NCAA Football 13 News Post

Revel in the pageantry of college football game days with NCAA Football 13. Featuring new team run-outs, mascots and pre-game traditions along with significantly enhanced audio and new trophy presentations, NCAA Football 13 will deliver the passion and excitement of college football to fans across the nation.

We have the opportunity to interview NCAA Football 13 Designer Christian McLeod and Producer Ben Haumiller. Please submit your Sights and Sounds questions now (ONLY SIGHTS AND SOUND QUESTIONS PLEASE). We'll try to get them answered and posted on Monday.

Game: NCAA Football 13Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 60 - View All
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Member Comments
# 41 edaddy @ 03/29/12 09:06 PM
Will there be multiple camera angle particularly a playable broadcast camera angle.
Can you elaborate on enhanced crowd noise if any?
# 42 m1ke_nyc @ 03/29/12 09:58 PM
Will we get a more loud intense crowd ? especially for rivalry games and late game situations ?
# 43 EAGLESFAN10 @ 03/29/12 10:20 PM





# 44 SuperNoVa27 @ 03/29/12 10:21 PM
This has bugged me for a while and Madden finally fixed it but NCAA did not.

Are the names on the jerseys bigger like their real life counterparts?
# 45 CT Pitbull @ 03/29/12 10:28 PM
Are there multiple customizeable playable camera angles similar to Nba2k12 and if not why ? the same camera angle gets old after 20 years i would like to adjust this as i choose to as would many many others
# 46 SkillzKillz719 @ 03/29/12 10:30 PM
When I win the National Title... make me FEEL like I won it. What are they doing to improve the National Title game (besides one cut scene before the game.. you know?) ?
# 47 Jessep07 @ 03/29/12 10:33 PM
1. Will teams have alternate colors available for their apparel?
2. Will there be new color options for cleats/new cleats?
# 48 cdh72469 @ 03/29/12 10:39 PM
Have the legal issues surrounding the use of Auburn's REAL fight song, "War Eagle" been resolved for NCAA 13 and will it be used?

Will Jordan-Hare's ribbon boards along the upper deck facades be represented finally after 4-5 seasons of being in use?
# 49 K0ZZ @ 03/29/12 10:46 PM
Will we just go back to playing music over the dry commentary two games in?

Will the crowd sound like a college football game, rather than a HS Freshman one?

Chants? (General, like on 3rd down chanting for the defense (or offense if home) )

Will there be any difference in player models this year, so it doesn't feel like 22 clones are going at it in different jerseys?
# 50 boritter @ 03/29/12 10:52 PM
Originally Posted by eagskerfan
Will all the features and game modes be playable before January this time?
My nomination for post of the year.
# 51 avwhitechic @ 03/30/12 12:39 AM
was a user-defined camera finally added or any different playable camera angles?
# 52 mtoo22 @ 03/30/12 12:57 AM
Originally Posted by boritter
My nomination for post of the year.
Amazing.....ly true

Hail West Virginia
# 53 FunNgun034 @ 03/30/12 01:25 AM
will they bring back the same graphics on ncaa 11 and can the stupid cartoon players and grass.. fix the gameplay
# 54 Steve_OS @ 03/30/12 06:42 AM
I'll submit them. They will decide which ones they answer. Thanks.
# 55 UNCTiga83 @ 03/30/12 09:54 AM
Has Kenan Stadium, home of the North Carolina Tar Heels, been updated?
# 56 w00dy Hayezz @ 03/30/12 10:01 AM
Will Michigan State's uniforms be correct this year? Will we get Oregon's Rose Bowl uniforms?

I don't know if this fits under sights and sounds but will we be able to have a spectator mode and watch other user games in Online Dynasty?
# 57 thomasgentry @ 03/30/12 10:10 AM
Please add the chain gang it in the game!!!!!😜
# 58 menloe24 @ 03/30/12 12:19 PM
I wonder if the game will have Mizzou and Texas A&M in the SEC?

I sure hope it has Mizzou's new football field turf art and new uniforms/helmet logo that they are debuting on 14 April at their Spring game.
# 59 khaliib @ 03/30/12 01:05 PM
Originally Posted by Steve_OS
I'll submit them. They will decide which ones they answer. Thanks.
Could you drop a list of exact Q/A's you send them?

That way OS members will know from the questions they choose to answer, were our desires really stand.

Just tired of year after year they claim to listen to the community during these things, then we purchase the game and are dumbfounded...

Much thanks!!!
# 60 ReadyForTheShow @ 03/30/12 01:41 PM
So if sights count as anything visual, then I have plenty of uniform questions but mainly I was wondering...

What will be the new uniforms in this years game? Pro Combats? Specialties? (Oregon Chrome Helmets etc.)

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