MLB 2K12 News Post

The MLB 2K12 demo is scheduled to arrive on Tuesday, February 28th for both Xbox 360 and PS3.

It will showcase the St. Louis Cardinals and Texas Rangers, in a World Series rematch.

Game: Major League Baseball 2K12 Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 12 - View All
Major League Baseball 2K12 Videos
Member Comments
# 1 m1ke_nyc @ 02/24/12 02:48 PM
or if your not on facebook view ronnies tweet

# 2 jeffy777 @ 02/24/12 03:08 PM
Plus it sounds like gameplay vid is coming soon, per Ronnie's tweet.......but by soon, does that mean next week?
# 3 DJ @ 02/24/12 03:18 PM
Better late than never, I guess. I would've liked to have seen the demo arrive this week to give us 2 weeks of time with it before release, but I suppose 7 days should be more than enough time to decide if I'm getting 2K12 or not.
# 4 dodgerblue @ 02/24/12 04:13 PM
a demo is nice, but they usually scale it back so much (no commentary) that it isn't a true sample of the final product imo. Looking forward to play it but I don't think it will convince me either way.
# 5 Blzer @ 02/24/12 04:31 PM
I'll definitely be playing it, but same problem as dodgerblue mentioned...

Originally Posted by dodgerblue
a demo is nice, but they usually scale it back so much (no commentary) that it isn't a true sample of the final product imo. Looking forward to play it but I don't think it will convince me either way.
2K's bread and butter of their games actually comes from almost everything that's not in their demos, which is unfortunate. I wish they'd learn one of these days.

On the other hand, it would be nice to see if they finally got the PS3 version looking very close to the 360 version, like NBA 2K12.
# 6 Doormat @ 02/24/12 04:34 PM
I'll try it out, I'm glad they're releasing it.. though I'm still getting the game either way but I doubt it'll be on the first day
# 7 bigfnjoe96 @ 02/24/12 06:07 PM
Supposedly Dev. Diary #2 & gameplay video coming on Monday

Ronnie 2K 2K12 ‏ @Ronnie2K
Confirmed: #MLB2K12 demo releasing Tuesday on 360/PS3, Gameplay video and Dev Diary 2 to hit Monday- 2kgam.es/MLB2K12
# 8 TheShizNo1 @ 02/24/12 06:10 PM
Good stuff. I wanted to get a sample before committing. I thought UFC's demo sucked, by I'm addicted to the final product, so who knows.
# 9 WTF @ 02/24/12 10:23 PM
No PC Demo?
# 10 bluengold34_OS @ 02/24/12 10:43 PM
Originally Posted by WTF
No PC Demo?
Will, I do not believe they have ever provided a PC demo(I could be wrong though)
# 11 WTF @ 02/24/12 10:45 PM
Meh, NBA 2k has... was hoping that MLB would too. Bah well, I'll still buy it anyway.
# 12 jimmyl008 @ 02/24/12 11:53 PM
Originally Posted by WTF
No PC Demo?
I was disappointed about that last year too, but if you can get hold of the demo, just multiply graphics quality by 10 and you'll have an idea of what PC will be like.

As far as commentary being absent, that's not a problem because we already know they do that part of the game perfectly. It will be even greater this year with the 80 new hours.
# 13 nolesfan69 @ 02/25/12 02:06 AM
I am glad the demo drops next week. And also spending time reading about the new features but nothing about the franchise mode improvements. I like last years game but the franchise mode was kind of unplayable with the bugs. So although the demo will get me familar with the gameplay. And I intend to buy this game along with Mass Effect 3 on March 6. But I will hold off opening the game till I see at least 3 days worth of feedback from users.
# 14 rudyjuly2 @ 02/25/12 07:47 AM
It will be nice to play the demo but I'm anxious to read about franchise mode improvements and real user feedback as well.
# 15 tmac55 @ 02/26/12 01:03 PM
Monday and Tuesday will be big days for this game. The Dev Diary and gameplay video on Monday will go a long way for potential demo players and buyers alike.
# 16 cherone21 @ 02/26/12 08:41 PM
I am on the fence between this game and the show. Tomorrow will get me off he fence

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# 17 Rattler17 @ 02/27/12 01:25 PM
So where's this Dev Diary with game play footage?? Its a little ridiculous the amount of publicity this game hasn't gotten given it could be the last year they even make a game, I would have thought the Video would have dropped damn near 12:01am for people to see and watch.
# 18 jr86 @ 02/27/12 01:29 PM
Originally Posted by Rattler17
So where's this Dev Diary with game play footage?? Its a little ridiculous the amount of publicity this game hasn't gotten given it could be the last year they even make a game, I would have thought the Video would have dropped damn near 12:01am for people to see and watch.
Alternatively it could drop at 23.59....still the same day after all
# 19 DetroitStyle @ 02/27/12 01:29 PM
I have a love/hate relationship with demos. On the one hand it's great to get and experience the game and to test it out. On the other hand it is a demo and generally an older build so the gameplay/graphics may be off or look dated. Thus people tend to get a bad first impression.
# 20 DJ @ 02/27/12 11:33 PM
Originally Posted by bosnian19
ill look forward to the demo but it looks a lot like 2k11 from that gameplay video
I'm OK with that if they polished up the bugs. 2K11 was a decent game.

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