18/12 01:26 PM
Originally Posted by KSOR24
I just realized something, does the voice of the male interviewer during press conferences for My Player belong to Ronnie2K?
Yup that's him.
# 30 TalenT @ 06/18/12 07:51 PM
Originally Posted by LD2k
Yup that's him.
Wow. Did not know that.
# 31 alphawill @ 06/18/12 09:27 PM
i dont know if sum of u are jus deaf but if u listened to them they say the allstar weekend will be in the game modes association and my player but if u preorder u get it outside of those modes as a standalone mode..besides why are so many people compaining about pre ordering this is probably the only game i do pre order year after year cuz its reached the point where u know you will always get a good game year after year i dont know about anybody else but i spend more time on 2k than i do with about 6 other games combined and play it all the way till the next one comes out .....what other game can u play until the next iteration of it comes out MADDEN NO .......CALL OF DUTY NO......NBA 2K YES so stop whining about throwing 5 bucks up early on sumthin ur definetly gonna gat anyway
# 32 alphawill @ 06/18/12 09:41 PM
also if u listen they said this is the earliest release of gameplay footage theyve let out ..wen 2k12 video first dropped it looked exactly like 2k11 but looked and felt completely diiferent wen it came out....and why do peaple keep saying ask the hard questiions ask the hard questions ..obviously if you followed 2k the last year or 2 u know Ronnie2k works very close with 2k so the interview was jus to give u a heads up of wats goin on...he knows what he can ask and obviously wat would be a waste of time to ask becuz Eric B or Rob J woulds jus shut it down and say wefe not ready to talk about that yet....Wen the game is more ready they always cum with info for 2k fans ..wat other game u know gives 2 or more weeks of developer insights and interiews along with videos of gameplay changes with the new and old version of the game before the game comes out....please sumone tell me any other game that does anything near this
# 33 GuideMe1 @ 06/19/12 07:41 AM
Interviews are fine & dandy...but do the developers know that 2K12 was one best looking & most frustrating basketball games that I've ever played in my life (I've been playing since Coach K). So U mean to tell me, if I don't pre-order the game, I can't have an All Star Weekend!? What's next...if I don't pre-order 2K14, I can't use a basketball in the game. Just to set the record straight, All Star Weekend isn't for the hardcore dedicated fan..its for the casual fan. SMH.
# 34 GuideMe1 @ 06/19/12 08:12 AM
To be completely honest, I really don't care about whether there is an All Star Weekend. All I care about is whether they are going to fix the game. Will the online servers actually work? Will the CPU stop getting every single offensive rebound, even though I have great position? Will the jacked up passing be fixed? Will I be able to actually control when my online league advances? Will my defenders stop wearing ice skates? If I see NBA Legends on the game..can I use in an online league, the same way I can offline? Will the "gameplay" be just another series of animations? Will I stop missing layup after bloody layup, while the cpu pulls the most amazing moves with junky players? That's an interview that I'd pay 2 pennies to see.
# 35 DBMcGee3 @ 06/19/12 10:07 AM
Originally Posted by GuideMe1
To be completely honest, I really don't care about whether there is an All Star Weekend. All I care about is whether they are going to fix the game. Will the online servers actually work? Will the CPU stop getting every single offensive rebound, even though I have great position? Will the jacked up passing be fixed? Will I be able to actually control when my online league advances? Will my defenders stop wearing ice skates? If I see NBA Legends on the game..can I use in an online league, the same way I can offline? Will the "gameplay" be just another series of animations? Will I stop missing layup after bloody layup, while the cpu pulls the most amazing moves with junky players? That's an interview that I'd pay 2 pennies to see.
Me too my friend. Let's all just hope that that reemergence of Live will light the fire under these guys and inspire some innovation. I loved 2k11 and liked 2k12, but it's just going to get more and more stale feeling each year at the rate they're going with all the subtle changes. Just make the dribbling more responsive, the collisions more realistic, the animations less drawn out, and the AI smarter and you've most likely got my $60. Oh yeah, and MAKE FAST PLAYERS FASTER THAN SLOW PLAYERS.
# 36 KSOR24 @ 06/19/12 12:32 PM
The only reason I would want All Star Weekend is so I can be a part of it in My Player Mode. Most likely I'm not going to pre-order it but I feel it would be more fair if everybody got it, pre-order or not.
# 37 Gatorfan Frank @ 06/19/12 02:46 PM
All-star game? Cool, but what about the much-requested return of crew games? How bout somewhat realistic ball physics? Can we actually perform a layup without hitting the bottom of the rim or getting blocked by a 6-foot point guard every time? What about the ridiculous computer AI that reads minds, gets every offensive rebound, and can only win by cheating? How about online associations with custom sliders? How about seeing our shot release online? What about actually updating player appearances, accessories, and ratings?

I love 2K, but 2K12 is one of the most frustrating games ever made. If 2K doesn't start addressing the issues mentioned above, then they can kiss this loyal customer goodbye.
# 38 iLLosophy @ 06/19/12 03:01 PM
After last year, I'd be lying if said I give any merit to anything Rob Jones and SimBaller have to say - They really screwed the pooch with the claims that were made prior to 2k12's release. Unfortunately now the only way to know if 2k13 is any good is either to play it or to watch the forums.
# 39 iLLosophy @ 06/19/12 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by newmoon
I didn't want to say it but you're right. Every person who was supposed to be our inbetween last year lied to us by omission. Ronnie 2k, Sim Baller, even the CZAR....hurts to say it, but he had his hands on the game first. Instead we had to learn by trial and error..... I returned my 2k12 the second day I got it, and now have vowed to never pre-Order their game again. didn't believe I would see the day I would have to treat 2Ksports the same way I treated Madden....
I think it was more so they lied to Czar rather than he lied to us. If you listen to his blogtalk radio show nobody ever holds their tongue on there. Same thing happened with Sovartus who went to visit 2k - they told him some things that were going to be in the game and didn't happen. And getting mad at Ronnie 2K is like getting mad at a waiter because your steak wasn't cooked right. It's easy because they are the only face you see, but they had absolutely nothing to do with it being ****ed up.
# 40 alphawill @ 06/20/12 04:54 AM
Originally Posted by newmoon
I've spent almost 2 years on 2k11, because of Crew. I spent less than 48 hours on 2k12 because they bastardized my player, crew, online association, and no web component for leagues just to name a few...
I just take homage with people who act like 2k is doing something for altruistic reasons.... I don't know if you know but we pay them. So all this glad handing, and kow towing for the privilege to play a game needs to stop. It's a symbiotic relationship, let me explain for the blind fanatics:
  1. We demand a Lag free,
  2. Exploit free,
  3. Smooth running,
  4. no Sliding and skating,
  5. no glitches,
  6. Fully customizable Leagues, with web components,
  7. the ability to play how we want,
  8. with what ever era teams we want,
  9. in any game mode we want,
  10. My player, with all the bells and whistles,
  11. Crew with dedicated servers,
  12. Perma Bans for hackers, and modders,
  13. And a true NBA Experience.
The Developers get one thing for all of that:
Seems like a fair trade off.
lol ok ill admit 2k12 has sum very very frustating features to its game but to chew it out becuz u refuse to try and get good at it (48 hours)

1: lag free understandable
2:Expliot free....please sumone bring this guy into the 21 century evevy single game has exploits for goodness sake even the real nba has exploits .are they fair no but its called life deal with it

3:smooth running ...the game runs pretty smooth to me
4:ice skating and sliding ....very rarely happens and go check out the last 4 nba live games it feels like NHL12
5:no glitches wen people say stuff like this it really makes me think wat planet or dream world they were living on ....a game without glitches is like asking for a life without a single problem and also please stop playing any other games u have that have glitches and see wat ur left with

6,7,8,9,:are all understandable but remember these things are a working progress for a team dropping a game every year ...if they cum out with it simply cuz its demanded by people without patience and rush it and f**k it up youll be on here bitchin about that.

10:my player i myself would like to see a tremendously huge step foward in this mode being that i play it the most but any nba 2k fan has to admit that my player has gotten progressively better year after year

11:crew was rediculous that it wasnt in 2k12 but they had a reason that sounded reasonable for why it wasnt in 2k12 but if its not in 2k13 then their reason was complete BS Dedicated Servers would be nice they have the money for but cmon not even Call of Duty as dedicated servers and multiplayer is the biggest selling point for it

12..bans for hackers and modders couldnt agree more but like u said they wanna play the game the way they wanna play it so ur on both sides of th fence

13.true nba exp ...as a person who has actually played basketball for alot of my life i can say that it is the hardest sport to translate into a video game becuz ther are so many intangables and so many possible outcomes but id say 2k has done a pretty dam good job so far ..

and also u call it kow towing and blind fanatic but why did u buy a game that u stopped playing in 2 days that sounds like a blind fanatic to me to jus buy sumthin and dont know wat ur getting...
But if ur like me u realize that u enjoy and appreciate the product that 2k puts out every year and buy it becuz it will bring u countless hours of entertainment..

and please by all means if this game doesnt have everything u want go buy the hundreds of other games that have everything u want that come out on a yearly basis and youll be sittin there playin with ur joysticks at the homescreen

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