NBA 2K12 News Post

Da_Czar checks in with his NBA 2K12 Strategy Session 3 video, going over the new play call system.

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NBA 2K12 Videos
Member Comments
# 1 doublek @ 10/07/11 04:51 PM
This really helps. I always thought the play style is just another AI tendency for when I'm not controlling my players.

I have been running with my Kings and been trying to explore 6 pages of playcalling for each player and executing within 24 seconds of shot clock. Glad to know that I can learn it one style at a time now. Thanks Czar!
# 2 aeroboy @ 10/07/11 05:10 PM
Nba 2K12 will be one of the dopest sports games of this year!
# 3 kolanji @ 10/07/11 05:12 PM
well there it is guys very well put together for those still new or shaky about the play calling system
# 4 J-H!zZl3 @ 10/07/11 05:27 PM
This definitely helps and makes calling plays a lot easier, instead of scrolling through all those pages. 2k11 plays were easy to run, but lacked in the amount that was given. I will certainly change my plays to whatever I choose to use at any given point of the game.
# 5 EarvGotti @ 10/07/11 05:58 PM
WOW. This definitely helped me understand the playbooks and playcalling system much more. You did it again Czar. Thanks my man.
# 6 AllStarDaDon @ 10/07/11 06:20 PM
Thanks to the Da Czar, every video is very informative and helps improve my game.

I'm very good with this years play calling system, but this just opened it up for me.
# 7 Anaxamander @ 10/07/11 06:44 PM
Completely awesome, Czar.

There was a time not long ago when play calling in basketball games was pretty much useless, but you have been a transformative force when it comes to X's and O's. It's a great thing to see.
# 8 tehova @ 10/07/11 07:04 PM
Thanks for the explanation of lite playcalling I always have used full and had a few turnovers by forgetting to change it at the start of a game and wondering who the heck i was passing to.
# 9 DomisLive @ 10/07/11 08:08 PM
What camera angle is that ?

Is that broadcast stadium ?

It looks so much better than 2k view
# 10 greenegt @ 10/07/11 08:22 PM
GREAT vid! It never occured to me that you could pare down the plays that way. Beautiful!
# 11 jmarcguy @ 10/07/11 08:42 PM
It's awesome the options 2k gives us & all the little jewels that can be found in the game. However, it would be nice if more info was given with the game. I have my "NBA Showdown" manual from 93 & that thing is a book! Back then all you could do was shoot, pass, rebound & other basics & yet you got a book! 2k12 needs to offer more tips & info particularly when stuff is redesigned! Great video Czar!!
# 12 NoTiCe_O @ 10/07/11 09:11 PM
This settles it, once i get this game i'm gonna make the Sacremento Kings my squad. My Play calling is gonna be deadly, as it was in 2k11.

Rockets had my fav playbook in 2k9 and 2k10, and Pacers 2k11. But with this system it won't matter because the play types are what really counts.
# 13 DirtyJerz32 @ 10/07/11 09:22 PM
Someone needs to hire this Czar for his knowledge on bball games. Great work on explaining how the system works. As always, I can't wait for the next one to drop.
# 14 Flightwhite24 @ 10/07/11 10:36 PM
Originally Posted by murdominic
What camera angle is that ?

Is that broadcast stadium ?

It looks so much better than 2k view
I was just thinking this. The camera in this video is impressive.
# 15 Da_Czar @ 10/08/11 08:21 AM
Originally Posted by FLIGHTWHITE
I was just thinking this. The camera in this video is impressive.
Thanks fam. Glad it could help some people out. Hopefully enough have seen it that when folks don't understand it someone can point them to the video. I was seeing questions and confusion all over the place.

As for the camera angle I can't remembe exactly I float between Press on 10 1, arena specific broadcast and Beluba cam.
# 16 therockstar2005 @ 10/08/11 10:42 AM
Really helpful. You answered just about every question I had with the playcalling system. I'll have to log some time practicing with the Celtics playbook. Thanks Czar.
# 17 DJ @ 10/08/11 11:15 AM
Very informative. Would you have to do 30-team control in Association for changes to stick if edit teams' play books?
# 18 rangerrick012 @ 10/08/11 11:21 AM
Yeah this vid's a lifesaver. Only problem is looking and seeing how whacked some of the play calling tendencies are by default. But this definitely helps out alot man. Thanks!
# 19 Da_Czar @ 10/08/11 12:59 PM
Originally Posted by rangerrick012
Yeah this vid's a lifesaver. Only problem is looking and seeing how whacked some of the play calling tendencies are by default. But this definitely helps out alot man. Thanks!
Thanks Rick. I have heard this a few times. WHo's tendencies do you feel are off ?
# 20 23 @ 10/08/11 02:28 PM
Amidst all of the complaints its a shame more of these guys arent in here commenting and trying to figure out what to do that might make them better

That said, fantastic video as usual, it always makes me want to try more play calling strategy so imabouttoturnonmygamenow..thx lol

..and man what is that music and where did you find it?

Thats ok if you dont want to reveal the secret though

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