11:32 AM - December 9, 2011 by bp4baseball
Ebenezer Samuel, writer for The New York Daily News, has posted his
MLB 12 The Show hands-on impressions, discussing the improvements made in the game with the Playstation Move.
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Sony’s Move can differentiate various swings, and it does it with relative accuracy. If you pull your shoulder back and “load,” it reads that as a power swing, and if you attempt to check your swing, the game can read that, too. It’s all instantly immersive, and it easily adds tremendous drama to each and every at-bat.
It’s also incredibly difficult. I don’t know about you, but I’m not exactly headed for next year’s MLB Draft, and if not for pitch-guessing and quick button-pressing reflexes, my virtual Albert Pujols would never smack a single home run, so the idea of stepping into the batter’s box against a pixelated Jared Weaver is not a pleasant thought. You don’t have much time to recognize pitches in this game, and while each and every at-bat is exhilarating in its realism, it’s also frustrating once you realize that you’re, well, not anywhere close to MLB-ready. |