NBA Live 13 News Post

Czar is taking the airwaves again tonight at 7:00, asking Sim Nation to call in and discuss NBA Live 13. More specifically, to discuss their play calling system.

If you have any questions for him, ask them here. Otherwise make sure you tune in.

Game: NBA Live 13Hype Score: 5.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 56 - View All
NBA Live 13 Videos
Member Comments
# 1 Gramps91 @ 03/02/12 07:51 AM
I just want to see all-star weekend, possibly some NCAABB involvement, and no gimmicky controls like the elite demo had.
# 2 22cedric @ 03/02/12 09:14 AM
NBA Live 13 Wishlist

1. Focus on creating a simulation videogame

2. NBA All Star Weekend needs to be included in the game.

3. Have a realtime physics engine in the game.

4. Remome the iceskating, morphing, and robotic movements in the game.

5. Add signature moves, shooting styles, dunks, dribbling, etc. for
all NBA players in the game.

6. Have weight/momentum act as a factor on player performance.

7. Players need to move naturally, fluid, and realistic as possible.

8. Fix the player models in the game. The players look cartoonish.
Make the players look photorealistic to their NBA counterparts.
Improve player skin tones make skin tones and player specific features
(headbands, sleeves, socks, shoes) as close as possible we want it to
be NBA authentic.

9. Use the ESPN license more add dynamic commentary. NBA Live 13 needs
a pregame show ,halftime show, and postgame show. We need broadcast
commentary with emotion Sideline reporters, half-time studio
announcers, weekly wrapups highlights or nightly in NBA.

10. Show the actual ESPN commentators in the game.

11. Add better cloth physics for the jersey's

12. Have players, coaches, refs, fans, staff, etc, all interact with
each other.

13. Focus on the fundementals of basketball
# 3 Da_Czar @ 03/02/12 11:03 AM
What are you guys hoping for as far as collisions this year from EA ?
# 4 Nathan_OS @ 03/02/12 11:21 AM
Originally Posted by Da_Czar
What are you guys hoping for as far as collisions this year from EA ?
Live 10 collision system was awful. Collisions should be smooth not jerky and unorthodox.

Fix the dunks. You don't see LeBron. Dunking ten times a game lol
# 5 Jay Jay @ 03/02/12 12:47 PM
Originally Posted by Da_Czar
What are you guys hoping for as far as collisions this year from EA ?
I hope they polished up the real time physics engine from Elite 11 and added limb contact to it. I want to see players stumbling and keeping their dribble, in air collisions with the ability to still get the shot off all user controlled, everything happen in real time, and add real time physics to the refs so they can get knocked down if they in the way.

Look at the collisions in real life

Signature Jumpshots, dribble moves, postgame, dunks, and let real time physics handle the rest.
# 6 svit @ 03/02/12 12:48 PM
What do I want to see?

Excellent ONLINE experience with custom (sliders, rosters, playbooks) leagues and association.
# 7 bonannogiovanni @ 03/02/12 12:48 PM
Originally Posted by 22cedric
NBA Live 13 Wishlist

1. Focus on creating a simulation videogame

2. NBA All Star Weekend needs to be included in the game.

3. Have a realtime physics engine in the game.

4. Remome the iceskating, morphing, and robotic movements in the game.

5. Add signature moves, shooting styles, dunks, dribbling, etc. for
all NBA players in the game.

6. Have weight/momentum act as a factor on player performance.

7. Players need to move naturally, fluid, and realistic as possible.

8. Fix the player models in the game. The players look cartoonish.
Make the players look photorealistic to their NBA counterparts.
Improve player skin tones make skin tones and player specific features
(headbands, sleeves, socks, shoes) as close as possible we want it to
be NBA authentic.

9. Use the ESPN license more add dynamic commentary. NBA Live 13 needs
a pregame show ,halftime show, and postgame show. We need broadcast
commentary with emotion Sideline reporters, half-time studio
announcers, weekly wrapups highlights or nightly in NBA.

10. Show the actual ESPN commentators in the game.

11. Add better cloth physics for the jersey's

12. Have players, coaches, refs, fans, staff, etc, all interact with
each other.

13. Focus on the fundementals of basketball
Wow, I'd like EA to hire you as NBA live 14 Lead Designer....
# 8 HoosierDaddy @ 03/02/12 01:46 PM
Czar, I'd love to call in and chat about this. Unfortunately, I'll be coaching at my teams high school sectional. Think you know where I stand though. Keep reppin' that SIM.
# 9 Da_Czar @ 03/02/12 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by HoosierDaddy
Czar, I'd love to call in and chat about this. Unfortunately, I'll be coaching at my teams high school sectional. Think you know where I stand though. Keep reppin' that SIM.
Hoosier if you have any specific thoughts towards things you would want to see improved or added upon on their play calling system hit me @ [email protected].

And good luck tonight Coach !
# 10 SHAKYR @ 03/02/12 02:25 PM
I want them to make it real and really compete with NBA 2K. I also don't want them to be stingy in the other modes(CAP, Offlines modes, etc too.
# 11 bigsmallwood @ 03/02/12 02:44 PM
NBA Live 13

Random Thoughts of What I would love to see

Great Commentary from a 2-3 person team *sideline reporter wouldn't hurt* that highlights everything going on in the game, season, playoffs etc. Meaning that if the Cavs have a play-off birth on the line in the last game of their season we should know that.

Playoff Crowd noise and chants

Dynamic Attendance

ESPN Integration and replays that are done correctly.
No greasy looking players
Uniforms that aren't painted on.


Tip DUNKS and put backs! Fierce Rejections that fly into the crowd or off the backboard. Proper collision detection and no balls going THROUGH players.
No Sliding aka Ice Skating; Better and more varied Animations....including Signature Animations; Superstar players should play differently than bench/regular role players

Bring back Player roles: High Flyers, Speedsters, 3pt Assasins etc.

I want to see a MyPlayer/Superstar implemented correctly

NBA All-Star Weekend and all the events including Rising Stars game

Throwback Teams ala an NBA Greatest Mode or Jordan Challenges type of mode

Create a Teams
Create a player

10 Player Freestyle where the players aren't just waiting for you to call a play!

# 12 drew_3 @ 03/02/12 02:44 PM
Originally Posted by Wilson24
I dont want a shot stick! Dribbling moves are the best part of live 10 with the right stick and freestyle passing. They could incorporate some more defensive actions with it though.

Shot stick is so overrated

I liked the collisions in 10 as it was a vast improvement from 09. They just need more blocking/offensive fouls, diffferent swat animations and crowding around the net to stop more dunks and lastly more attention to height/weight ratings
Agree 100% dribble moves with the right stick are awesome and need to be kept but how about using one of the shoulder buttons to "Modify" the right stick ie hold L2 and use the right stick for dribble moves, use the right stick on its own and it becomes a shot stick. Just an idea.

As for contact, I liked the live 10 contact system and although we would all like a game to be as much like real life as possible, I would like to see EA remain different from 2k (no point having two games exactly the same!)

Also for my money EA have always nicely stradled that thin line between sim and arcade. I play games for fun and enjoyment I don't want to have a game that frustrates me or takes hours to master, Again that has always been the nice thing about EA games they are accessible to the casual player but have enough depth to keep more experienced gamers happy.
# 13 bigsmallwood @ 03/02/12 02:45 PM
A Half-Time Show and a Weekly Wrap up Show during Franchise mode
# 14 bigeastbumrush @ 03/02/12 04:23 PM
Where can I tune in for the show?

My only question so far is:

-Will Live 13 be horizontal scrolling? Elite 11 was vertical like...you guessed it...a hockey game.
# 15 Da_Czar @ 03/02/12 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by bigeastbumrush
Where can I tune in for the show?

My only question so far is:

-Will Live 13 be horizontal scrolling? Elite 11 was vertical like...you guessed it...a hockey game.
# 16 Jakeness23 @ 03/02/12 05:51 PM
Surprise us with a NCAA Basketball release....
# 17 breakitdown @ 03/02/12 06:43 PM
Will there be All-Star weekend and classic teams?
# 18 chameleontongue @ 03/02/12 08:51 PM
wish EA would start showing there games in 1080p
# 19 Jay Jay @ 03/02/12 09:03 PM
Originally Posted by chameleontongue
wish EA would start showing there games in 1080p
And 60 fps
# 20 DaReapa @ 03/03/12 09:28 AM
Originally Posted by 22cedric
NBA Live 13 Wishlist

1. Focus on creating a simulation videogame

2. NBA All Star Weekend needs to be included in the game.

3. Have a realtime physics engine in the game.

4. Remome the iceskating, morphing, and robotic movements in the game.

5. Add signature moves, shooting styles, dunks, dribbling, etc. for
all NBA players in the game.

6. Have weight/momentum act as a factor on player performance.

7. Players need to move naturally, fluid, and realistic as possible.

8. Fix the player models in the game. The players look cartoonish.
Make the players look photorealistic to their NBA counterparts.
Improve player skin tones make skin tones and player specific features
(headbands, sleeves, socks, shoes) as close as possible we want it to
be NBA authentic.

9. Use the ESPN license more add dynamic commentary. NBA Live 13 needs
a pregame show ,halftime show, and postgame show. We need broadcast
commentary with emotion Sideline reporters, half-time studio
announcers, weekly wrapups highlights or nightly in NBA.

10. Show the actual ESPN commentators in the game.

11. Add better cloth physics for the jersey's

12. Have players, coaches, refs, fans, staff, etc, all interact with
each other.

13. Focus on the fundementals of basketball
This.... a million times over.

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