NBA 2K12 News Post

The OS Mega Roster Project (360)
Follow us on twitter @OSMegaRoster

By: TwitterButtons.com
By TwitterButtons.com

Welcome to the OS Mega Roster Project! I created this project so people can have REAL life NBA 2K12 gameplay. I strive for gameplay accuracy and I have done countless hours of testing in this area.

What is edited in this roster?
Ratings (By: Paul Pierce and Slimm44):

Ratings are not overall based, I never go by overall when editing players because I want the gameplay to be 100% realistic. Ratings are from data from the last three seasons expect for shooting ratings which are based off the current NBA season.These edits ALSO extend to classic teams.

Tendencies (Paul Pierce, Hyperballer and Slimm44):

Tendencies are what you can call a "mixed bag". Slimm44 edited the tendencies on his PC roster then I used them as a base for this roster. Hyperballer Provided the dribble tendencies to help provide realistic dribbling animations.These edits ALSO extend to classic teams.

Animations (1rose, Paul Pierce, Hyperballer):

As you can see we have tons of people who worked with the animation edits. We used 1Rose's sig shot edits in our roster from the signature shot thread. We used hyperballer's dribble animation edits for realistic dribbling animations. And I edited some of the free throw and sig shot edits to my own liking. These edits ALSO extend to classic teams.

Contracts (EagleRock562 and Paul Pierce):

Contracts were done from EagleRocks website that you can find here. I simply applied them and took away one year so that contracts are ready for the 2012-2013 season. I also edited +1 year for bird rights and years pro as well.

Accessories (Perry Price):

Accessories are from Perry Prices Sim 2 the maxx roster that can also be found on OS. He edited accessories from the last time we saw these teams and he has allowed me to use the valuable edits in my roster!

Playbooks (Vannwolfhawk):

Playbooks are from vann's popular playbook edits. They help teams play as realistic as they can. Vann tried to add how teams run Pick and rolls, cuts, screens and many other facets to the game with these edits. These were a huge help in making the gameplay great.

Player Movement (Weeks):

Weeks is what I like to call a player movement guru. He follows twitter and many other outlets to get the latest player movement. Another person I would like to thank for this is dj123456705 he constantly posts on my thread on player movement, I can't thank him enough for it.

2012 Rookies (Vtcrb):
I used vtcrb's draft class to get my 2012 first rounders. Other then faces, draft info and other minor details EVERY 2012 rookie is from vtcrb's draft class.

Rookie CAP's (Hulyan):

Hulyan has created the whole first round, including some second rounders faces (The rest of the players faces were as is on vtcrb's draft class). Hulyan is probably the best cap maker around and he did an excellent job on the faces.

Staff Edits (PJT8450):
Staff edits are by PJT8450! He edited staff so that all teams have their head coaches, assistant coaches and many other staff members correct. These edits ALSO extend to classic teams.

Special Thanks List:
Steve_OS: For mentioning my roster on the first page
vtcrb: Letting use his 2012 rookies and making the roster compatible with every draft class on this site.
Gausec: For creating some of the missing player CAPs
Hyperballer: Dribble Edits

Latest File:

Gamertag: Extreme3600
Offline Link: http://www.filedropper.com/rooksv2

"Don't play video games, Play basketball" -Da_Czar

Originally Posted by Paul Pierce
OK I'm done with the trolling and the mess that's gone on with this thread. But I know some of you are not 2 years old and actually like my updates so I will not disconnected them for you guys. I'm working on setting up an email pool for the roster, the email is [email protected]. I will ONLY be updating the roster through this. (Thanks to vtcrb for this idea)

To join:

Send an email to [email protected] with your username.

I will be still updating this thread with progress on the roster.

Thank you.

Game: NBA 2K12Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: iOS / PC / PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 102 - View All
NBA 2K12 Videos
Member Comments
# 2821 Paul Pierce_OS @ 08/19/12 07:31 PM
FYI we are still on for today!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
# 2822 jerseyboi2284 @ 08/19/12 11:16 PM
Still haven't gotten an email. I really want to enjoy these before I get too deep into Madden. I'm guessing either the roster isn't complete and ur not sending the older version or somehow I've been lost in the shuffle.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
# 2823 Paul Pierce_OS @ 08/19/12 11:24 PM
Originally Posted by jerseyboi2284
Still haven't gotten an email. I really want to enjoy these before I get too deep into Madden. I'm guessing either the roster isn't complete and ur not sending the older version or somehow I've been lost in the shuffle.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
Sorry about that, I'm not doing the email thing due to several other issues, the roster will be done in about 10-15 min. We are thinking about making a new thread as well.
# 2824 Grazz1 @ 04/05/13 05:21 AM
Hi, is this for PC only?
# 2825 gausec @ 04/05/13 08:53 AM
Originally Posted by Grazz1
Hi, is this for PC only?
This is 360 only
# 2826 Kosovan @ 04/20/13 02:06 PM
Is this roster updated to the current NBA rosters??
# 2827 turty11 @ 04/20/13 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by Kosovan
Is this roster updated to the current NBA rosters??
i doubt it, its from 2k12
# 2828 Paul Pierce_OS @ 04/20/13 02:38 PM
Originally Posted by lhslancers
The offline link in the first post doesn't work. Can someone upload the file?
Check out the Vault, I have none of these files anymore. Let's stop bumping this old thread, Thanks.
# 2829 rskashyap @ 12/03/23 10:26 AM
An NBA wife is explaining about her lifestyle. https://www.easkme.com/2023/04/lifestyle-tips-from-nba-wife-ayesha.html

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