NBA 2K12 News Post

Da_Czar has checked in with NBA 2K12 strategy session #8. This one goes over the coach profile settings.

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Member Comments
# 41 23 @ 10/23/11 10:53 PM
Originally Posted by Rawdeal28
once again. great job playa!

people will never stop complaining but hopefully more people understand how to set up their defense.

quit screaming the game is broken and try to actually learn how to use the tools that are given to you.
This definitely hasnt been said enough
# 42 jmarcguy @ 10/23/11 10:54 PM
Definitely needs to be more instruction from 2k. I mentioned in another thread, I got Nba Showdown in 1993 I think, it had fewer than 10 moves & it came with a thick booklet!!! Now we're expected to learn everything on our own. Thanks Czar for the assist!!
# 43 aloncho11 @ 10/23/11 11:00 PM
Hopefully Da_Czar can show in one of his next videos some inbound play strategies
# 44 2kfanatic @ 10/23/11 11:19 PM
Its funny how threads / videos like this does not have that much post when this for the most part solves the problems in the other threads that has 20-90 pages of whining LOL.
# 45 WaddupCouzin @ 10/23/11 11:32 PM
Originally Posted by 2kfanatic
Its funny how threads / videos like this does not have that much post when this for the most part solves the problems in the other threads that has 20-90 pages of whining LOL.
This. As Chris Rock says, "There's no money in the cure"
# 46 CujoMatty @ 10/24/11 01:21 AM
Best and most useful video to date czar good job.
# 47 kolanji @ 10/24/11 10:46 AM
video was really great CZAR and i hope u touch up on most of the other defensive sliders but what i would like for u to iterate more on is the on the side effects of just maxing all sliders out and stuff like that I.E does it make a defender more likely to foul first to prevent layups and dunks,do they get tired faster if sliders are maxed out on help defense and defensive pressure is maxed.
u gave a great example of what danny granger gave up denying the ball but a think that we can get a better understanding on the pros and cons of each sliders if u point em out just as clearly u do the pros.

i for one cant tell if crash the boards slider to zero means get back on defense?...i know i play with the spurs and they are not the fastest team out there but even on missed mid range to close jump shots they get burned badly on fast breaks opportunities not just turnovers.can i remedy this with putting the crash boards slider to zero?that is what i am doing
# 48 Cynical @ 10/24/11 07:16 PM
Originally Posted by Cynical
this is great news. so if I adjust every coaches settings will it change the overall play of that team if controlled by the cpu, will they still double/deny etc. or will they play like default jus w/ out guys running away from their man?

should i set all to 0, and let me or the cpu controlled team change settings when needed? will that happen?

would'nt that change that teams default defense? he wasnt controling the players ,he was in coaches mode. for those that have used this tip how did the cpu act?

i dont like touching sliders cuz if i win i feel like i only won cuz i changed the sliders. feels weird changing all coaches settings.
does anyone have an anwser for this?
# 49 shadia147 @ 10/24/11 07:18 PM
Fantastic Video. With the attention to detail from Da_Czar, I'd hate to run into him in an Online Franchise.

But what if I'm a Basketball neophtye? I watch the games, enjoy the dunks. Have favorite teams.. But I know nothing about the finer tactical nuances of which Da_Czar is so well acquainted. So I'm frankly afraid of touching any of these sliders out of fear of throwing my whole game out of kilter.
I do like the idea of defensive decision making. But I'm not touching the Coaching Profiles without somebody at OS posting them first.
And in 2K11, there was a great need to adjust coaching Profiles because of so many rookies and new players on rosters. I learned quickly that the profiles out of the box were based on the previous years rosters. I.E. Miami Heat without LeBron and Cleveland w/Lebron.
But this year, because of the lockout, I think/hope/believe that the profiles should be pretty much correct out of the box. And hopefully no adjustments will be necessary. At least until the following season in Association.
# 50 BroMontana82 @ 10/24/11 07:24 PM
Tomba's saying ratings with odd numbers are throwing things off bigtime. any insight into this?

# 51 tonio5100 @ 10/24/11 10:02 PM
My complaint about this is U CANT USE THIS IN MY PLAYER MODE THO... These is NOTHING u can do about the defense in my player mode they jus suck & give up open shots left & right that y i always played franchise instead
# 52 djsider2 @ 10/25/11 03:40 PM
Just learned you CAN NOT set offball to deny ball on the settings page before the game starts... sigh
# 53 Da_Czar @ 10/25/11 04:46 PM
Originally Posted by djsider2
Just learned you CAN NOT set offball to deny ball on the settings page before the game starts... sigh
Oh yes you can unless they patched it. LOL you probably shouldn't do it but if you move from right to left instead of left to right you can set to deny. It's probably a bug tho and will mess something up but I have done it. LOL
# 54 dmarz45 @ 06/17/12 06:14 PM
In Franchise mode I dont see a Player Speed slider. It says for HoF difficulty to use 53 player speed and 49 game speed. I see game speed, but I dont see a player speed slider??

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