Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 News Post

If you’d like to believe the press release, FIFA 12 outsold PES 2012 at a 25-to-1 clip. Even though I’m a little cynical of that figure myself, it’s hard not to anoint FIFA as this console generation’s footy-game king. Yes, PES still has pockets of hardcore support in various places around the world — Japan, Europe (with the notable exception of the UK) and Latin America — but the momentum is definitely on FIFA’s side. PES is looking like an army that’s ceding territory left and right as the mighty FIFA machine marches on.

Is all hope lost? Of course not.

First and most importantly, PES is still making money — which, no matter what game companies’ friendly PR departments will try to have you believe, is the most crucial aspect. And FIFA, despite what EA will have you believe, is eminently catchable and can be dethroned. And so, here are a few humble suggestions as to what the PES franchise should do if they are serious about a comeback.

Read More - What PES Needs to Do to Catch FIFA

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Member Comments
# 1 Cod @ 12/23/11 06:03 PM
Great entry and I enjoyed reading it! I agree with a lot of what you said and can only hope Konami feels the same way. I believe its a little more than PES getting better though, because FIFA is one of the most innovative franchises in EA's portfolio (see the Impact Engine). Bottom line, until FIFA becomes more stagnant from year to year, there is nothing PES can do to pass it...only slowly catch it.
# 2 spit_bubble @ 12/23/11 06:10 PM
They're not going to catch FIFA any time soon.

FIFA got out of the gates quick as one of the better sports games this generation, showcasing technology and controls that felt more "next gen" than most of it's contemporaries, and they've been backed by one of the more powerful marketing machines in the business. That's a lot to overcome, especially for a small operation like Konami.

PES is still the better game though. Always has been.
# 3 milin @ 12/24/11 02:20 PM
I also prefer PES this year. I can't stand FIFA's stupid A.I. and the lack of fouls called. But FIFA is the prettier game all around, but gameplay wise, it sucks, at least to me.
# 4 fugazi @ 12/24/11 02:27 PM
just port WE9 and they'd be closer...

but why no player swaps in ML?
why no player improvement when you loaned him out?
why no in-between-game management like "regulate condition"?

Why does "this-gen" PES have less than "older-gen"?
# 5 KG @ 12/24/11 02:39 PM
All they need to do is add the EPL license. Personally all the other leagues FIFA has that PES doesn't are meaningless to me. I don't think many people play in the Austrian, Norwegian or Polish leagues. You really only need their top 2 clubs to rotate for Champions/Europa league.

I don't understand why Konami doesn't throw up a server for online option file sharing. I don't blame anyone who doesn't want to go through the option file loading shenanigans.
# 6 carnalnirvana @ 12/24/11 07:27 PM
i already feel this game is better than fifa !!!

if they add a roster share option like ncaa football or nba2k... it would get more recognition.


if they got bigger player models/ crisper visuals it would bring in the casuals.....

fifa is popular, but anyone who wants real football i dont see how they can get that from fifa...

fifa is like COD its fun for all the wrong reasons, and i love COD
# 7 Altimus @ 12/25/11 02:03 AM
Honestly I don't see how PES this year is real football either. Unless you're playing on PC and are able to download all the different edits.

I for one don't care about licenses as you can download kits. Konami needs to work on the gameplay, master league as it's a bust this year and please add some core sliders next year.

FIFA isn't perfect but to me PES is a disappointment compared to last year's version.

Sent from my HTC EVO
# 8 LingeringRegime @ 12/25/11 04:08 AM
FIFA is better to play online.

PES is better to play offline.

Sad, that you need two games to really get your fix.

If I had to choose one it would be PES though. Every game you see something new. And now that I finally know how to play some defense with new control scheme this game is back in my rotation.
# 9 poorch @ 12/25/11 05:46 AM
would be awesome if the master league was more "immersive" :/ feeling kinda of stale and generic

gameplay wise PES is my fav, but presentation and graphics need a SERIOUS overhaul, i play PC, so not have licenses doesn't bother me
# 10 Rules @ 12/25/11 10:40 AM
Great article and this is why competition is important as we all win in the end. I love both games and it is a yearly purchase as one offers what the other doesn't.
# 11 jyoung @ 12/26/11 06:09 PM
Konami just can't compete with EA's advertising monster.

Pretty much every time I turn on a soccer game on TV, it seems like it's "presented by FIFA 12."
# 12 dsk @ 12/27/11 11:28 AM
No comments about online? Online hasn't been really playable / enjoyable since WE9.
# 13 bobtrain @ 12/28/11 04:14 AM
I played PED at the Microsoft store at the Mall of America, and let me tell you, the gameplay is very rugged and stiff.
# 14 ps3veron @ 12/28/11 06:16 AM
I agree with you guys on the online for PES; its terrible!

I have been a long fan of PES (since the ISS days) but I had to unfortunately move to the other camp (and they have been making some awesome progress!).

I did like PES this year but like the author said, it feels sloppy and dont get me started on the commentary!
# 15 ronaldo9 @ 12/29/11 12:03 AM
FIFA is always going to be shinier, with more licenses, better commentary and better atmosphere; where PES shined earlier this decade was that it was a better game overall, something that appealed more to soccer aficionados and gamers than to kids.

PES really lost it, and lost it big, over the last few years. The earlier poster who said PES felt "rugged" is dead on...I just can't get over how poor the controls feel. When the game isn't smooth, you notice other bad things, like bad AI and terrible audio (even though I do like the graphics), and I barely make it through full games anymore and go weeks without playing it.

I'm really disappointed in PES this year. So much so that I'm not touching it next year unless there's universal acclaim - and waiting for option files to start your ML or just enjoy the game more, made me wonder why I pre-ordered it instead of just waiting til now to buy and save $$.

FIFA has its issues, too. I always assumed I would phase out of soccer games, but soccer games are phasing me out.
# 16 yopis @ 12/29/11 12:43 PM
Full manual settings fifa is the far better game gameplay wise. Assisted it's a wash with pes sometimes coming out better. PES needs to get the league licenses to go big time. Not having that makes the game look like the first bill walsh college football. Raleigh instead of NC state, College station instead of Texas A&M. It's seems cheap and harkens back to an earlier time.

For the record I like PES in some aspects and I think competition is good. If full manual was ever removed from fifa I would jump on PES more. ( have it for my ps3, fifa for 360.)
# 17 dsk @ 12/30/11 10:58 AM
Seabass basically rested on what was an amazing game back in the previous generation of consoles, figuring (by mistake) that PES would always out play Fifa on the pitch. Neither camp showed much in the early releases of the next gen era. However, I give EA a lot of credit of looking at the worlds most popular sport and deciding years ago that it would one day catch, and then surpass PES. There was also the well known fact that PES loyalists would always buy the game for it's incredible on the pitch gameplay. Well, the next gen began to shatter that thinking with even the most loyal admitting after a few pints that Fifa is now the better package.

Market share is dwindling every season for PES and unless they take a long, hard look at the basics of what is wrong with the game, and actually do something about it, they will never, ever catch up.

I'm not holding my breath.
# 18 aloncho11 @ 12/30/11 05:30 PM
Originally Posted by DEFTFUNDAMENTALZ
FIFA is better to play online.

PES is better to play offline.

Sad, that you need two games to really get your fix.

If I had to choose one it would be PES though. Every game you see something new. And now that I finally know how to play some defense with new control scheme this game is back in my rotation.
Originally Posted by spit_bubble
They're not going to catch FIFA any time soon.

FIFA got out of the gates quick as one of the better sports games this generation, showcasing technology and controls that felt more "next gen" than most of it's contemporaries, and they've been backed by one of the more powerful marketing machines in the business. That's a lot to overcome, especially for a small operation like Konami.

PES is still the better game though. Always has been.
Originally Posted by dsk
Seabass basically rested on what was an amazing game back in the previous generation of consoles, figuring (by mistake) that PES would always out play Fifa on the pitch. Neither camp showed much in the early releases of the next gen era. However, I give EA a lot of credit of looking at the worlds most popular sport and deciding years ago that it would one day catch, and then surpass PES. There was also the well known fact that PES loyalists would always buy the game for it's incredible on the pitch gameplay. Well, the next gen began to shatter that thinking with even the most loyal admitting after a few pints that Fifa is now the better package.

Market share is dwindling every season for PES and unless they take a long, hard look at the basics of what is wrong with the game, and actually do something about it, they will never, ever catch up.

I'm not holding my breath.
True facts and totally valid points. Today it's not about the best footy game, but about the best overall experience; the "total package" video games offer to gamers.

Despite of having a better overall understanding of the sport, Konami is stuck in a Football video game and has not been able to deliver "The World of Football" FIFA has become in recent years.
# 19 delije27 @ 03/28/12 11:06 PM
Go back to the basic fun elements of early 2000s PES. Its that simple
# 20 BIG CAROLINA @ 04/14/12 04:21 PM
Originally Posted by jyoung
Konami just can't compete with EA's advertising monster.

Pretty much every time I turn on a soccer game on TV, it seems like it's "presented by FIFA 12."
This is the answer. I have never seen a commercial for any PES game let alone 2012. The way it stands now, there is nothing they can do to "catch" Fifa in advertising but they already had and still have the lead in the gameplay dept.

EA could sell snow to an eskimo or water to a whale, their marketing and advertising is that good.

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