FIFA 13 News Post

ESPN's Jon Robinson has posted an article on the "Little Things" FIFA 13 brings to the table.

EA Sports reworked the ways referees make calls under the hood so now the referees on the field will have a better understanding of every collision that takes place in order to make better calls. Adds McHardy: “We’ve also added in the ability for referees to understand the push/pull situation and the battle for positioning, and the fact that the referees understand that better means we could push the boundaries of that feature a little more because we can allow for a player to go over the edge and the referee will actually call a foul. There’s a nice little balance there with what we’ve done with the referee.”

Game: FIFA Soccer 13Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii U / Xbox 360Votes for game: 15 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 Krebstar @ 05/21/12 06:10 PM
If they fixed it at all from this year, it's huge. I'd play FIFA 12 4x more than I do now if fouls were called.

At this stage, I'd much rather see too many fouls called than not enough. It's pretty sad they couldn't include this in a patch, but they've never patched the FIFA gameplay from what I recall.

Either way, it's good to hear it was a priority. It's already far too easy to do a standing tackle, and it's made worse by the fact you can foul and tackle nearly at will.
# 2 KG @ 05/21/12 06:52 PM
Happy to hear this but a foul slider would have fixed this last yr.

After reading the blurb I have to ask "Wasn't the vision cone feature supposed to eliminate miracle passes?"
# 3 Dazraz @ 05/22/12 07:54 AM
A foul slider would only work if the logic behind the fouls that occur is fixed. On EA's NHL game, even with all penalty sliders maxed out its not uncommon to play a game of 10 minute periods & still only see 1 penalty called.
Hopefully this area is addressed correctly in FIFA but I doubt it will be as big a change as that which is required. For sure though it can't be worse.
# 4 Krebstar @ 05/22/12 09:22 AM
In past games, there were never enough, but I'd take that again compared to what happened now. At least early they knew it was an issue and stated the referee logic needed to be tweaked to pair with the impact engine.

I'm pretty confident we'll see more fouls, but not entirely confident we'll see a better amount or that we'll get a slider.
# 5 Altimus @ 05/22/12 09:25 AM
Originally Posted by Krebstar
In past games, there were never enough, but I'd take that again compared to what happened now. At least early they knew it was an issue and stated the referee logic needed to be tweaked to pair with the impact engine.

I'm pretty confident we'll see more fouls, but not entirely confident we'll see a better amount or that we'll get a slider.
I want to see more fouls, don't care much about the slider as I don't think it will even work. Look at Madden. You can max out PI and you'll be lucky to see one during the entire cycle of playing the game.
# 6 BostonsDaBest @ 05/22/12 03:52 PM
Along with improved intelligence, I'd like to see ref personalities similar to the MLB
The Show series.

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