MLB 13 The Show News Post

With the MLB 2K series all but confirmed to be dead, Kotaku's Owen Good has posted an article on what MLB 13 The Show must do to keep the fans of baseball gaming happy. It should be interesting, considering a simulation baseball game for the 360 doesn't look very likely.

Your long slog through your career in Road to the Show makes the game's threadbare commentary painfully apparent. I think the world of Matt Vasgersian but he is shackled to an outdated commentary engine given to repetition and dead air. Dave Campbell's dialogue library is really showing its age, and a majority of his work sounds like Dave Campbell playing Dave Campbell. Eric Karros should be thanked for his service and sent home. The Show has world class visuals and a smooth, if minimalist, broadcast presentation. The commentary supporting it has not pulled its weight in years.

In your opinion, what does MLB 13 The Show need to do next year to satisfy your baseball gaming needs?

Source - If We Won’t Have MLB 2K to Kick Around Next Year, Here’s What The Show Must Do (Kotaku)

Game: MLB 13 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3Votes for game: 36 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 HustlinOwl @ 05/25/12 10:25 AM
Support Online Multiplayer or Get Rid of It

If it's the only option for baseball next year, then MLB the Show's straight-up unplayability online, for years now, will become an even more glaring weakness. It may be that baseball, a game of timing, is simply impossible to recreate meaningfully given the current state of the art of networking in the U.S. and all of the variables it contains. Just look at the strikeout totals in the multiplayer leaderboards. A baseball video game that is enjoyable online on the day of release would be a landmark achievement and sales driver, because 2K couldn't deliver that either. If Sony can't get this game to that state, it should jettison online multiplayer altogether and stop wasting money on the servers. I have given up on it and suspect many others have, too.
By far the best year of online in the series and continues to get better. There has been some minor mishaps, but nothing out of the norm considering online gaming.

Bring Life to the Broadcast Booth

Your long slog through your career in Road to the Show makes the game's threadbare commentary painfully apparent. I think the world of Matt Vasgersian but he is shackled to an outdated commentary engine given to repetition and dead air. Dave Campbell's dialogue library is really showing its age, and a majority of his work sounds like Dave Campbell playing Dave Campbell. Eric Karros should be thanked for his service and sent home. The Show has world class visuals and a smooth, if minimalist, broadcast presentation. The commentary supporting it has not pulled its weight in years.
It all becomes stale IMO no matter the sport, this is why I mute every sports game and would rather hear crowd with "Sounds of the Show"

If You Promise Something, Deliver It

The Show's biggest embarrassment, perhaps overshadowed because it affects a smaller population of users, is the broken state of its cross-platform play with the PS Vita. Naturally, this must not happen again next year. But The Show also led gamers to believe they'd have an Online Home Run Derby—a baseball mode that would actually work online because the pitching and hitting could be done entirely on the hitter's console. If undelivered promises like these happen next year, Sony and The Show can expect to be ripped for it, regardless of how many people use the feature.
Guess he failed to download the latest patch in preparation for the new game mode. I plan on setting up an OS online tourney come Monday, if anyone is interested. Let's hope that is an option.
Do Something Revolutionary to the Sports Genre

That's a tall expectation but not impossible. If you look at the across-the-board unfulfilled wishes of sports video gamers, probably the top one is career-mode importation across release years. Nowhere is this more necessary than in baseball, where a player's career lasts longer on average and a Hall of Famer's—ostensibly the goal of Road to the Show—averages about 17 seasons. That's a hell of a lot of work to put in each year. I've never done it, and I've always started over.
It would drive sales of an annual sports title if a gamer knew he could continue his long-playing career—either as a single player, or as a franchise owner or season general manager—in the next title, with all of its upgrades and refinements. Sony San Diego told me two years ago they had seriously looked at this, but warned there are developmental challenges the average gamer may not readily grasp. They still need to make this happen, not just for what it would do for The Show, but also for the goodwill it would return in setting that as an expectation of sports video games, pushing other developers to adopt it.
Baseball does change year to year, but that's mostly in personnel. While the Rays and A's have plans for a new stadium, there are no certain dates of their arrival. No expansion is planned. The postseason format was changed this year. Even if there are future structural changes to the league—franchise moves, new stadiums, playoff changes—gamers would accept them as a retcon without complaint. This is the best time to pry the roster file out of Road to the Show, Franchise and Season, and make it importable into a future version of MLB the Show. I do realize that is much easier said than done.
ahh, here it is add more fluff for the sake of fluff. They did this already with Road to the Show and Vita cross platform how soon we forget.
Steal MLB Today and Make It Better

There are a couple of things MLB 2K did well that The Show couldn't do without incurring the bad will of straight up copying an inferior competitor (or a legal action). But there's no copyright or software patent on facts, and a team's projected lineups and starting pitchers are published every day. MLB Today, especially with its "Season" addition this year, should have been an improvement. Instead, it was a broken, barely supported mess.
In the right hands, this is a great concept, especially when given the "rewrite history" context of MLB Today Season. But that mode, in MLB 2K12 only lets you play the current game on the calendar, a painfully limiting aspect. What I want to be able to do is play today's game and then play forward from that on my terms; or go back to a pivotal game, replay it, and alter my favorite club's fortunes that way.
I don't think gamers want to play alongside a 162-game season in real-time as much as they would want to jump into the middle of one and take it from there, or in September—six months after release—use it as wish fulfillment when their team starts to fade. That type of functionality would properly differentiate this from MLB Today, and turn it into a pick-up-and-play season mode that can deliver the full context of a pennant race.
I guess, but I have no desire to have my fantasy baseball season last a full season playing along side real MLB once again more fluff
# 2 BlackBetty15 @ 05/25/12 10:41 AM
The Show is already good as to it really only needs two things for me to be in baseball nirvana:

1. Sounds need to be entirely refine. Hire Chris mcleod to moonlight for the show or something. Right now it sounds as if scea did what the NCAA dev team and put four dudes on a tall roof screaming their heads off. That's unacceptable. Redo the crowd chants, swells, chatter (player, fans), concessionares walking down the aisles, and stadium ambience (airports, ambulance, boats, ect....) Commentary needs to be added onto. The cast is do.e but more banter, commedy lines, stat refrences ect... Need to be implemented.

2. Franchise needs reworked. Right now I believe there is so much clutter it takes away from the enjoyment of franchise. For OCD players things like transportation, rehab equipment and ads are must haves and thrilling...what it is to me is its cluttering and annoying to deal with. I would love it to death if they had a chise comparable to what MVP 05 had (sorry but that is the benchmark for chise to me) I want to control promotions, tickets, concessions, parking, stadium upgrades, and of course all the personnel for the team. I know copy and pasting MVP's franchise can't happen but I wish it could become pretty close.
# 3 HustlinOwl @ 05/25/12 10:49 AM
Originally Posted by BlackBetty15
I want to control promotions, tickets, concessions, parking, stadium upgrades, and of course all the personnel for the team.
umm all of that is in MLB The Show already
# 4 BSUFAN @ 05/25/12 10:55 AM
I quit buying Madden because it was just a rehash of previous years and no competition. I am new to the Show as of this past November and its not stale for me but for others I can see that it could be become that way. So, Lets not re-invent the wheel but take another step forward.
I am wanting new and different commentary/banter. comedy in the booth, more complete control of my RTTS player from beginning to end and as may new animations they can come up with ( not the same HR trot every time ) stadium overhauls for real looking grass and dirt ect. My overall experience all though short has been awesome for me!!
# 5 KingV2k3 @ 05/25/12 10:59 AM
The player movement (trades / FA / etc) in Franchise needs some attention...

In a thread earlier this season, the idea of implementing "roles" (franchise player / starter / role player / defensive specialist / contact hitter / cleanup hitter / 5 tool / etc) could possibly help the AI weigh / value players more effectively for roster and batting order logic...

That being said:

Very solid title, overall...as always!
# 6 Shogun613 @ 05/25/12 11:07 AM
I would love to hear Stadium-specific chants, organs, and all of the little stuff they can put in the game that they can actually get without having to get permission to use. I would love for them to send a bunch of guys out to every stadium with recording equipment to get those sound bites...
# 7 Troopershorty51 @ 05/25/12 11:09 AM
A few things would make this game just absolutely amazing...

1. Improved commentary - I don't need to go too in-depth with this one considering most people agree it's very stale.

2. ESPN, MLB Network presentation - I'm not sure how this works with legal stuff and everything or if they could do this but it would be awesome to be playing the sunday night baseball game of the week with all ESPN presentation.

3. Improvements to Franchise, including a headline ticker - I went back and was playing MLB 2k8 the other day and I completely forgot how awesome franchise mode was in that game.

There was a constant ticker going across the home franchise screen with headlines like "Sabathia fined, apologizes for beaning" or "Orioles call up phenom Dylan Bundy" and also at the beginning of the year things like "Cubs look like favorites to win World series" and "Verlander emerging as frontrunner for Cy Young award. Even though this are just one-liners that don't have deep articles attached they still make the mode seem so much more real. Also, I loved getting the email's from "Crazed Fan" yelling at me as a GM for my team losing too much or getting a goal mid-season to win a crucial series against a rival.

Now granted, the gameplay in 2k8 is awful, but I think they really got it right with franchise.
# 8 jethrotull @ 05/25/12 11:18 AM
More classic parks Tiger Stadium, Candlestick, Three Rivers.

The ability to download your jerseys and team you create in diamond dynasty. ( they would make some money even if they charged us to to do that now, as long as we can edit the players)

The ability to download full teams from the Vault. This is huge for roster editors!

More uniforms.

I can't think of many gameplay issues it's by far the best sports game out there!

Keep doing what you do! Stadium creator????!!!!! That would top it
# 9 sydrogerdavid @ 05/25/12 11:21 AM
1. Make Busch Stadium look even better.

2. Bring Create-a-team out of Diamond Dynasty and into the game itself. With more sock options.

3. Give us more options for vs CPU Diamond Dynasty. I would play it all day, except you can't go anywhere unless you play real people.

4. Like the article says, we still need to get RTTS transfers over the different titles.
# 10 jethrotull @ 05/25/12 11:23 AM
Also real quick we need Afros, long hair, shorter version of stirrups like the mid late 80's kind. Again if any of this can be incorporated and we have to pay for it this year we would.
# 11 Bulls321974 @ 05/25/12 11:25 AM
Get the sizes of the uniform and helmet logos, plus the player numbers right! The helmet logos of plenty of baseball teams are too small (e.g. Houston, Kansas City, Seattle, Colorado, Chicago White Sox).

Other uniform secondary logos are too small as well, e.g. Oakland's elephant or the "db" on Arizona's uniform.

Fix the colors: The red of Washington, St. Louis, L.A. Angels and Philadelphia is off (Washington and L.A. Angels especially). The respective blue tones of Seattle's, Minnesota's and Cleveland's batting helmets are off, too. They're too light and should be as dark as Atlanta's helmet (which is perfect).
# 12 seanjeezy @ 05/25/12 11:28 AM
If 13 adds these things I will never play another game ever again:

200 players in an organization

An amateur draft that isn't tied to retirements

Make the minimum age 16 and have the IFA process work like it does in real life

A revamp of the progression and training systems to allow more variance and rapid growth when a prospect "figures it out"

A way to import players from the year before

Home and away uniform options in the edit screen

For the vita version have CAPs imported from the PS3 look like the PS3 version
# 13 sydrogerdavid @ 05/25/12 11:29 AM
Originally Posted by Bulls321974
Get the sizes of the uniform and helmet logos, plus the player numbers right! The helmet logos of plenty of baseball teams are too small (e.g. Houston, Kansas City, Seattle, Colorado). Other uniform secondary logos are too small as well, e.g. Oakland's elephant or the "db" on Arizona's uniform. Fix the colors: The red of Washington, St. Louis, L.A. Angels and Philadelphia is off (Washington and L.A. Angels especially). The respective blue tones of Seattle's, Minnesota's and Cleveland's batting helmets are off, too. They're too light and should be as dark as Atlanta's helmet (which is perfect).

The colors might just be your TV.
# 14 jethrotull @ 05/25/12 11:29 AM
Importing rosters over from year to another would also be HUGE!
# 15 PsychoBulk @ 05/25/12 11:30 AM

Feeling incredibly stale now in terms of presentation, fonts and other details.

Its time for a major revamp (note i didnt say upgrade, as its a deep mode already).
# 16 Bulls321974 @ 05/25/12 11:31 AM
Originally Posted by sydrogerdavid
The colors might just be your TV.
No, no...my TV is pretty okay. The colors are just off and sometimes don't have much in common with their real counterparts. Trust me, because being a digital media designer, dealing with colors is my daily business...
# 17 BenGerman @ 05/25/12 11:48 AM
Two things come to mind. Commentary (overall presentation), and Franchise.

Franchise is solid enough, but I would like them to totally rework the look of it. I'd also think it would be great for them to add a new way to negotiate trades and Free Agency. One of the best things about baseball's offseason is the back and forth in Free Agency. Same with the trade deadline. I'd love there to be a back and forth trade offering system.

Commentary should be completely reworked. I think the ultimate addition would be fully incorporating MLB.tv. Almost every fan of baseball I know has the MLB.tv/MLB Channel (and for good reason, its awesome). Something like a weekly show at the end of the week giving power rankings, and maybe a few highlights would be awesome.
# 18 Majingir @ 05/25/12 11:53 AM
Diff commentators(especially diff main commentator too)

Allow more variety of CPU and User sliders(so something like fielding errors,baserunner speed has a diff slider for CPU and User)

Fix up field color on the stadiums(Also, Rogers centre has some grey section seats in the game(all around the dugouts). In real life, those are dark blue. Don't get how that was messed up since they're obviously not even close to the same color)

On sounds of the show, have a few slots added for moments like when the manager visits the pitching mound, or a foul ball occurs(since in real life, we always have some sort of small 5-10 second clip play)
# 19 Chef Matt @ 05/25/12 12:02 PM
More responsive defense. Please.
# 20 hogfanhw81 @ 05/25/12 12:18 PM
Suggestions pertaining to uniforms are difficult for the producers to follow through on because of the strict guidelines they must follow with (in this case) the MLB Style Guide. I know for instance, the deadline for teams to make sweeping changes to next year's uniforms is quickly approaching as the Astros will be bringing back the orange more starting next season. Now I know there are uniforms (i.e. the Brewers home alternate) that are not in the game and in that case it would be nice to have them as they have worn them for several years now.

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