NBA 2K12 News Post

We recently posted up an article detailing the top five position players in NBA 2K12 . This week we're focusing on the top superstars you might not know about. These are players that might be well known in real life, but are over shadowed in NBA 2K12. That's mainly due to the fact that these players either have another superstar on their team, or they're on an underperforming team. But with all of that said, these players truly need more recognition, and hopefully this article does just that.

Read More - Top Five Underrated Superstars in NBA 2K12

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# 41 MVPdrose1 @ 10/27/11 04:59 AM
Originally Posted by jdareal21
Danny Granger just might be the closest thing to Scottie Pippen I've ever seen. I'm glad he's getting some love in this article. I'm trying to get him now for my association
Pippen would smash granger
# 42 MVPdrose1 @ 10/27/11 05:01 AM
Luol deng...money from anywhere and probably most underrated defender.
# 43 geowalla @ 10/27/11 05:37 AM
Mareese Speights on the 76ers 89 mid range athletic I always run with the sixers and start him thaddeus, iggy, turner and holiday
# 44 yossihaz1 @ 10/27/11 05:41 AM
Originally Posted by Vni
He was a beast at the Euro of basketball this year with Spain. If I where the Lakers i'd try to get him.
"la bomba"- great pure shooter
remember him from euroleague
# 45 44drob @ 10/27/11 10:42 AM
Brandon Jennings ?
# 46 bigdipper88 @ 10/27/11 11:17 AM
Originally Posted by jdareal21
Danny Granger just might be the closest thing to Scottie Pippen I've ever seen. I'm glad he's getting some love in this article. I'm trying to get him now for my association
That's 1 of the worst comparisons I've ever heard. Granger is nowhere near the level of Pip. Granger doesn't distribute the ball like Pip, doesn't play lockdown D, Granger is a terrible defender. I have no idea where you came up with that. I'll agree w/the guy that said Iggy is more of a comparison to Pippen.
# 47 Steven123 @ 10/27/11 01:41 PM
Danny Granger is a beast! This guy always lit me up in all of my 2k9, 2k10, & 2k11 Knicks association
# 48 Noir @ 10/27/11 03:03 PM
The title of this is certainly mis-leading. But there can't really be a Top Five of those players that aren't "media-driven" through commercials and talk shows. 'Cause there are many of other players that deserve the same credit as this list follows. I can't talk down to your opinion, 'cause they are YOUR thoughts, that some I do agree with.

Other players to fill this sheet are others like: Brandon Roy, Gerald Wallace, Eric Gordon, Tyler Hansborough, Rudy Gay, Luol Deng, Taj Gibson, Jamal Crawford, Joe Johnson, Rajon Rondo, Jason Richardson, Chauncey Billups and so fourth.
# 49 44drob @ 10/27/11 05:48 PM
Ohh yeah and Tyreke Evans .... gets buckets too .... !
# 50 SuperNoVa27 @ 10/27/11 10:02 PM
I traded for Rudy Gay in my association with the Sixers and.......OH MAH GAWD, This dude just dunks on whatever the hell he wants! Dropped 45 Points with him. Rudy Gay makes it okay to wear "GAY" on a shirt
# 51 WTF @ 10/27/11 10:07 PM
Nick Young is my dude in this game. I can easily average 35-40ppg w/ the guy. He is a lights out pull up shooter... spot up shooter, and great slasher. Can't go wrong with Tyreke at the 2 though.
# 52 hoop xyience @ 10/28/11 07:15 AM
John Wall -I get a easy 14 10 12 Triple double with him in HOF SIM OR DEFAULT/ quick match.

Nick Young- I haven't ran into a opponent who stop him yet..he is easily one of the slept on players in the game.

Rashard Lewis- is automatic from 3 and he's 6'10 so he shoots over any one.

Yi Jianlian- 6-11 with decent speed, has range, can finish, and grab alot of boards.

Javel McGee - this is how wall gets most of his assists. Ally Oop specialist, and a defense GOON..Shuts the paint down.

I play online and the whole Washington Wizards team are sleepers..

Notable Mention : Andray Blatche, Mo Evans, Booker, and believe it or not JOSH HOWARD...
# 53 The Tone @ 10/28/11 07:23 PM
hoop xyience, I'm with you. The Wizards play like an elite team for me. That was the case in 2K11 too. It's a very balanced team on offense and the defense revolves around Wall and McGee. I used to run with the Detroit Pistons back in 2004. That team had that same kind of balance. I love playing with teams that have multiple ways of beating you.
# 54 claw11x @ 10/29/11 02:52 AM
Jerryd Bayliss is once again a very underrated player in 2k12. He plays like a poor man's DRose.

Nick Batum is a good defender, athletic, and has a solid/good outside game...thats perfect for a SF
# 55 datruth251 @ 10/29/11 08:26 PM
I second that about the Wizards. Their starting five are all sleepers especially Nick Young OMG !!!! This dude shoots the ball like Ray Allen. John Wall no one can guard him one on one. Blatche has a good mid range and low post game and McGee dunks on any and everybody. Let's not forget buddy that was hittin Lebron old lady R. Lewis the real reason why Lebron played so bad in the finals against Dallas.
# 56 HaikenEdge @ 02/29/12 03:29 PM
How are any of these players unknown? Evans was Rookie of the Year in 2010, for crying out loud, and Love had just earned an All Star berth in the 10-11 season, while Granger and Kaman were both All Stars in 09-10. The only player in the group you could even make a case for would be Ellis, but even he's earned Most Improved Player honors in 06-07.

Meanwhile, it could be argued that, popularity-wise, Evans, Granger and Kaman can't even legitimately be considered "superstars", and Ellis would be a borderline one at best, meaning the on player on the list you can even legitimately make a case for being a "superstar" is Kevin Love.
# 57 dramachild11 @ 02/29/12 07:49 PM
I honestly think progression wise the 3 top players in 2k12 are tyreke evans, andrew bynum, an brandon jennings
# 58 eF 5ive @ 02/29/12 09:28 PM
A lot of known, high caliber players being named :O

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