NBA Live 13 News Post

NBA Live 13 will feature full ESPN branding. Mike Breen and Jeff Van Gundy will handle the commentary in NBA Live 13. Since Mark Jackson is coaching the Warriors, he will no longer be a part of the game.

The NBA Live 13 team will focus on gameplay, presentation and online, according to a recent article at Kotaku.

The Creative Director is a former college point guard and his father played for John Wooden, at UCLA. The NBA Live 13 team is made up of over 70 people.

Source - Two Years Out of the NBA, EA Sports Puts Its Live Back Together (Kotaku)

Game: NBA Live 13Hype Score: 5.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 56 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 bigbob @ 04/27/12 12:18 AM
Honestly, as long as they bring back "Club" where you're an actual team and not where you just pick an individual player at that position you picked, I'll be happy. I don't think I could complain about much from NBA Live 10.

Let's just hope that the magical "Time-Out/Pause Glitch" doesn't find it's way back in the game.
# 2 22cedric @ 04/27/12 12:33 AM
I hope they show the commentators faces in the game like Madden NFL 13 is doing.
# 3 Dantecamp21 @ 04/27/12 12:54 AM
I'm worried after this read...animation was one of Elite's weakest points and now they are praising the motion capture library?

Also, the presentation in Elite had the ESPN overlays and stuff, ok...but it was totally bare bones. And it doesn't seem they added new audio material from Breen and JVG.

I don't know, it's not looking like an "all-out, despite raw it will rock our world" effort.

Hopefully I'm wrong...
# 4 Tha_Kid @ 04/27/12 01:36 AM
I'm very interested to see this contextual passing in action. Gamer instinct says "no, don't make any choices for me, i want granular control" but seeing as how passing has yet to be done "well" in any nba game, i'll reserve judgment.
# 5 DamnYanks2 @ 04/27/12 02:00 AM
Full ESPN Branding will probably be awesome, but I'm skeptical on the Gameplay front.
# 6 RUFFNREADY @ 04/27/12 03:54 AM
It starting to sound like EA is making up excuses for their lack of "Game" or "competition" they will give 2K13 already. There is an old saying; " The Battle/war is already over before it has begun!".
This is EA that we are dealing with here; dont eat that apple from THEIR tree. They have lost their hype with me, and should be eating a really big piece of humble pie.

# 7 sactown_13 @ 04/27/12 04:05 AM
This game seems to have some promise to it but EA sports does seem to over-hype everything. I want another good basketball game but they have failed to live up to their promises in many of their past sports titles. (outside of FIFA)
# 8 sactown_13 @ 04/27/12 04:09 AM
they are focusing on gameplay presentation and online. what else is left???? sounds like what every sports game maker is focusing on, or should be at least.
# 9 Gramps91 @ 04/27/12 06:00 AM
Originally Posted by DamnYanks2
Full ESPN Branding will probably be awesome, but I'm skeptical on the Gameplay front.
same here my friend
# 10 JerzeyReign @ 04/27/12 07:06 AM
I have some built up animosity towards this game due to that publicity stunt they did for the Advisory Council. I'm going to put that aside and attempt to not sound like I'm just an EA basher.

Never cast stones if you live in a glass house. This team shouldn't even mention 2k13 at this time -- they should be letting their game (gameplay trailers) do the talking. I find it funny that they mentioned 2k's deny ball "issue". If you make 'sensible' basketball passes, they don't happen as much. If your a casual player trying cross court passes, your in for a long night. Thats realistic passing. I bring that up because they must have forgot the band aid Live 10 had for those who drove to the paint constantly -- that lose the ball BS.

Basically, don't bring up another's mistakes if you're not perfect. Last time I checked, 2k has been releasing games with no break in service. Live has never kept 2k from releasing since they became a serious contender.

With all that said -- gameplay, presentation, online -- yup, thats what every sports game concerns themselves with. I didn't really get anything from this article but probably the forewarning that the hype train is coming.
# 11 nVschultz1325 @ 04/27/12 07:56 AM
Any word If they are adding an EASHL type feature? I think that would be amazing
# 12 Norris_Cole @ 04/27/12 08:03 AM
Originally Posted by SalutationsNJ
I have some built up animosity towards this game due to that publicity stunt they did for the Advisory Council. I'm going to put that aside and attempt to not sound like I'm just an EA basher.

Never cast stones if you live in a glass house. This team shouldn't even mention 2k13 at this time -- they should be letting their game (gameplay trailers) do the talking. I find it funny that they mentioned 2k's deny ball "issue". If you make 'sensible' basketball passes, they don't happen as much. If your a casual player trying cross court passes, your in for a long night. Thats realistic passing. I bring that up because they must have forgot the band aid Live 10 had for those who drove to the paint constantly -- that lose the ball BS.

Basically, don't bring up another's mistakes if you're not perfect. Last time I checked, 2k has been releasing games with no break in service. Live has never kept 2k from releasing since they became a serious contender.

With all that said -- gameplay, presentation, online -- yup, thats what every sports game concerns themselves with. I didn't really get anything from this article but probably the forewarning that the hype train is coming.
So you are basically saying 2k13 passing system is "realistic" ?

# 13 boomhauertjs @ 04/27/12 08:04 AM
The words "Van Gundy" are enough to make me ignore this game. He's the worst.
# 14 tril @ 04/27/12 10:33 AM
sounds like EA is going the opposite direction of 2k by giving the player less control.
soundsliek its going to be an easy pick up and play, which is great for casual gamers. hopefully theyll have a more robust control scheme for hard core sim heads.
This is clearly a wait and see.
# 15 noshun @ 04/27/12 11:19 AM
Yet the most palpably concerning expectation felt by NBA Live 13's developers is that gamers will think this should look like and play like a simulation basketball video game built with the luxury of a three-year schedule. It is not. It is a game that will be built on a year's production schedule, the same as its siblings in Madden and NCAA Football two floors above in the same building. The year EA Canada spent building NBA Elite 11 represented a thesis. The year tearing it down was the antithesis. NBA Live 13 will be the synthesis..
So they spent 2 years filtering what they could salvage..... and trying to rebuild in 1 year? Red flags to me... Hard8times gonna have a field day with this demo if it's not up snuff.
# 16 bigsmallwood @ 04/27/12 11:47 AM
A lot of red flags in what they were saying. Only 1 year to work on the game? After 3 years off.....I'm really interested in seeing what they actually did......
# 17 LionsFanNJ @ 04/27/12 11:55 AM
Wait, so instead of taking the two years to make the game from the Elite debacle, they STILL only used one year gaming cycle? Really? unbeliveable. So they're already saying "Don't expect much"
# 18 dexvex @ 04/27/12 12:06 PM
Originally Posted by noshun
So they spent 2 years filtering what they could salvage..... and trying to rebuild in 1 year? Red flags to me... Hard8times gonna have a field day with this demo if it's not up snuff.
Thats really unacceptable as a fan. I'm not expecting anything really.
# 19 fsufan4423 @ 04/27/12 12:16 PM
You can give any sports company including 2K two years and probably wouldn't get a great game. Maybe The Show would blow us away, but any other game...I wouldn't bet on it.
# 20 noshun @ 04/27/12 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by dexvex
Thats really unacceptable as a fan. I'm not expecting anything really.
Indeed... NBA Live 13 is really Elite 11 leftovers of things we havent seen.. LOL. No work necessary, just salvage, Elmers Glue, tape, sprinkles.. and packaging.

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