MLB 2K12 News Post

Owen Good is firing on all cylinders, as he continues with more from Cheatgate MLB 2K12.

It's appalling that anyone would think that rigging the opposing lineup is acceptable in a million-dollar contest predicated on throwing a perfect game. But the reactions of some video gamers were as predictable as they are contemptible. What is truly outrageous is that the contest's administrators at 2K Sports saw nothing wrong with it either.

It is a sad irony that a programming glitch, the likes of which have plagued MLB 2K through the lifespan of an exclusive license set to expire this year, tarnishes the one thing this game did right.

They judged a million dollars as a fair price to recreate a real-life feat accomplished by fewer men than have orbited the moon. They chose to do it not because it was easy, but because it was hard. That is why the cheating, 2K Sports' acceptance of it, and failure to protect us from it, is so dishonorable.

Source - Eight Men In: Cheating Tarnishes Everyone in 2K Sports’ Million-Dollar Scandal (Kotaku)

Game: Major League Baseball 2K12 Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 12 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 Gotmadskillzson @ 05/06/12 06:53 PM
I wish they would just stop doing these contests and use the money towards improving their game. Just takes the fun out of things when people cheat to win.
# 2 BigBlue @ 05/06/12 07:05 PM
Here's what will happen; a representative from 2k sports will begrudgingly award one million dollars, and then 2k will disappear from baseball video gaming. All that will be left is the nba game, and that has taken a little hit this year.

To think that this company was once at the top of its game with the nfl, nba and NHL franchise and see how far down it has fallen is stunning.

We are witnessing the end of a sports video gaming giant.

# 3 Neolithic @ 05/06/12 08:33 PM
In fairness, the NBA game was hurt I think due to the lockout and shortened season.

But yeah, I can remember when you laughed at EA and the like about their sports titles, (NHL especially), now.... 2k's sports division is going to likely be getting a bit smaller.
# 4 boomhauertjs @ 05/07/12 08:17 AM
A fitting end to 2k's exclusive baseball license...
# 5 Yeats @ 05/07/12 08:21 AM
Originally Posted by BigBlue
Here's what will happen; a representative from 2k sports will begrudgingly award one million dollars, and then 2k will disappear from baseball video gaming. All that will be left is the nba game, and that has taken a little hit this year.

To think that this company was once at the top of its game with the nfl, nba and NHL franchise and see how far down it has fallen is stunning.

We are witnessing the end of a sports video gaming giant.
Let's try and keep things in perspective. It's a few online cheating creeps, not the 2K Apocalypse.
# 6 Yeats @ 05/07/12 08:25 AM
Originally Posted by boomhauertjs
A fitting end to 2k's exclusive baseball license...
Now that's more in perspective. And so true.
# 7 Blzer @ 05/07/12 09:01 AM
The real problem is that 2K's perfect game algorithm is extremely flawed. It seems to only take a team into account, and not its individual players. The algorithm should be on a pitch-by-pitch basis, looking at every player rating and every situation (including fatigue, how they squared up the ball, etc). Instead, they probably think of Boston as a Top 5 team, and rank them as such regardless of who's in the game.

I think 2K is at fault for that, though I also think they should be allowed to take the reigns and say that what Haff and others did would be considered "illegal" in a sense. After all, I don't remember getting my $40 PS3 after ordering it from Target.com when they had the wrong price up. They made an honest mistake, corrected it, and felt it wasn't justifiable to be able to deliver with that kind of promise.
# 8 Pared @ 05/07/12 12:24 PM
Originally Posted by Gotmadskillzson
I wish they would just stop doing these contests and use the money towards improving their game. Just takes the fun out of things when people cheat to win.
That's not the way it works.
# 9 Heroesandvillains @ 05/07/12 04:57 PM
The official response is atrocious. They should be ashamed of themselves (not all of 2K, just the people who's job it is to make this decision and/or write the press release)...
# 10 m1ke_nyc @ 05/07/12 07:34 PM
Originally Posted by thevaliantx
How does it work?
They have a marketing budget and a development budget, the money for the 1million dollar contest comes from the marketing budget, it doesnt affect gameplay development.
# 11 crumpled_heap @ 05/07/12 09:21 PM
Originally Posted by Steve_OS

Owen Good is firing on all cylinders, as he continues with more from Cheatgate MLB 2K12.

Source - Eight Men In: Cheating Tarnishes Everyone in 2K Sports’ Million-Dollar Scandal (Kotaku)
I disagree with steveOS/owen good. I don't believe that the million dollar contest was the only good thing about the game. I think Visual Concepts is a good developer and 2k12 is a great game.
# 12 bkrich83 @ 05/07/12 09:43 PM
Final nail in the coffin to what has been at best a mediocre product. There's little doubt this is the last installment of this series.
# 13 Pappy Knuckles @ 05/07/12 10:23 PM
Originally Posted by bkrich83
Final nail in the coffin to what has been at best a mediocre product. There's little doubt this is the last installment of this series.
BK's comment has me cracking up over here. I don't know why I found that so hilarious.

Farewell, MLB 2K. You didn't provide me with that many fond memories, but at least you gave me a baseball game to play on the 360. Thanks for that, I guess.
# 14 bkrich83 @ 05/07/12 10:32 PM
Originally Posted by Pappy Knuckles
BK's comment has me cracking up over here. I don't know why I found that so hilarious.

Farewell, MLB 2K. You didn't provide me with that many fond memories, but at least you gave me a baseball game to play on the 360. Thanks for that, I guess.
Which is funny because the You didn't provide me with many fon memories comment, just killed me.
# 15 crumpled_heap @ 05/07/12 11:24 PM
Originally Posted by bkrich83
Final nail in the coffin to what has been at best a mediocre product. There's little doubt this is the last installment of this series.
I don't understand why you would think this. Visual Concepts has been making baseball video games since 1994.
# 16 bkrich83 @ 05/08/12 12:10 AM
Originally Posted by gilgamesh348
I don't understand why you would think this. Visual Concepts has been making baseball video games since 1994.

Market has changed, their financials have changed, the people making the decisions have changed and the quality of their product has changed.

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