Madden NFL 13 News Post

Te-bow-ing... It's in the game.

According to Madden NFL 13 Creative Director Michael Young, Tebowing is in.

Game: Madden NFL 13Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii U / Xbox 360Votes for game: 77 - View All
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Member Comments
# 41 PVarck31 @ 05/19/12 10:38 PM
Originally Posted by willz1985
So instead of improving online franchises they decided to add a gimmick from a backup Quarterback.

Makes perfect sense EA..................
Wow - they are dammed if they do and dammed if they don't.
# 42 PackerBacker123 @ 05/19/12 11:31 PM
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
yeah. this is a website for sports gaming for cry'n out loud!
# 43 Kaiser Wilhelm @ 05/20/12 12:14 AM
Ugh, the sensationalism and lack of common sense in so many posts makes me very much dislike coming to OS during this time of the year.
# 44 jmurphy31 @ 05/20/12 08:03 AM
I dont mind this being in the game, in fact its the little details that make the game.

I just hope its only Tebow who Tebows...Didnt one Madden have some random guy doing the Ray lewis Dance before the game if Lewis wasnt on the team anymore?
# 45 ryan36 @ 05/20/12 11:26 AM
Originally Posted by Errors Occurred
I don't want to bring up another game but if anyone plays the MLB The Show then you know it's all the little details that make the game as great as it is...and the devs by doing this will bring more of what you see on Sunday to the Game
Yeah, it's a different vision. I don't think EA either takes the time or has the attention to detail. One of the two. That's why I'm being harder than usual on them this year. They always try to pack a lot in the game, but it's all 70%.

If m11 had come in on time and on schedule, 13 would've been the pinnacle. M11 was "locomotion" - and the first thing we did? Complain about locomotion. Lol it was implementation gone wrong
# 46 jmurphy31 @ 05/20/12 12:03 PM
Originally Posted by ryan36
Yeah, it's a different vision. I don't think EA either takes the time or has the attention to detail. One of the two. That's why I'm being harder than usual on them this year. They always try to pack a lot in the game, but it's all 70%.

If m11 had come in on time and on schedule, 13 would've been the pinnacle. M11 was "locomotion" - and the first thing we did? Complain about locomotion. Lol it was implementation gone wrong
Correct, EA likes to add things just so they can they can say they added them and it seems like they usually dont work out the way they wanted. Implementation is the KEY.

Two years ago they recorded all the QB dialogues, but most were left unheard. They always talk about adding new animations and yet we never see them, because they're not triggered. Though stats have improved, there were years when 8 RB's would run for over 2,000 yards. They have a player of the game that sometimes makes no sense. I win games by over 30 points, but the CPU was awarded the player of the game for having one interception returned for A TD

I love what they are trying to do, I just want to see them be implemented correctly
# 47 JerzeyReign @ 05/20/12 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by jmurphy31
Correct, EA likes to add things just so they can they can say they added them and it seems like they usually dont work out the way they wanted. Implementation is the KEY.

Two years ago they recorded all the QB dialogues, but most were left unheard. They always talk about adding new animations and yet we never see them, because they're not triggered. Though stats have improved, there were years when 8 RB's would run for over 2,000 yards. They have a player of the game that sometimes makes no sense. I win games by over 30 points, but the CPU was awarded the player of the game for having one interception returned for A TD

I love what they are trying to do, I just want to see them be implemented correctly
I'm gonna correct your correction. They add things in "half ***" and when we complain about them they just "let them go" instead of continuing to build on them. Take locomotion for example -- they put it in and we complained that it really didn't effect the offense as much as the defense -- what did they do? -- they tuned it to the point where you can barely tell its represented.

Building on previous features is key -- it seems the "business" mindset of EA is to add a new gimmick every year. Pretty sure thats a "suit" decision and not a dev decision.
# 48 jmurphy31 @ 05/20/12 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by SalutationsNJ
I'm gonna correct your correction. They add things in "half ***" and when we complain about them they just "let them go" instead of continuing to build on them. Take locomotion for example -- they put it in and we complained that it really didn't effect the offense as much as the defense -- what did they do? -- they tuned it to the point where you can barely tell its represented.

Building on previous features is key -- it seems the "business" mindset of EA is to add a new gimmick every year. Pretty sure thats a "suit" decision and not a dev decision.
I wasnt correcting in my post and I agree with what your say (maybe I didnt say it the way you did). EA does things not 100% and after a few years instead of improving on them they remove them. The list could go on from the Extra Point (both weekly and halftime), Pro-Tak, Fight for Fumble, QB Entrances, Madden IQ, etc

I also agree with you that someone higher up likes to add "back of the box" gimmicks to bring in new customers and of course the developers need to include it in the game..
# 49 bichettehappens @ 05/20/12 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by jmurphy31
I dont mind this being in the game, in fact its the little details that make the game.

I just hope its only Tebow who Tebows...Didnt one Madden have some random guy doing the Ray lewis Dance before the game if Lewis wasnt on the team anymore?
I wouldn't mind seeing other players do it, especially if playing the Jets or whatever team Tebow may be on at the time. Similar to Stephen Tulloch Tebowing after sacking him last year
# 50 jmurphy31 @ 05/20/12 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by bichettehappens
I wouldn't mind seeing other players do it, especially if playing the Jets or whatever team Tebow may be on at the time. Similar to Stephen Tulloch Tebowing after sacking him last year
That would be fine as well but I was thinking of random players doing it in a game that Tebow isn't in.
# 51 bichettehappens @ 05/20/12 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by steelersfan77
I was just wondering how much disk space this took up and could it of been used for something else gameplay wise.
I'm sure it is comparable to any other player-specific trademark move or generic celebration, which I can't imagine takes up very much space or development time at all in the grand scheme of things.
# 52 db56 @ 05/20/12 08:45 PM
I think its great and hope that EA would add as many of the personal celebrations that players are known for. It adds realism and makes for more of a complete product.

I'm a Tebow guy but I think its hilarious that the powers that be have crowned praying in the endzone "Tebowing." NFL players have been doing this ever since I can remember....
# 53 reddogmaddogbul @ 05/20/12 10:33 PM
Have you guys ever see the touchdown celebration where the ballcarrier kneels in relief;"as to say thank god for this touchdown".Im willing to bet ,thats about all your going to see in regards to tebowing in M13.Come on guys, lets not forget what company were talking about here;enough of the hype already.

# 54 supermanemblem @ 05/21/12 02:01 AM
Once again EA is putting cheesy gimmicks into Madden instead of tightening the gameplay mechanics. I don't care what they've said has changed because it usually never works as they describe it. Also, Madden has had the same issues for several years. How is this year going to be different? Oh great, we can Tebow. It better mean we don't have to wait another year play action passing or OL/DL independent interaction to be implemented. The demo better wow me or they can count on one less sale until they get it right. I'm not easily amused by the shiny.
# 55 balljonesjr @ 05/21/12 02:36 AM
That answers my question
# 56 jpdavis82 @ 05/21/12 03:23 AM
I don't know what's crazier to me the fact that Tebowing is in the game, or that my name got tied into this whole story. I mean it's everywhere, I go to NFL.com usatoday.com, etc... and click where it says what he tweeted and there it is his tweet and my picture.
# 57 Pared @ 05/21/12 10:59 AM
Originally Posted by supermanemblem
Once again EA is putting cheesy gimmicks into Madden instead of tightening the gameplay mechanics. I don't care what they've said has changed because it usually never works as they describe it. Also, Madden has had the same issues for several years. How is this year going to be different? Oh great, we can Tebow. It better mean we don't have to wait another year play action passing or OL/DL independent interaction to be implemented. The demo better wow me or they can count on one less sale until they get it right. I'm not easily amused by the shiny.
I wish some of you would stop using any single addition as a means to complain about the same things over and over. These rants are worthless and it's getting annoying.

Guess what? This tiny little animation has nothing to do with the problems in the game. Even those that want improvement just like you do can realize this. Not interested? Great - move along.
# 58 Spaced Ace @ 05/21/12 03:11 PM
How about EA focus on making the game good?! You know, instead of adding "Tebowing?" Nobody likes Tim Tebow anyway...
# 59 berad88 @ 05/21/12 03:41 PM
Originally Posted by Spaced Ace
How about EA focus on making the game good?! You know, instead of adding "Tebowing?" Nobody likes Tim Tebow anyway...

I like Tim Tebow. Especially when he knocked the Steelers out of the playoffs with a well placed pass.
Glad to see Tebowing in the game. I hope we get to see lots of stuff that we see on sundays in Madden 13.

What I don't like though is when people don't read the whole thread.
# 60 BezO @ 05/21/12 03:56 PM
Originally Posted by Pared
Guess what? This tiny little animation has nothing to do with the problems in the game. Even those that want improvement just like you do can realize this.
I don't know. It's an animation. Must've taken some time to mo cap. They add up. Every celebration animation that makes it might mean a gameplay animation that doesn't.

But I'm an all-hands-on-deck-for-gameplay-improvements type. I think the Art Guy should be working on pulled-on jerseys for the all new grab tackles.

Cool celebration though.

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