NFL Blitz News Post
NFL Blitz Videos
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# 1
LingeringRegime @ 12/21/11 06:24 AM
When does this come out? Nevermind, Jan. 4th.
Funny that James Harrison is featured delivering a helmet to helmet hit.
Funny that James Harrison is featured delivering a helmet to helmet hit.

It's Blitz. It looks like Blitz. What is the problem? Oh that's right, it's from EA and this is OS so nothing is ever good enough. I'm sure the same team that works on Madden is taking time off from that to work on Blitz. That's right, it's two separate teams and a huge company. Blitz will be fun, just like Jam because they are ARCADE games.
Whats the price gonna be on this? Wont be bad for say 20 dollars, believe the second nba jam that came out wasn't a AAA price.
# 6
mike24forever @ 12/21/11 04:31 PM
I was a big NFL Blitz fan back in high school. I wonder if the adult me could get into this version.
No hits after the whistle is really disappointing and kills the nostalgia for me.
I'm gonna miss "HE'S FOAMIN' AT THE MOUTH!" after a tackle and a few late hits

I like the idea of remaking Blitz but...
The atmosphere is extremely bland, which it terrible news for an arcade game
The players don't really have anything that highlights their individuality
Is there no "running game"?
How about adding some wrinkles that fit with the times? It's not enough to just "HD" a classic in 2012. It's 2012 for crying out loud.
The atmosphere is extremely bland, which it terrible news for an arcade game
The players don't really have anything that highlights their individuality
Is there no "running game"?
How about adding some wrinkles that fit with the times? It's not enough to just "HD" a classic in 2012. It's 2012 for crying out loud.
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