Good article my friend...From the trailer they just released today a lot looks improved game play wise to me. I seen quite a few new animations, running, tags, slides, swings, catches, catcher and more... I love the MLB today's feature as well since my time is very limited that is all I play!
I don't have time for franchise stuff any more and could care less about trades and contracts. Give me real updated/current living rosters and cool pitching mechanics like 2k gives and I am content for baseball. It may not be pretty but if it's animations are improved and well as other game play stuff then it will be a FUN game again. That is all I look for in a game is if it's fun.
I'm kind of hoping that they still have one big feature(Online Franchise) to release, but I have a feeling they went strictly gameplay changes this year for the most part. That's not bad, but online franchise would definitely make this one of the greatest sports games of all time for me.
2K does not have zone hitting. You can use the analog stick but it's still a timing system (which I prefer) although more options are always good.
Other the individual pitcher confidence and the AI adapting to pitch sequence we really haven't learned of any other significant gameplay features. Those things are cool but I'd like to hear a lot more. The game releases in less than 4 weeks! There is a feature on Spike TV tonight. I just hope it's not more filler.
I intend to buy 2k12 because I need by baseball fix. But the only thing I want is close to a bug free game as possible. And a fun game to keep my attention till the football games come out.
Looks pretty good. I never understood the outfielder head turned away from the infield animation while running toward the wall though. I've already decided to get both games.
Nice review of 2K12. The good news is I already made my decision to switch to the show because 2K sports is a complete joke. The best baseball game they released was 2K7 and since then it's went downhill considerably every year. 2K10 wasn't bad but, then again I played it on the PC, adjusted the rosters, recreated the correct uniforms, added players and player portraits ect which made it playable. If you wasn't to read another interesting review that's spot on with 2K12 check out game informer's review.
well see how good it is. as always, these games usually do a couple of things really well but have 1 or 2 missteps. hopefully those will be gone in this years version
The fact that they're packaging MLB 2K12 with NBA 2K12 for only $10 more than a regular game strongly suggests to me that this is it for 2K12.
Perhaps. But it could also be that they are trying to use the NBA 2K franchise, which is their strongest money maker, to prop up the MLB 2K franchise, getting it into more homes and establishing more of a fan base. It's hard to tell whether it's a white flag or a last ditch effort.
Perhaps. But it could also be that they are trying to use the NBA 2K franchise, which is their strongest money maker, to prop up the MLB 2K franchise, getting it into more homes and establishing more of a fan base. It's hard to tell whether it's a white flag or a last ditch effort.
I see your point, but they've been losing money on baseball and the license is expiring, so there's no future for 2K baseball so it wouldn't be to establish a fan base. It's to sell more copies because no one would buy this game on it's own. The real thing to do would've been to package it with NFL 2K5, then MLB 2K12 would've flown off the shelves.
Either way, the game is basically finished. I just hope it's a step up over 2k10 which is the last one I played.
I'm excited to start my franchise!
Totally agree..Been burned before with 2K so I refused to get 11. As long as 12 is a polished version of 10 then I will be happy.
2k6- a joke
2k7- awesome but many issues. a nice base to begin with and better than the Show at that time
2k8- a step back from 2k7..did not even purchase after playing demo.
2k9- most glitch filled disapointment of game in the history of video games. gamestop actually gave me store credit for this massacre..
2k10- Great game..a step in the right direction again..