MLB 2K12 News Post

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Game: Major League Baseball 2K12 Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 12 - View All
Major League Baseball 2K12 Videos
Member Comments
# 21 Bulls321974 @ 01/20/12 08:51 AM
Originally Posted by peigone
Stop with the comparisons, you know better than that, c'mon.
I'm not trying to badmouth 2K's products. All I do is giving my opinion. That's all.
# 22 Bulls321974 @ 01/20/12 08:59 AM
Originally Posted by peigone
I didn't say I disagreed with you. I said you're not allowed to compare the two games on either forum, it's the rules.
Strange rules. As long as I don't badmouth one game while praising another one, I don't see any problems with that.
# 23 Blazzen @ 01/20/12 09:28 AM
Looks like more of the same if you ask me. Could put this video side by side with 2k11 and the only way you would be able to tell the difference is the new icons for the different pitches and different colors for the stat overlays.

The same unrealistic bull**** from the last year is present in the game.
- First foul ball of the game @ 0:23 you can see a graphical slowdown when the ball is coming off the bat. This was always a problem in last years game.
- Triple to RCF @ 1:15 the runner is at second base just as the cf gets the ball. Runner makes third base as the cut off man gets the ball. Either the runner is too fast or the fielder is too slow. Sure, slider MIGHT be able to fix this but why the **** would you put out a marketing video to show off the game with such a glaring oversight?
- Later in the video @ 2:02 there's a double to right center. The outfielder takes an extra step before going into the throw animation. This extra step and slow throwing animation was there last year which allowed for too many extra base hits and especially too many triples.

Love how the person from 2k they are interviewing is a marketing director. That's all this game is this year. Different wrapper, marketing, but the same old tired bull**** at its core.
# 24 RGmoney @ 01/20/12 09:43 AM
This thread is about MLB 2K12. Keep MLB '12 The Show OUT of this thread. You want to compare any aspect of both games.... take it here: http://www.operationsports.com/forum...aseball-games/

No more warnings will be issued.
# 25 mkharsh33 @ 01/20/12 09:52 AM
All I care about is simulation baseball... put some stick figures out there and I'm still happy. I believe that presentation is improved, AI will be improved, and that some small buggy things from last year will also get improved. If that's the case, I'm going to enjoy this game... I think 2K is finally getting this title to where they can at this point. perfect? no, not by far, and indeed many limitations for a lot of you guys who will find ANYTHING to complain about in a video game.... But if the framerate issues from last year get cleaned up, and they "smooth" out the animations, this promises to be a fun game...
# 26 stlchamp10 @ 01/20/12 09:54 AM
The thing I still get discouraged about is that last play before the video ended where Peralta drove and threw the runner out while on one knee. Seems like that animation for fielders has been in for awhile now. How many times do you really see that in a game or even a season?
# 27 bonannogiovanni @ 01/20/12 10:17 AM
At last I'm seeing some nice player animations, but it's gonna be the hitting system to make or break the game for me and they better overhauled it.

Didin't notice 2D crowd, but are we sure this is 360 footage and not PC? They're all still stuck to their seats however, how come 2k cannot implement dynamic attendance without affecting framerate, like the other game does?
# 28 m1ke_nyc @ 01/20/12 10:40 AM
Game seems slightly smoother, base running is still too fast, didnt like how the CF just picked up the ball and fired it to the cutoff man accurately without even looking, graphics look a little better but still needs more work. But gotta get my hands on the game to truly see how it feels.
# 29 Money99 @ 01/20/12 10:56 AM
Originally Posted by M_F_Z
What ? In 2K, all they offer is timing based hitting. That means you just press a button or press the analog stick up. It doesn't get any easier than that.
That's all I need.
I want my hitters to be good based on their stats, not my particular skills (or lack thereof) on a controller.

Originally Posted by bosnian19
yeah the fans and attendance need to get fixed
i never been to a game where everybody is stuck like glue together and sitting down cheering everybody
I had to laugh when the producer was speaking about 'the little things' and making sure it was realistic. This is at the same time they show Young's triple with the crowd glued to their seats.
Hopefully it's because it's from an early build.
# 30 mkharsh33 @ 01/20/12 11:00 AM
Originally Posted by peigone
That is annoying for sure. It's almost as annoying as guys who can't keep their comments focused on the thread topic, and feel they have to stir the pot and type things like "a lot of you guys who will find ANYTHING to complain about in a video game."
yes, kinda like your rebuttal comment...
# 31 EHS_25 @ 01/20/12 11:11 AM
Player models still look terrible
# 32 bigfnjoe96 @ 01/20/12 11:27 AM
VC has a graphical style that differs from other developers. If you've played their other games you will see that.

They ain't changing that art style, so people either deal with it or move on. Maybe when the next systems hit market we'll see a graphical change.

As for the video. It is what it is. A. Snippet of 1 inning of gameplay. Nothing more & Nothing less

Sent from Awesome Phone
# 33 ranger91 @ 01/20/12 12:08 PM
I've always like the pitching but other than that this will probably be a terrible game. I'm normally not real picky with graphics but this game does not look even remotely ok
# 34 dodgerblue @ 01/20/12 12:17 PM
I agree with some of the posts here that it's only 1 video and we don't get to see a lot. But what we are seeing looks like the same product we got last year. Last year's game was fun, I owned it for PC and 360; But I am looking for improvement. There should be a list of things improved, not a vague reference to the game playing more like the "real thing". When the marketing guy says they improved on the little things and I don't see them it makes me wonder. I am not a ***** but a fan of the series. I sincerely want 2 great baseball games to play (yes I play the other game too.)
# 35 CarryTheWeight @ 01/20/12 01:10 PM
I don't think I'll be able to judge this game at a glance. A demo or the actual game will likely show us just how much changed under the hood.

Apart from the game looking a bit rough on console (it looked extremely good on the PC by comparsion), and the fact that I'm not much of a fan of the default "wide angle lens" batting cam --- I usually take advantage of the customization options in that regard --- I don't have much to complain about graphically. Just need a competent game of baseball above anything else.
# 36 SoxFan01605 @ 01/20/12 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by bigfnjoe96
VC has a graphical style that differs from other developers. If you've played their other games you will see that.

They ain't changing that art style, so people either deal with it or move on. Maybe when the next systems hit market we'll see a graphical change.

As for the video. It is what it is. A. Snippet of 1 inning of gameplay. Nothing more & Nothing less

Sent from Awesome Phone
To be fair, I don't think the issue is with "style" as much as quality. For example, you can recognize the same overall style of graphics in NBA 2K, but the quality is far superior (I'm talking more for players than environments, as some of the parks in MLB 2K look absolutely stunning).

Things like rubber looking gear, flat and static cloth, etc are small things that could improve visuals and take away some of that "cartoon" vibe people gripe about. Obviously 2K acknoweldges this to a degree, since they supposedly fixed their gloves (thank God!) for 2K12.

The other issue is the color palette, which is consistent across their games...but consistently bad. I will never understand how a developer can have such a hard time finding the correct colors to use for a sports team. This is made more exasperating when I can mod correct colors for a given uniform on the PC in a relatively short time. So, in terms of coloring, it doesn't fall into a "programming can be complicated..." issue, like so many other things.

All that said, however, I agree with the main point. It makes no sense to come to any conclusion about how much or how little of these things were addressed/improved for 2K12 based on a few pictures and a few minutes of game play that we can't be sure are 100% from 2K12 to begin with. Even if they are, there's no telling what stage it's in, etc. We're better off waiting for actual game play footage and the demo on that front.
# 37 tmac55 @ 01/20/12 01:39 PM
I agree with several other posters here. On the surface it does look improved from 2k11, which i really enjoyed, so let's hope we see some more videos.
# 38 tmac55 @ 01/20/12 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by peigone
But do we need to see more? Some of us have been waiting around since MLB 2K5 for 2K to put out a true next-gen baseball game. And every year it's essentially the same game with the same stiff, stilted animations, the same meh graphics, the same baserunners rounding second on a single just as the ball is picked up in the outfield, the same infielders' rocket throws from their knees...

It's now 2012. It's seven years later. And once again here we all are, having waited yet another ten and a half months to see if maybe, just maybe, this is the year 2K finally comes through and delivers a sports title worthy of other next-gen games out on the market. And what do we see in the first vid? Same old, same old. It's obvious there's no next-gen leap in graphics, or animations, or lighting, or player models, or textures. That's all pretty clear from that video. We've been waiting all this time, again, and now we know.

I vividly remember my initial impression of both the PES and FIFA vids when they came out this year. I was blown away in the first couple of seconds of each, it was unclear for a moment if I was watching a video or a TV broadcast. Whereas I spent all my time watching this 2K12 gameplay clip trying to pick out the parts that somewhat resembled a real baseball game in progress. Because not a lot of it does really, especially once the ball is put into play. And I don't see how watching another dozen 2K12 videos is going to change any of that.
I would say the same about 2K11 and 2K12 for NBA. I still liked both games just as much. I think your problem is that you are expecting VC to develop something that is not in their style and really the animations and player models in both games are not that far off.

I am not defending them, as I know it could be better, but contextually, it is what it is.
# 39 bigfnjoe96 @ 01/20/12 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by peigone
But do we need to see more? Some of us have been waiting around since MLB 2K5 for 2K to put out a true next-gen baseball game. And every year it's essentially the same game with the same stiff, stilted animations, the same meh graphics, the same baserunners rounding second on a single just as the ball is picked up in the outfield, the same infielders' rocket throws from their knees...

It's now 2012. It's seven years later. And once again here we all are, having waited yet another ten and a half months to see if maybe, just maybe, this is the year 2K finally comes through and delivers a sports title worthy of other next-gen games out on the market. And what do we see in the first vid? Same old, same old. It's obvious there's no next-gen leap in graphics, or animations, or lighting, or player models, or textures. That's all pretty clear from that video. We've been waiting all this time, again, and now we know.

I vividly remember my initial impression of both the PES and FIFA vids when they came out this year. I was blown away in the first couple of seconds of each, it was unclear for a moment if I was watching a video or a TV broadcast. Whereas I spent all my time watching this 2K12 gameplay clip trying to pick out the parts that somewhat resembled a real baseball game in progress. Because not a lot of it does really, especially once the ball is put into play. And I don't see how watching another dozen 2K12 videos is going to change any of that.
I'll just point-1 thing in that video that has been added. Watch the catcher after he throws the ball back to Verlander @ the 2:30 mark. He adjust his Chest Protector as he's getting ready for the next pitch. Something that wasn't in the series before.

You mention you see the stiff animations, yet the replay of the OF throwing it back to cut-off man shows a much better OF throwing animation than in the past. In the past almost all OF Throws had the OF taking a hop step before throwing, the animation in the video was all done in 1 motion. Could it have been made with more sense of urgency from the OF of course, but to say it looked stiff is unfair IMO.

Also Delvin Young swing animation looks really good. It looks fluid & very life like. As did Napoli's swing

Base running Animation looks 100x better than before. Yes Delvin Young 1/2 way to 2nd before the OF get's the ball shouldn't be, but we don't know if settings have something to do with that.

Are there things in that video that still bug me hell yes. The way the lighting causes the crowd to go from Dark to Light when Delvin Young hit's his triple. That transition is really annoying & takes away from the realism. I really hope they've done something to fix that
# 40 jeffy777 @ 01/20/12 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by peigone
But do we need to see more? Some of us have been waiting around since MLB 2K5 for 2K to put out a true next-gen baseball game. And every year it's essentially the same game with the same stiff, stilted animations, the same meh graphics, the same baserunners rounding second on a single just as the ball is picked up in the outfield, the same infielders' rocket throws from their knees...

It's now 2012. It's seven years later. And once again here we all are, having waited yet another ten and a half months to see if maybe, just maybe, this is the year 2K finally comes through and delivers a sports title worthy of other next-gen games out on the market. And what do we see in the first vid? Same old, same old. It's obvious there's no next-gen leap in graphics, or animations, or lighting, or player models, or textures. That's all pretty clear from that video. We've been waiting all this time, again, and now we know.

I vividly remember my initial impression of both the PES and FIFA vids when they came out this year. I was blown away in the first couple of seconds of each, it was unclear for a moment if I was watching a video or a TV broadcast. Whereas I spent all my time watching this 2K12 gameplay clip trying to pick out the parts that somewhat resembled a real baseball game in progress. Because not a lot of it does really, especially once the ball is put into play. And I don't see how watching another dozen 2K12 videos is going to change any of that.
Baserunners rounding second on a single? C'mon man, you can stop exaggerating. That doesn't happen in this series. The animations look better as well (as Joe pointed out), and they improved them quite a bit from 2K9 to 2K10 to 2K11, which you seem to have forgotten. As much as you comment on this game, it sure doesn't seem like you've played it much.

They've improved this game every year since VC took over. It will be an improvement this year again. Will it be perfect? Not likely, but 2K11 was a pretty good game, so an improvement on that will be welcomed by a lot of us. Whether or not it will be a big enough improvement for everyone still remains to be seen, but from your comments it sounds like you've already made up your mind, and it seems like you're never going to be happy with this series, which is fine because we're all entitled to our own opinions.....but it seems this series just isn't for you, man.

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