NCAA Football 13 News Post

NCAA Football 13 will not include the University of South Alabama. Jags Jungle corresponded with EA Sports for the answer.

South Alabama was a provisional member of FBS last year and did not play a full FBS schedule. We did not receive confirmation that they were changing to a full FBS schedule this year until it was too late for inclusion in NCAA Football 13. South Alabama will be included in NCAA Football 14.

Sources - Jags Jungle, CBS - Eye on College Football

Game: NCAA Football 13Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 60 - View All
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Member Comments
# 61 Sendak44 @ 06/15/12 01:13 PM
Pretty crazy that Forza can add whole car packs every month, but EA can't add a school later on.
Meh.. no biggie
# 62 cparrish @ 06/15/12 01:30 PM
Originally Posted by pj_28
Yes if I want to take the time to try and create them I can do that, then take the time to edit the roster to resemble them, then throw a team out of the FBS, then try and get their schedule right...or EA could have just included a team that should be in the game. I am not saying anything crazy like this is a deal breaker for me just that I am disappointed.
Just follow the FCS thread and you will find someone who will make an accurate South Alabama team to use. Not very time consuming on your end at all.

Originally Posted by Sendak44
Pretty crazy that Forza can add whole car packs every month, but EA can't add a school later on.
Meh.. no biggie
That is not a very strong example. Adding a car is nowhere near the same as adding another school. You have to completely re-program the scheduling of all other 123 schools if you add another school. A better comparison would be adding a car is the same as adding a uniform option for a school which by the way EA is implementing this year I believe.
# 63 Noble Evildoer @ 06/15/12 03:57 PM
Originally Posted by moylan
As it's already been stated in this thread their official plan in 2009 when they made the announcement was to get to FBS by 2013. This year was supposed to be their final transition year. I don't know what happened but they obviously got ahead of schedule and then failed to inform EA in time.

They're right on schedule. This is their final year of transition, in which they will play a full FBS schedule. This is also the exact same thing UTSA, TSU, and UMass are doing this season.
# 64 crques @ 06/15/12 04:27 PM
This isn't something that will keep me from purchasing the game, but it really is just another example of laziness and incompetence on the part of EA in regard to this game. I would imagine that any true fan of college football as a whole, not just of one team, was aware that the University of South Alabama would be playing a full FBS schedule this year. The fact that EA is making a college football game, supposedly including all FBS schools, and they dropped the ball on this one is a bit pathetic. They seriously should scrap their "if it's in the game" slogan.
# 65 madman112 @ 06/15/12 05:12 PM
poor reserch and laziness on ea part anyone who keeps trck of football would have knopw they will be in playing this year
# 66 moylan1234 @ 06/15/12 05:13 PM
Originally Posted by Noble Evildoer
They're right on schedule. This is their final year of transition, in which they will play a full FBS schedule. This is also the exact same thing UTSA, TSU, and UMass are doing this season.
okay so your working theory here is that EA made those three teams and then instead of doing just one more they decided to go watch tv and eat potato chips? or else you just think the developers have some sort of personal vendetta against the Jags? neither of those are at all likely. If the answer was "EA is lazy" they wouldn't have made any of the teams as you said they're all in a transitional stage and no one would have really blamed them if they weren't included. Logic states that the one and only reason the Jags aren't in the game is because they failed to communicate it to the proper channels.
# 67 TDenverFan @ 06/15/12 05:21 PM
Look, the last few MCAA games have been lackluster, IMO. But that doesn't mean everything is EAs fault. USoA messed up, and this aren't in the game.
# 68 BA2929 @ 06/15/12 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by crques
This isn't something that will keep me from purchasing the game, but it really is just another example of laziness and incompetence on the part of EA in regard to this game. I would imagine that any true fan of college football as a whole, not just of one team, was aware that the University of South Alabama would be playing a full FBS schedule this year. The fact that EA is making a college football game, supposedly including all FBS schools, and they dropped the ball on this one is a bit pathetic. They seriously should scrap their "if it's in the game" slogan.
I disagree. I don't think EA is lazy. If they were lazy they wouldn't have added UMass and the other two new teams this year. I highly doubt EA went OUT OF THEIR WAY to just not include one team this year. Why would they do that? Do you really believe that the guys at EA were sitting there saying, "South Alabama? Who's that? They suck and we don't want them in our game!" I also doubt the employees at EA have a vendetta against South Alabama and that's why they left them out. Something obviously went wrong in the channels of communication with South Alabama and that's why they're not in the game this year.


An EA Sports spokesperson told a South Alabama blog that "We did not receive confirmation that they were changing to a full FBS schedule this year until it was too late for inclusion in NCAA Football 13. South Alabama will be included in NCAA Football 14."
# 69 crques @ 06/15/12 05:45 PM
Originally Posted by BA2929
I disagree. I don't think EA is lazy. If they were lazy they wouldn't have added UMass and the other two new teams this year. I highly doubt EA went OUT OF THEIR WAY to just not include one team this year. Why would they do that? Do you really believe that the guys at EA were sitting there saying, "South Alabama? Who's that? They suck and we don't want them in our game!" I also doubt the employees at EA have a vendetta against South Alabama and that's why they left them out. Something obviously went wrong in the channels of communication with South Alabama and that's why they're not in the game this year.
No, I don't think that they left them out on purpose, or didn't put them in because they suck, or that they have a vendetta. What I'm saying is that EA probably had no idea that they were playing a FBS schedule this year and only commented on it now because it was called to their attention. Had they researched it a bit more, or even at all, they would have included them. Now next year's game will have a note saying, "FEATURNING ALL FBS TEAMS...INCLUDING THE UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH ALABAMA" like its some breakthrough.
# 70 BA2929 @ 06/15/12 05:50 PM
Originally Posted by crques
No, I don't think that they left them out on purpose, or didn't put them in because they suck, or that they have a vendetta. What I'm saying is that EA probably had no idea that they were playing a FBS schedule this year and only commented on it now because it was called to their attention. Had they researched it a bit more, or even at all, they would have included them. Now next year's game will have a note saying, "FEATURNING ALL FBS TEAMS...INCLUDING THE UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH ALABAMA" like its some breakthrough.
So you don't believe any of this blame falls on South Alabama? None whatsoever? You don't believe that EA didn't reach out to South Alabama to ask them directly that they were playing a full schedule this year and SA just failed to respond in time?

Seems more plausible to me than EA just being lazy because they didn't want to Google something.
# 71 moylan1234 @ 06/15/12 05:56 PM
crques that's not very likely either. again your telling us they put in the research for the other schools, but when it got to South Alabama they essentially had zero clue. even though as has been stated this was in the works since 2009. I'm sorry these theories are just reaching.
# 72 TDenverFan @ 06/15/12 07:08 PM
I really don't think adding UoSA will be a selling feature of 14.... Adding UTSA, TSt, and UMASS isn't a selling point in this one.
# 73 Suntan Superman @ 06/15/12 07:51 PM
Originally Posted by BA2929
So you don't believe any of this blame falls on South Alabama? None whatsoever? You don't believe that EA didn't reach out to South Alabama to ask them directly that they were playing a full schedule this year and SA just failed to respond in time?

Seems more plausible to me than EA just being lazy because they didn't want to Google something.
Never mind the legal process associated with this.
# 74 Noble Evildoer @ 06/15/12 07:53 PM
Originally Posted by moylan
crques that's not very likely either. again your telling us they put in the research for the other schools, but when it got to South Alabama they essentially had zero clue. even though as has been stated this was in the works since 2009. I'm sorry these theories are just reaching.
Which is why it makes no sense for EA to pretend that there was ever a question of whether they were moving or not.
# 75 BA2929 @ 06/15/12 08:38 PM
Originally Posted by Noble Evildoer
Which is why it makes no sense for EA to pretend that there was ever a question of whether they were moving or not.
Perhaps EA wanted confirmation from the school itself, or even the NCAA, that 2012 was indeed the season they were starting FBS scheduling. Maybe EA sent them a letter or email or phoned them asking for confirmation, but nobody at SA or the NCAA did anything about it. So EA, not wanting to go on the word of the internet or old articles, decided it would be best to hold off on creating the team this year.

They did have a 2-year provisional time period. Maybe EA wanted to make sure that the provisional period wasn't extended.

I'm thinking South Alabama, or even the NCAA, is the lazy one here. Not EA. Just because it's been "in the works since 2009" doesn't mean it wasn't delayed a year and EA wanted to make sure it wasn't before going all out on a new school. UMass had no trouble getting in the game. I know everyone is taking the side of South Alabama in this, but I'm not buying that EA is the only one to blame.
# 76 Catamount53 @ 06/15/12 09:13 PM
This doesn't bother me that much, but I don't see how it isn't EA's fault. Ultimately it is EA's football game and their own responsibility to make sure the game is as accurate as possible. If they didn't hear back from USA in time, they should have started bothering them for the information.

Also, in the meantime, they at least could have added the stadium in.

Bottom line. Ea is paying the NCAA for the information, EA is making the game, it is on EA to make sure they get the information from the schools in time to make it into the game.
# 77 Suntan Superman @ 06/15/12 09:27 PM
Fyi Presbyterian said they were going full Division 1 in 2010, they still aren't. Plans don't always go through as planned.
# 78 TDenverFan @ 06/15/12 09:28 PM
Schools like North Dakota State, James Madison, Appalachian State, South Dakota State, and Montana have all considered moving up to the FBS, but there is no reason for EA to add them until they confirm it.
# 79 Catamount53 @ 06/15/12 09:37 PM
South Alabama wasn't considering a change. Their original goal was to get into the FBS this season. Its EA's football game and only their fault when they miss stuff like this.

When you're making a college football game, you should already know what teams are doing. Not guessing and relying on the schools to tell you.
# 80 Suntan Superman @ 06/15/12 10:13 PM
I agree, its EAs fault they had a policy and followed it to attempt and absolve themselves of legal trouble. What absolute jerks.

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