Grand Slam Tennis 2 News Post

Check out this new producer interview with Grand Slam Tennis 2 Producer Nathan McDonald. In the video, McDonald talks about the 10 year career mode, EA Sports Game Face technology, online features, and more.

What's the best/worst news in the video in your opinion?

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Game: Grand Slam Tennis 2Reader Score: 4/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 2 - View All
Grand Slam Tennis 2 Videos
Member Comments
# 1 EvanChelio @ 01/20/12 03:54 PM
seems interesting....
# 2 canucksss @ 01/20/12 05:36 PM
only 10 years...hmmm...... thats too short IMO.
# 3 richie923 @ 01/20/12 10:43 PM
It looks like in the 10 year Career Mode you have a certain amount of points to add to your attributes, which is understood.

But if you create a player regularly, I wonder if you will have unlimited attribute points. That way I could create someone like Isner who isn't licensed. That might be wishful thinking.

If anyone has any details about CAP attribute system, please share.
# 4 RUFFNREADY @ 01/20/12 11:17 PM
i'm liking that game face thingy! game looks like it will rival 2k Top Spin 4. i wish this game was apart of EA Sport season ticket!
# 5 at23steelers @ 01/20/12 11:26 PM
Now, when he said we can take a picture of ourself, that doesn't mean we can use that picture for our player's face right? That would make it too easy to have really realistic looking pros in the game that were not included! haha
# 6 Gosens6 @ 01/21/12 12:15 PM
This game looks great! I've been playing the demo non stop and i'm genuinely exctied.
# 7 The Bimmer @ 01/21/12 12:42 PM
Originally Posted by Gosens6
This game looks great! I've been playing the demo non stop and i'm genuinely exctied.
Agree 100%, I have found myself playing this demo more then any other demo in recent memory.
# 8 sva91 @ 01/21/12 07:03 PM
Wasnt really feeling this game too much due to the small roster...but after seeing the gameface and share a pro..Im sold. That created player looked awesome. I really want to play with an old school Agassi.
# 9 Petey B @ 01/22/12 11:03 AM
I'm surprisingly intruiged!
# 10 The Bimmer @ 01/22/12 12:03 PM
Originally Posted by sva91
Wasnt really feeling this game too much due to the small roster...but after seeing the gameface and share a pro..Im sold. That created player looked awesome. I really want to play with an old school Agassi.
I am going with Jimmy Connors, gameface will be a nice feature.
# 11 OhioBobcats @ 01/23/12 02:19 PM
If you are able to create say, 30 pros or more I will go crazy with this game. Would love even more and create at least 64-man tournaments.
# 12 SteelerSpartan @ 01/31/12 05:36 AM
Originally Posted by at23steelers
Now, when he said we can take a picture of ourself, that doesn't mean we can use that picture for our player's face right? That would make it too easy to have really realistic looking pros in the game that were not included! haha
Yep, the past 2 Fight Nights have had this and the Tiger Woods game as well

Here is a rather good Mayweather that someone created for FNC, who wasn't on the default roster


The PhotoGame face should work even better in this game, because there won't be any Facial Damage system like there is for Boxing

Really the bigger questions will be

How may CAP slots will there be
How many Hair/Body/Stroke Styles??
Is there a tendency system like NBA 2ks
Are Rating points uncapped so we can instantly make legends great

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