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It's hard not to like the park on the bay in San Francisco. Unlike my previous choice, Dodger Stadium, AT&T Park is quirky, far from symmetrical, and has tons of interesting sights and sounds to experience.

The first and most obvious feature of the park is the bay of water just beyond the 24 foot high brick right field wall. Barry Bonds made McCovey Cove famous as he would homer into it with a sea of boaters looking to catch his record breaking home runs. This is just the beginning of why I personally love this stadium.

Another feature of the park, which isn't totally accurately modeled is the bay temperatures and fog which will frequently roll in at night. This creates a unique vantage point to watch a game when fans are wearing winter like jackets in the middle of July.

The playing field features the 309 foot short right field line angling out to 421 feet in right center field. The outfield fence actually angles inwards to 400 feet and center and then rounds out to 339 feet down the left field line.

What are your favorite aspects of AT&T park?

Game: MLB 12 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3Votes for game: 55 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 Blzer @ 04/24/12 11:21 PM
AT&T Park is one of my favorite parks in baseball (probably just behind Busch Stadium), but I don't think the game does the park quite as much justice, so it ranks much lower on the digital park scale. Either way, I can't go against your pick here.

What's my favorite aspect of the park? That you feel close and above the action no matter where you are, and that the view is freaking astonishing.
# 2 Bobhead @ 04/24/12 11:26 PM
I try not to say it too much since I'm a Mets fan, but AT&T Park is imo the most beautiful MLB stadium in the country (or I guess continent, lol), past and present.
# 3 SDwinder @ 04/24/12 11:39 PM
A warm clear day game at AT&T is as good as it gets. Carnival like atmosphere. The Show needs to be able to replicate the fog better, much the way NCAA 12 Football does at the USC Trojan home games at the Colisseum. The lighting and fog are awesome in that game.
# 4 Big_Mig_11 @ 04/25/12 12:14 AM
I agree that the digital portrayal of the yard doesn't do it justice. It is so unique and I love everything about it. I keep praying that in the show 2012, there will be a splash cam with a "ball hitting bay" animation. And on a clear night, you can see the Oakland coliseum.

You know it's a great park when journalist, who get paid to analyze,, call it the best park in America. And if it's not #1, its 2 or 3, behind Wrigley and Fenway. Which mean the history of those parks is what give it it's edge...
# 5 Glenn33 @ 04/25/12 01:08 PM
I think #4 is a bit low for this park...and I am not even a Giants fan. This should be #1 or #2.
# 6 Eski33 @ 04/25/12 06:05 PM
Agree that At&T Park is the best. So unique.

My top 5:
1) AT&T Park
2) Fenway - Always like playing in Fenway
3) Wrigley - Usually one of the first parks I check out. Made better with the brown ivy in the spring changing to green during the season.
4) Marlins Stadium - New and awesom
5). Comerica - Tigers fan. A tad bias.
# 7 Sports fanantic @ 04/25/12 06:16 PM
AT&T really shows they beautiful side of SF and shares a lot history since it opened in 2000.

2 World Series appearance
1 All-Star Game
Barry Bonds breaking the HR record
1 No-Hitter Game (J. Sanchez)
# 8 JoeRyan33 @ 04/25/12 08:01 PM
Absolutely love this park in real life, the best second generation new park...but SCEA have sort of lost something in this park that they had nailed in previous games. The turf in San Francisco is a deep, dark green and not patchy. Compare the picture from this year's game in the original post with this shot from 08 The Show:

MLB 08 The Show (2008)

The grass in this picture is just beautiful. The current SCEA configuration honestly doesn't come close to what they had 4 years ago. Maybe it was a framerate issue, but I can't figure out why it was changed.
# 9 moemoe24 @ 04/25/12 09:26 PM
the grass is something that scea has failed to get correct yet. Parks are all beautiful though.
# 10 BostonsDaBest @ 04/25/12 09:34 PM
I like the giant glove and coke sign and left field wall cartoons
# 11 bpete07 @ 04/25/12 10:51 PM
I searched the forums and couldn't find a thread ballpark #5, was there a thread for it? Sounds like it was Dodger stadium.
# 12 Seltaeb9091 @ 04/26/12 03:22 AM
I agree that most any seat is a good one in AT&T Park. Even though I usually find myself in the cheap seats, you still get a great view of the whole field.

Best memory I have is a game several years ago where I was way up in the upper deck, not too far from the foul pole on the first base side. Bonds hit a pair of them to right. I can still remember on the second one watching him make contact, the long sloping arc, and landing in the bay. Absolutely incredible to see a splash hit in person.
# 13 Blzer @ 04/26/12 12:11 PM
Originally Posted by Seltaeb9091
I agree that most any seat is a good one in AT&T Park. Even though I usually find myself in the cheap seats, you still get a great view of the whole field.

Best memory I have is a game several years ago where I was way up in the upper deck, not too far from the foul pole on the first base side. Bonds hit a pair of them to right. I can still remember on the second one watching him make contact, the long sloping arc, and landing in the bay. Absolutely incredible to see a splash hit in person.
Was that against Cincy? If so, I was at that same game.
# 14 FADED @ 07/10/12 04:16 PM
I'm born and raised in san francsico. Been going to AT&T for a long time now. I agree with others when they say AT&T is by far one of the best stadiums to be at. I go with both my sons and we usually sit in the lower left field seats or the bleachers.

I have a lot of good memories there, but 2 of my best moments there actually just happened pretty recently.

1st one was me and my oldest were sitting in the 2nd row of section 138 in the bleachers and the melk man was tossing balls to our section. Melky tossed one right over to where me and my son were sitting, everyone stood up except me cuzz i wasn't gonna spill my $10 beer. The ball ends up going over our heads, but i look back to see who's gonna catch it. The ball bounces off hella peoples hands/gloves starts bouncing on the ground towards me. I see it land under this ladies feet that was sitting right behind me. I reach in hella fast and grab it!

I turned around and showed my son, you should've seen his face. lol needless to say he didnt care about the game anymore. That was a GREAT moment right there.

My other one is more of a can't believe i was one game off moment. Me and my oldest went to the game the night before Cain pitched a perfect game. :\ we watched Cain pitch the perfect game on tv and my son was like, daddy we was at the game last nite. lol i'm like i know son, but it's all good we were still super happy Cain pitched a perfect game!

So yeah, i'm biased, but to me AT&T not only is the best stadium in baseball, but we have the best/dedicated fans too!

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