NCAA Football 13 News Post

Check out the latest NCAA Football 13 screenshot, featuring Oklahoma vs. West Virginia.

Game: NCAA Football 13Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 60 - View All
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Member Comments
# 21 BamaFan1309 @ 05/16/12 06:04 PM
Originally Posted by capn_razzamataz
It's as if EA is just taunting me with the ankle socks.

EA: "Yeah, the ankle socks are STILL in the game AND THEY ALWAYS WILL BE! But you'll still buy the game anyways because you're an idiot!"

Me: *sulking* "You're right. Here's my money."
I just wanna say this made me literally laugh out loud
# 22 JerzeyReign @ 05/16/12 06:06 PM
Is OU's logo really that small on the helmet?

I know thats being picky but it looks tiny -- maybe its the angle?
# 23 BoomerSooner11 @ 05/16/12 06:13 PM
Originally Posted by SalutationsNJ
Is OU's logo really that small on the helmet?

I know thats being picky but it looks tiny -- maybe its the angle?
I was thinking the same thing, looks really small.
# 24 UH53 @ 05/16/12 06:17 PM
Originally Posted by DJACK
C'mon.. Gameplay team and Art team are completely separate you should know that by now. It's more like would you rather them spend 2 weeks on facemasks or 2 weeks on USC song girls..... Well we all know what route they chose there..
Hahaha!!!! So freaking true! I know they want to capture the essence of CFB but the last I checked the game's not being played by the SC song girls, marching bands, or fans.... Fight On! A representation of what we see on field is all most people have been asking for and we have yet to see it while each year our pockets get $60 shorter! I'm actually looking forward to Madden because it represents FOOTBALL and they're paying attention to what's being represented on the field!
# 25 UH53 @ 05/16/12 06:35 PM
To reiterate my point about Madden http://www.easports.com/madden-nfl/news/article/madden-nfl-13-presentation.... Enough said! Hopefully this is an early build and they just don't want to reveal what they have in store as far as the art, but when they release screenshots like this OU vs WVU pic it's hard to get excited when it looks like last years game!
# 26 UH53 @ 05/16/12 06:36 PM
# 27 PVarck31 @ 05/16/12 06:43 PM
Lets tread lightly guys.
# 28 mjc88 @ 05/16/12 06:50 PM
I just want socks and leg sleeves....I know they're on a 3 year deal to get everything right. But they could change this. There better not be a glitch if I change them..
# 29 Goodolboi55 @ 05/16/12 06:52 PM
Originally Posted by SECElite3
I'd be really careful here weenie. You are attacking a well respected member of this community. I have seen some previous posts of yours and you are coming close to overstepping the rules.

Just giving you a heads up before the mods do.
U know guys I hate to say it but weenie is really right about the facemasks I like them cause they make the game look more realistic and also in rtg I like to look like a badass. but I do agree with u he is bein a little rude
# 30 I3RIS3H @ 05/16/12 06:57 PM
If the gameplay is good and the game is free of any game-breaking bugs then I can overlook things such as socks.
# 31 PowerofRed25 @ 05/16/12 07:14 PM
I kind of wish they would just come out and say what types of graphics/player model things have been/were being addressed when they release these screenshots. Because otherwise things like these thread happen and you have people wondering about logos, socks, equipment or even if this is a screenshot using the current graphic system.
# 32 DetroitStyle @ 05/16/12 07:31 PM
Originally Posted by I3RIS3H
If the gameplay is good and the game is free of any game-breaking bugs then I can overlook things such as socks.
Agreed. I mean, OS should tell EA to buzz off if they send them early images. They should respond with "give us gameplay, gameplay, gameplay!" For several years now they up the ante with graphics and make it a beautiful game but then we truly see the gameplay and are left scratching our heads...

Socks, really? A QB could be pump faking to the opposite end zone and field goals could count for 8 points, but I'll be damned if they have the wrong socks! lol
# 33 DorianDonP @ 05/16/12 08:34 PM
For those that are annoyed with people criticizing the screenshot, what else do you want people to talk about in a screenshot thread?

There is no motion. You can't logically turn this still image into a discussion on gameplay. You'd be reaching to look at the image and make any qualitative statement about gameplay.

If NCAA is releasing these photos, then people will talk about what they see in the photo. And what sticks out obviously are the things people are criticizing.

Why do people talk about socks and face masks and colors and lighting in every screenshot thread? Because there is nothing else to point out, aside from the graphics looking exactly the same as 12. Give EA the feedback that these screenshots deserve. We want these things fixed.
# 34 MSchneider84 @ 05/16/12 08:37 PM
Originally Posted by merchant1874
Ok il go first and im being serious^^^^^^

Why in the hell do they still have those ankle socks?
Why are the colors STILL wrong and washed out?
Why is the football so darn big?

Is this actually a pic from 12?
I agree with all of this.
# 35 LionsFanNJ @ 05/16/12 08:39 PM
Looks like last years game. Nothing at all new here.
# 36 CT Pitbull @ 05/16/12 08:43 PM
Originally Posted by merchant1874
Ok il go first and im being serious^^^^^^

Why in the hell do they still have those ankle socks?
Why are the colors STILL wrong and washed out?
Why is the football so darn big?

Is this actually a pic from 12?
ummmm....DITTO if i see one more screenshot released with players wearing ankle socks my head is gonna explode...and therefore i will not be able to purchase ncaa13...oh well
# 37 LionsFanNJ @ 05/16/12 08:49 PM
Also EA loves their damn sunny games/screenshots. I can't remember the last time they released a screenshot of cloudy weather or rain/snow. Makes complete sense seeing how you can't get an overcast game in dynasty. Totally off topic though I would like to see some other weather in the screenshots
# 38 CT Pitbull @ 05/16/12 08:58 PM
a screenshot is incapable of showing gameplay therefore i would like to see a screenshot of college players looking like the college players i am going to see on saturdays this fall... show some new gear ...if you have any... show correct sock style if you have seen a college game in the past 5+ years ...its anything but ankle length... show us different hair lengths and colors ...show us new uniforms added...do not show us a WVU player with a BIG EAST Conference patch on his jersey i mean wtfreak are they doing over there??? i could go pop ncaa12 in right now and post a screenshot on this forum and say .."check out the new NCAA13 screenshot boys...Whaddya think looks awesome huh????.....SMH!!!!

# 39 Bolt957 @ 05/16/12 09:07 PM
Could be waaaay better. And when are the Nike cleats gonna have the inverted colors with the Team Color being the dominant color???
# 40 kingkilla56 @ 05/16/12 09:12 PM
Is this really NCAA 13 screenshots? They look identical in every way to 12. Am I missing something?

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