Go to newegg.com and put MLB 12 The Show in your cart. Then enter the promo code EMCYTZT1144 to get it for $48 no tax. Free 3 day shipping also! Deal expires at 11:59pm PT on 2/5/12. Here is the link for the game http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produc...D=3562041&SID=
Thank you much Hammer! Just pre-ordered. NJ residents have to pay sales tax . Oh well still a very good deal.
despite how tempted I am to pull the trigger on this deal, I have to remember my #1 rule not to buy sports games on day 1. Pasta padre and OS both covered the topic of why it's not a good idea anymore. I have faith in SCEA, but I'll wait and see what they do with the first patch.
despite how tempted I am to pull the trigger on this deal, I have to remember my #1 rule not to buy sports games on day 1. Pasta padre and OS both covered the topic of why it's not a good idea anymore. I have faith in SCEA, but I'll wait and see what they do with the first patch.
Yeah I just cancelled my Amazon preorder. I just can't justify paying $60 for a game when the price drops significantly after release. Add in the no full game videos with just a few weeks to go is another reason for concern. The need for patches immediately following the release of games now a days is just getting tiresome.
I live in CA and usually get stuff shipped from newegg pretty fast. $51.50 after tax here. Not bad, If this remains the best deal I'll keep my preorder.
No release day shipping is a big turnoff, but the price is very nice for those willing to wait 72-hours.
Originally Posted by bigdaddykraven
Yeah I was about to jump on this too but MLB The Show is one of those few games I HAVE to have on release day. No option for that so no go for me.
Originally Posted by douggoud
3 day wait? I'm sorry, but I'm not a patient person, even if it is $12. I'd rather have it THEN. lol
You guys could use the Newegg order for $48 and on release day go buy it from the store so you have it day 1. When your copy from NewEgg comes in, just take that copy back to the store.
You guys could use the Newegg order for $48 and on release day go buy it from the store so you have it day 1. When your copy from NewEgg comes in, just take that copy back to the store.
Depending on whether or not you think this is ethical, of course .