11:24 AM - June 12, 2012 by Steve_OS
F1 Online: The Game News Post
F1 Online: The Game Videos
Member Comments
I love the concept of customizing the shell of the car with different shapes and whatnot but the whole paint scheme deal looks... dated... I remember playing a Nascar game a few years back that had pretty much the same level of design elements. They need to bring in something along the lines of what Forza has for designing the cars livery.
This game has great potential but needs work to make it a premier racer. I don't really think Car Customisation adds too much to the game. My biggest gripe with the series is just how insular the game is. Everything is about your driver with very little feedback on what's going on around you. AI drivers need to be far more human in the game. By this I mean that they make mistakes, make adjustments & are susceptible to the same things as you such as mechanical failures & race penalties. F1 is the pinnacle of motor sport loaded with hype & personality but none of this is portrayed successfully in the game.
F1 online is different from most racing games. Your car is very tiny and the camera view is from overhead, looking down. You then earn money and have to research parts for the blue prints and then construct the part. Its plans like an old arcade racing game, but you race against other people online
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