MLB 2K12 News Post

2K Sports has posted MLB 2K12 Developer Diary #2 written by Mark Little, Senior Producer of the game. This one covers fielding, throwing system, improved AI, smoothness, base running, manager AI and bullpen management, as well as pitcher ejections.

Our fielding AI has taken another step forward as it now also incorporates the new throwing system into the AI decision making progress. When the AI has the time to make an easy throw, they gather themselves, plant their feet and make a solid throw. AI fielders can also adjust their decision making as each play unfolds rather than being tied to one animation per play. Say for example the batter hits a slow groundball to the second baseman with a runner on first. As the ball and base runner approach, the 2B can quickly try to tag the runner out as he passes, and then re-set his feet and make a controlled throw to first to get the hitter.

Game: Major League Baseball 2K12 Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 12 - View All
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Member Comments
# 21 rudyjuly2 @ 02/27/12 08:39 PM
My problem last year with the throwing meter was if you were in the green you NEVER made a throwing error. It was far too easy to always stay in the green so I just didn't make any errors. The errors were actually done better in 2K11's demo. When they said green again in the diary it said the throws are generally accurate. Does that mean 100% accurate like last year or is it going to be more realistic? I do like the idea of setting your feet vs. moving vs. putting some mustard on it but easy throws are not always perfect.

Quite frankly I think they have given up on being realistic sometimes. They tout the new pitching system and then release a video with all the ball trails on. Please turn that stuff off if you are trying to cater to the OS crowd.

They said they redid all the infield throws and base running animations and yet the final double play throw (in the video) shows a throw to 2B that looks a bit awkward (slow down?). And then Peralta just gives up on taking out the guy on the double play like before. At least Raburn actually finishes running through the bag but I don't see the big improvements.

They have Verlander on the cover and yet the Tigers blue is too light. The batting order isn't right either as Delmon Young will be hitting #5 and ahead of Peralta. I know that's small stuff but I just don't see the attention to detail in improvements from 2K11 to 2K12.

Sorry guys, I'm just frustrated after two years of 2K baseball where the game is a lot of fun but some obvious issues just annoy me. I'm not going to post much anymore and I'm passing on this game. I will definitely try the demo tomorrow but my expectations are very low. Either way I still won't be able to find out if they fixed any of the franchise problems they have avoided talking about.
# 22 Hopeful Cubsfan @ 02/27/12 09:24 PM
Wow, no one was mentioned the ability to cancel a throw. This would have honestly been a dealbreaker for me if it wasn't in. It adds strategy online that you need to be able to cancel a throw so that people cannot exploit you.
# 23 truintellectplaya @ 02/28/12 05:42 AM
I actually like what I am hearing the differing levels of difficulties when it comes to the throws is a good idea.
# 24 BA2929 @ 02/28/12 04:32 PM
We now allow the fielder the option to either cancel a throw or simply choose to redirect the throw to a new base or target.

THANK GOD. I wasn't considering buying this after last year getting boring and repetitive, but I'm leaning toward giving it a shot after reading this.

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