NFL Blitz News Post

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NFL Blitz Designer, Yuri Bialoskursky has posted another NFL Blitz blog. This one covers Blitz Elite Leagues.

In football, building a successful team is no small feat and one that takes a lot of teams years to accomplish. Of course, once a franchise actually manages to put one together, maintaining and sustaining that success over multiple seasons is a whole different story. Coaches and managers are constantly evaluating their players from a number of different angles in order to give their team the best chance for success, and in Elite League, you'll be doing much of the same. Elite League is the deepest, and my favorite, of our new online modes. It allows you to build your team from the ground up and decide what you feel is best equipped to make your team successful for the long haul.

When you first start off, you'll be asked to pick an NFL team to play as and then give your new team a name. Soon after, you'll be introduced to your starting lineup. You'll notice right away that the players in Elite League are represented as trading cards with an image of the player on the front and their ratings on the back. Your initial team may not be the strongest or best bunch of guys, but they'll definitely get the job done.

Game: NFL BlitzReader Score: 5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 6 - View All
NFL Blitz Videos
Member Comments
# 1 LingeringRegime @ 11/22/11 05:22 PM
Looks great.
# 2 Scott @ 11/22/11 08:11 PM
Looks good, though it will be just a rental for me.
# 3 MrKasoogi @ 11/23/11 08:35 AM
So, basically Ultimate Team. I'll probably rent it though.
# 4 The GIGGAS @ 11/23/11 08:36 AM
Originally Posted by Scott
Looks good, though it will be just a rental for me.
Originally Posted by MrKasoogi
So, basically Ultimate Team. I'll probably rent it though.
It's a downloadable game.
# 5 stlpimpmonsta @ 11/23/11 11:00 AM
Originally Posted by Scott
Looks good, though it will be just a rental for me.
good luck renting a XBL/PSN Game......
# 6 HisMommaCallHimClay @ 11/23/11 12:15 PM
Feedback on this game will have to be through the roof for me to buy it. Cuz i aint forgot about nba jam then the cheaper more enhance nba jam o.f.a.

fool me once shame on you. fool me twice uhh uhh......i we cant ge fooled again. ~George W. Bush
# 7 Scott @ 11/23/11 11:18 PM
Originally Posted by The GIGGAS
It's a downloadable game.
Gotcha, thought it was an actual physical game.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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