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These videos are examples in MLB 12 The Show gameplay, showcasing some of the little things that we will see. This is Part 1 of... Let's just say, there's more to come! If you want it...

Game: MLB 12 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3Votes for game: 55 - View All
MLB 12 The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 21 dmbfan1970 @ 02/29/12 12:03 AM
Stunning. I thought for sure in the first video the ball was going to hit the bag like I had seen before and thought.. oh no, how many times can that really happen! And to my delight it took a funny hop and bounced over the bag. The collision detection was nice to see too in one of the videos. I hope this will happen between 2 defensive players? The ball physics and the ability to see the ball out of the pitcher's hand better along with pulse pitching has me the most excited this year.

I wasn't able to attend CES like I do every year and hadn't seen much video till recently and must say that I'm excited once again. Thanks SCEA.
# 22 AUTiger1 @ 02/29/12 12:10 AM
Originally Posted by brobamigo
I loved how quick they got the ball in from the outfield in that 3rd video
Yes those videos are absolutely awesome but that relay was a thing of beauty and in the first video how Gardner circled around the ball and fielded and threw all in one smooth motion. Sweet!
# 23 garyjr33 @ 02/29/12 12:13 AM
Great stuff!!! I hated Physics in high school and then in college I was required to take it 2 semesters of it as a pre-vet prerequisite. However, real physics is just so beautiful in sports video games!
# 24 Heroesandvillains @ 02/29/12 01:03 AM
I've gotta say, videos like these are a real testament to the quality of the product and the quality of the development team at SCEA SD's studio.

The fact that their '11 product was so good that they could even allocate those kind of resources into this kind of research and development (for a detail as seemingly as minute as collision awareness and baseball physics) makes me proud to say I'll be a dedicated follower and purchaser of MLB The Show, for life.
# 25 BatsareBugs @ 02/29/12 02:18 AM
Originally Posted by gator3guy
Another little thing but why is Ryan Howard covering second base on a close double? No need for a double cut on a ball like that. Besides, he should only be trailing the runner if anything, not covering second for a tag play. Other than that though, looks cool.

Video #3 BTW
The ball was over the centerfielder's head to one of the deeper parts of the ballpark. I believe both middle infielders become cutoff men (one to backup the other) and the first basemen wheels to second base to cover if no one else is on base.
# 26 BatsareBugs @ 02/29/12 02:19 AM
Originally Posted by misterkrabz
The "Ball Physics" video, that was a foul ball called fair....bad call.
Some umpires think it's the correct call, especially the foul line umpires during the most important series of the season.
# 27 gator3guy @ 02/29/12 02:28 AM
Originally Posted by Rag3vsW0rld
The ball was over the centerfielder's head to one of the deeper parts of the ballpark. I believe both middle infielders become cutoff men (one to backup the other) and the first basemen wheels to second base to cover if no one else is on base.
I know what happened, I was pointing out it shouldn't be like that. Second baseman should be the cutoff, shortstop covers the bag, and first baseman stays at first.
# 28 Cpre5 @ 02/29/12 02:53 AM
Originally Posted by Chris_SCEA_Sports
Okay, so gloves closing on dives and outfield animations for next year. Sounds like a pretty easy year for the animators. Sweeet!!

Well since next year looks like an easy year maybe you could add my 1st name to the database.

Great videos
# 29 VladCanada @ 02/29/12 04:28 AM
Cant wait to get the 100 losses trophy again in this game
# 30 Entiae @ 02/29/12 05:37 AM
Awesome videos! This will be a great summer.
# 31 mikemck09 @ 02/29/12 06:45 AM
These ball physics are absolutely ridiculous... SCEA have just zoomed light years past all of the sport video game franchises with this genius creation. Thank you guys, we the fans appreciate it!
# 32 mikemck09 @ 02/29/12 06:47 AM
Originally Posted by Sparkles
these videos make me want to get a ps3 or vita..... (360 owner)
PS3 dude... You would not want to opt out on playing this beauty on a TV screen with loaded features instead of playing it on a little screen with limited features due to memory space... Both great consoles, but the PS3 is the way to go to play the show... haha kinda rhymed on that last sentence...
# 33 newtonfb @ 02/29/12 11:09 AM
This is embarrassing....not for SCEA but for EA.

Just watching the ball physics and glove one its so nice to see a ball not warp into a players hands. We've been crying for this for years in football. Now imagine if sony could make a football game....
# 34 EnigmaNemesis @ 02/29/12 11:24 AM
Originally Posted by newtonfb
This is embarrassing....not for SCEA but for EA.

Just watching the ball physics and glove one its so nice to see a ball not warp into a players hands. We've been crying for this for years in football. Now imagine if sony could make a football game....
Or Kolbe can have the same design decisions in Madden !!!
# 35 Knight165 @ 02/29/12 12:30 PM
Originally Posted by EnigmaNemesis
Or Kolbe can have the same design decisions in Madden !!!
Please let it be so!

# 36 jmik58 @ 02/29/12 12:40 PM
Still looks the same. No different than '11.

I kid, I kid.
# 37 Scott @ 02/29/12 01:21 PM
Wow, awesome videos.
# 38 jeffy777 @ 02/29/12 01:33 PM
Originally Posted by Steve_OS
This is Part 1 of... Let's just say, there's more to come! If you want it...
Yes, please!!!

# 39 jared52 @ 02/29/12 04:29 PM
Did we lose (or am I just remembering wrong) the chalk kicking up? Seems like in the first video there would be chalk kicking up when the ball hit it in the past. If not, something for 13.
# 40 zpq12 @ 02/29/12 05:28 PM
Originally Posted by newtonfb
This is embarrassing....not for SCEA but for EA.

Just watching the ball physics and glove one its so nice to see a ball not warp into a players hands. We've been crying for this for years in football. Now imagine if sony could make a football game....
To be fair, there is a ton more that happens in a football in the way of collisions than a baseball game. Not to minimize what they have done here or to apologize for EAT its just an apples to oranges comparison.

I'm unbelievably excited that I bought a PS3 this year.

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