NCAA Football 13 News Post

Tommy Gschwend, from The Gaming Tailgate, has posted his NCAA Football 13 hands-on impressions, along with a nice Q&A session, right here. Make sure you check it out, it has a lot of great information.

Speaking of receivers not seeing the ball, that is based on the new receiver route awareness. I believe this has largely been explained but for anyone that still doesn't quite understand it, at the start of the snap, all receivers icons will be dimmed. They will remain dimmed until a receiver in real life would be looking for the ball. So, on a slant, a receiver is going to begin looking for the ball right around the time they make their cut whereas on a streak route, the receiver won't begin looking for the ball until they're 15-20 yards down field. You'll still be able to throw the ball whenever you like but if the receiver isn't looking for the ball, he won't make a play for it. This will eliminate the guys who rock & fire right at the snap to the TE that's running a streak... he won't be looking for the ball so it will either hit him the back of the helmet, hit the dirt, or worse get picked. That said, you'll still be able to throw routes based on timing; so long as the receiver is looking for the ball by the time it gets there, he'll still be able to catch it. On top of that, while it hasn't been stated out-right, I definitely feel that true route-based passing is finally in the NCAA Football series. That is, you can throw the ball before the receiver is actually cutting and it will throw to where he should be going and not just lead him in the direction he's currently running. This has been a complaint for years and feels as though as it has been addressed.

To coincide with the receivers having to look for the ball, so do the defenders. No longer are they mirroring or running a receiver's route before him; they have to play the receiver's route by reacting to what he does. The perfect example of this is on curls and comeback routes. If as a QB, you throw the ball before the WR actually makes his cut to get there when he turns around, he'll be able to turn and catch it while the defender might continue running 2-3 steps further down field. It all comes down to timing because if you get your timing wrong and throw the pass too late, that DB will have time to recover only to be able to catch that ball on the run as he returns it for the pick-six.

Game: NCAA Football 13Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 60 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 shaunlmason @ 04/22/12 11:08 PM
Originally Posted by jpdavis82
Tommy did a good job on his impressions.
# 2 huntt26 @ 04/23/12 12:06 AM
Good link with a lot of good Q&A
# 3 Steve_OS @ 04/23/12 01:03 AM
Really good stuff here Tommy!
# 4 jfsolo @ 04/23/12 02:11 AM
I thought the read-option and the tendency bug would get fixed, but other than that I really wasn't sure what else would be worked on this year. Many will argue, and rightly so, that all these legacy issues shouldn't have gone so long without being improved, but I'm still pleasantly surprised that a lot of longstanding problems have finally been addressed.
# 5 JerzeyReign @ 04/23/12 03:09 AM
And when y'all come to my little hidden treasure (TGT) -- don't come buggin' about low cut socks!

Another yearly gem -- I love when they get the writin' -- some good stuff.
# 6 Retropyro @ 04/23/12 10:31 AM
Still not going to get my hopes up, but the statement below does make me happy.

"I definitely feel that true route-based passing is finally in the NCAA Football series. That is, you can throw the ball before the receiver is actually cutting and it will throw to where he should be going and not just lead him in the direction he's currently running. This has been a complaint for years and feels as though as it has been addressed."
# 7 The_Gaming_Disciple @ 04/23/12 12:11 PM
Still reserving judgement until the demo drops. TGT reported there were no significant changes with regards to tackling animations and the running game which was is a disappointment thus far unless some significant changes are made in the next few weeks, which is unlikely. With the new passing system implementation, it would have behooved EA to seriously make the necessary changes to PI and OI concerning WR and DB's; however, it seems this will not take place in this console generation. Looking forward to May 7th, being that I am a huge offline dynasty player and am exciting about hearing the significant changes that have been made. Hopefully this will not be a disappointment as well. Unfortunately, knowing EA's track record...SMH
# 8 bonannogiovanni @ 04/23/12 07:54 PM
Hmmm, it looks like the same old stale kicking game.....
# 9 Potatoes002 @ 04/23/12 08:23 PM
Any new throwing animations or attributes for QBs?
As showcased in the video, the throwing animations were changed, particularly on the run. Otherwise though, not necessarily a ton done to standing still/pocket throwing animations. As for attributes, unfortunately the new ratings are not in. They are aware that we want to see them added for the future.
That is very disappointing.
# 10 jmik58 @ 04/23/12 11:11 PM
I've yet to hear how expansive the read-and-react defensive AI is being implemented. I see it's been promoted more with Madden, so perhaps the only addition for NCAA is with the way the DB's play now. I don't think very many people realize how revolutionary it would be for a football game to assign keys for defensive players to read and react to (if done correctly).
# 11 NDFan1029 @ 04/24/12 02:37 AM
I hope the read and react thing is one of those features that the CPU actually has to implement as well. I can just see a game coming where the CPU will be passing to receivers blind and the receivers will still be catching the pass with their backs to the play. As far as the game looks cosmetically, it seems identical to last year's at least up to this point.
# 12 newefan @ 04/24/12 04:06 AM
dose the FB blk the rigth person on run plays ?
do player ratings seem to matter more for all postions?
dose weight matter with players ex: a lb thats 225lbs drives a rb back thats 180lbs ?
do taller wrs have a little easizer time to catch the ball over cbs that are shorter ?
# 13 mjc88 @ 04/24/12 06:49 AM
I still want equip swag and body types before I could ever trust EA again...2k for life.
# 14 feeq14 @ 04/24/12 07:54 AM
Is there any word on the PC still having psychic playcalling.

That along with line interaction was one of my biggest pet peeves. For those who are not aware, im talking about the cpu tendency to pretty much KNOW exactly what play you are calling and ALWAYS have the best defense available.

For instance, there have been many occasions where i will call a five wide jet sweep, and the AI will call a 4-3 defense against that formation (insanity) because they will know that a run is coming. Whats more is that they usually wont even change their alignment. This forces me to ALWAYS audible to a pass which essentially forces me to cheese the AI and kills much of the games sense of challenge. Then of course the super LBs would still be able to compensate for being mismatched against slot receivers.

With all this talk about play reaction, im not hearing enough about CPU play calling, although it is good to see the auto corner blitz gone from the game. Hopefully that is a sign

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