WWE ’12 is out, and rabid wrestling gamers have been putting it through the paces over the last week plus. The feature set is deep in this year’s game; Road to Wrestlemania, online play, exhibition play and the deepest creation suite out there. But the mode that might be the most overlooked is Universe.
Universe mode allows your own WWE to begin, living and breathing, on your console. The steps to begin a Universe can be as deep or easy as you want it to be. You can just start stock or edit it to your heart’s content. I immediately got rid of the spinner belt and the old Intercontinental title, replacing both with older titles (WCW Title and the Classic I-C belt). After you have the titles set up, it’s time to set up which shows you want to “air.” I have Raw on Mondays; Impact Wrestling (thanks to the creations download from Xbox Live) on Thursday; Nitro on Friday. Nitro is taking the Smackdown roster, but has the WCW logo, title and ring. The level of detail here is staggering. Any arena you want to use, any show name, anything you want is basically at your disposal.
Read More - WWE '12: Universe Mode Overview