06:03 AM - January 7, 2012 by rudawaknchi2nev
NBA 2K12 News Post
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And people need to stop whining about how the Morris twins don't have tattoos or whatever. Pretty sure that doesn't affect their playing ability, and pretty sure no one in their right mind gives a f*** whether or not Rip Hamilton's hair is perfect.
I appreciate everything 2K has done for its fans and consumers so far. Keep it up, guys.
# 22
GoldenSurferX @ 01/07/12 06:56 AM
Dang 2k still can't get these roster update right,still no Charles Jenkins, Hughes and no undrafted players like Ivan Johnson....just as I expected lol.
Im talkin about Online i cant use the lakers 2nd rounders so chill with that sweet fail lmaoo.. Played them tho offline not bad i jus wish i could use them online but o well..
Very disappointed with this roster update. All I wanted was Terrell Harris and Mickael Gladness (Heat's missing rookies). Got neither and still have to wait to start my Heat association if I can't find an accurate player model on 2KShare's player DNA section. Wish I was given a time-frame as to when they would be added to the game so I don't get my hopes up anymore. Oh well, I guess.
Were there any ratings updates? For like spencer hawes, bargnani, ,rubio, derrick williams, etc?
Were there any ratings updates? For like spencer hawes, bargnani, ,rubio, derrick williams, etc?
What he is saying is that Yi's player model was already on the disc where as Williams is not. Yes I too wish everybody was in but 2K did ask for a lil time on the guys like Williams and Hughes so they could get in their actual models from previous games instead of just a CAP.
Now I'm gona have to wait until RONDO or vtcrb new updated rosters =/
Yup, they're there. I'm not sure if the roster would work on the consoles, but I can PM you the link to it if you want. AFAIK it's the official roster, for PC anyway.
well, thats weird O.o
can someone tell me if eric gordon is injuried? what about chuck hayes? is there any important player that wasn't injuried in the previous update, that it now?
I guess my roster is a bit outdated then. Gordon, Randolph, Maggette and Hayes are all not injured. But at least I got most of the rookies/FA.
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