MLB 2K12 News Post

ESPN The Gamer has posted their MLB 2K12 preview.

Our pitching mechanic is really what we hang our hat on, and it's what we feel differentiates us from the competition," explains 2K's Chris Snyder as he shows me the new game. "We utilize our Inside Edge scouting reports and all of the data from STATS LLC, and we track how many fastballs, how many curves they throw in real life, and we mimic that data in the game. So if you're abusing a pitch this year, and if you're using a pitch way more than say, Justin Verlander throws it in real life, your stats are going to drop and it's going to be more difficult to hit your spots.

Game: Major League Baseball 2K12 Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 12 - View All
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Member Comments
# 21 Tabata4Prez @ 01/19/12 12:12 PM
I'm and MLB The Show guy but I have to say, 2k baseball has the best commentary out there and to hear that it's getting even better is crazy. These previews seem really promising. I really hope 2k can turn this series around. It would be awesome to have two great baseball games out there each year.
# 22 mkharsh33 @ 01/19/12 12:34 PM
We have a couple threads running on this, but I'm excited about what I'm seeing.

one thing not mentioned here that I'm VERY happy to hear: animations for the outfielders!!!! This is HUGE because those animations are key to baserunning and outfielder throwing strength sliders.

Maybe this is the year they finally nail this game?? I'm hopeful....
# 23 dodgerblue @ 01/19/12 01:31 PM
I'm hoping the upgrades in graphics is huge. Looking at that Verlander pic reminds me of that. It looks like a 2D cutout; needs better lighting, shadows, shading something! Day games looked great last year but as soon as the sun went down, bleh!
# 24 bigfnjoe96 @ 01/19/12 01:42 PM
Originally Posted by dodgerblue
I'm hoping the upgrades in graphics is huge. Looking at that Verlander pic reminds me of that. It looks like a 2D cutout; needs better lighting, shadows, shading something! Day games looked great last year but as soon as the sun went down, bleh!
Graphics will never be a strong point of this title. Here's hoping the tweaks spoken about bring a little life to game.

Sent from Awesome Phone
# 25 Blzer @ 01/19/12 01:45 PM
Originally Posted by dodgerblue
I'm hoping the upgrades in graphics is huge. Looking at that Verlander pic reminds me of that. It looks like a 2D cutout; needs better lighting, shadows, shading something! Day games looked great last year but as soon as the sun went down, bleh!
I agree, it's missing some "depth" caused by the bland lighting... which I hope is caused primarily by the overcast shadows.

Nevertheless, this was the exact problem for night games as well. I wonder if they worked on what needed to be worked on to take away the "flat" look that's given off when there isn't proper lighting applied to the players.
# 26 metsfan4life1 @ 01/19/12 04:17 PM
Wow.. ALL this time and they have yet to improve big time on at least some aspects of the graphics. Verlander looks awful there, it looks like this is some animated cartoon game. The stadium looks flat and, as you can see in the upper deck, the fans are flat.. It's been like that in MLB 2k since 2009. Disappointing.
# 27 metsfan4life1 @ 01/19/12 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by peigone
Why would they show a pic of their cover athlete using last year's game when promoting this year's game? That makes no sense.
Well Jays batting gloves look new this year, in terms of style. The Verlander picture has to be from this year, if its not, thats just lame and very like the MLB 2k series; bad.
# 28 bigfnjoe96 @ 01/19/12 05:24 PM
The clouding of the skies is what causing that picture to look bland. I actually like the cloudy look as the sky looks great in that screen shot.

What doesn't look that great is the upper deck again...

Also take into account it's a low-res screen shot

# 29 metsfan4life1 @ 01/19/12 05:57 PM
I agree. Ever since 2K9, the fans have been on the dwindle. The upper decks are always full of flat, fake people.
# 30 DJ @ 01/19/12 07:15 PM
Call me cautiously optimistic.
# 31 metsfan4life1 @ 01/19/12 07:46 PM
Originally Posted by bosnian19
yeah i can't stand that
hopefully the fans don't all sit down this time & actually cheer or boo
and when you zoom into the people on the second decks, they're all static and fake.
# 32 13whitebread @ 01/19/12 09:06 PM
I have not had a baseball game since Tony Larussa baseball on the Sega. But being from Detroit will look to pick this up looking forward to the commentary while you play the game hope its good like NBA2k12. Would not mind to win a million dollars by pitching a perfect game warm up Verlander. Maybe this year he gets his perfect game was very close the last NO NO.
# 33 Ollienyy @ 01/19/12 09:08 PM
Originally Posted by metsfan4life1
and when you zoom into the people on the second decks, they're all static and fake.
Supposedly the crowds in the Upper Deck are 2D to keep the game running at a healthy 60FPS. If thats still the case I suspect it will still be the same.

Also, has anyone confirmed if that Verlander pic is from 2K11? For some reason I thought it was too but it would be great to get an official or educated confirmation.
# 34 mkharsh33 @ 01/19/12 10:17 PM
Originally Posted by derektown
I have not had a baseball game since Tony Larussa baseball on the Sega.
LOVE, LOVE, LOVED that game!!!!!!!!!!!!! My favorite baseball game of all-time. Most realistic, sim-like game ever. Sorry for the offtopic comment, but just HAD to comment on this!!
# 35 Blzer @ 01/19/12 10:29 PM
Originally Posted by metsfan4life1
Well Jays batting gloves look new this year, in terms of style. The Verlander picture has to be from this year, if its not, thats just lame and very like the MLB 2k series; bad.
Funny, I seem to recall a recent trailer that was released which only contained 1.6% new footage...
# 36 hitstreak13 @ 01/20/12 01:05 AM
Originally Posted by mkharsh33
LOVE, LOVE, LOVED that game!!!!!!!!!!!!! My favorite baseball game of all-time. Most realistic, sim-like game ever. Sorry for the offtopic comment, but just HAD to comment on this!!
I apologize for taking this thread off course and asking this, but which Tony La Russa game are you talking about? I was way too young unfortunately. Now I want to go try it.

But regarding 2k, I really want to know if they did anything for franchise. Even if they didn't add anything per se, but fixed all the glitches this will be a day 1 purchase for me.
# 37 mkharsh33 @ 01/20/12 09:42 AM
Played that game in college over 20 years ago... Sorry, don't remember all the details, just how much fun a bunch of guys and I had playing this game.
# 38 Spanky @ 01/21/12 12:19 AM
They said gloves have been redone, but Verlander's glove looks the same -- awful. One of problems that's plagued this series is the bad-looking gloves. They've been an eyesore.
# 39 Blzer @ 01/21/12 12:22 AM
Originally Posted by Spanky
They said gloves have been redone, but Verlander's glove looks the same -- awful. One of problems that's plagued this series is the bad-looking gloves. They've been an eyesore.
Someone suggested it might be a shot from 2K11.

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