NBA 2K12 News Post

Hi guys,

I'm the Social Media Coordinator for 2kSports and I know we have been having issues with the "My2K" account verification.

The issues to my knowledge are the following:
  • Registered users receive an e-mail and the verification code clicks in as "INVALID"
  • Registered users are not receiving ANY e-mails for verifications
  • From the "update My2K" menu via console, the "Reset Password" feature isn't sending an e-mail
Please leave your registered "My2k" username in this thread and I will manually re-send an e-mail attempt while our team works on the issues at hand.

Thanks for all your patience, I can promise the team is working on hammering out all the issues. For now, I'm here to help with e-mail verifications.

Thanks guys.


Great news for you users who need verification for your “My2K” accounts! Now you can verify manually by the following steps:

1. If you go to: https://www.nba2k.com/social/link
2. Enter your “My2K” account name AND password
3. When you log in, successfully, this is an automatic verification of your account via the log in!

Again it’s for people who haven’t received an email, had an INVALID link in their email, or are wanting/needing to verify their "My2K" account.

Additionally, ALL email links will work now, even if they are expired. You just may require a log-in before validating the account.

Hope this will be of MAJOR help to all of you who were having verification issues!

- Chris
Social Media Coordinator

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Platform: iOS / PC / PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 102 - View All
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Member Comments
# 141 PES3Paul @ 10/05/11 11:28 PM
Originally Posted by LD2k
"PaulPhilly" is not in the database, please provide me your e-mail.
[email protected]
# 142 myownsun @ 10/05/11 11:32 PM
# 143 TREIZE2K @ 10/05/11 11:40 PM
Mine is Treize2k
# 144 djwax90 @ 10/05/11 11:42 PM
The Maverick
[email protected]

Much appreciated, good sir.
# 145 23 @ 10/05/11 11:52 PM
Are we supposed to get confirmation emails now?

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
# 146 SuperMario29 @ 10/05/11 11:56 PM
I have a question for the 2k guy here. When I first signed up it booted me during the end of the process and an email still got sent that I accepted. When I tried to sign back in online. It made me go through the process again and I couldn't retrieve my username for "My2k" and I had to enter a different one and that time it worked. Is it going to be a problem that there are two accounts created to my same email address? This whole thing has me confused.
# 147 _-King-_ @ 10/05/11 11:57 PM
My 2K account name is Cav23.
# 148 luckeeloo @ 10/06/11 12:00 AM
Account name is:

# 149 SuperMario29 @ 10/06/11 12:01 AM
I completed the registration the first time with the username SuperMario_29. NBA 2k12 booted me at the end of the process and it never saved on my account. I had to redo it with SuperMario_2931 and completed the registration for that one (I think). I just want to make sure I didn't do something wrong because I completed and verified two registrations under the same email address and only one worked in the game for me (the 2nd one). Please get back to me 2k.
# 150 Messiah4976 @ 10/06/11 12:04 AM
Can you link a PS3 account and a XBOX 360 account? I have 2K12 on both platforms. I initially setup my account on the PS3. Now I'm attempting to play the 360 version and it's asking for me to link my accounts. Should I put the information from my PS3 here or should i create a separate account?

My My2K name is: Messiah4976
# 151 SuperMario29 @ 10/06/11 12:06 AM
Originally Posted by aceguy7
OK here is my problem... I made my first my2k account with the name aceguy7 and I thought it didn't go through so I started over and tried making a new one. Well it would only let me use the name aceguy78, so I went with that name and then later I received an email that the first name I tried to create did go through. So Now I have 2 account names but it only lets me log in as aceguy78. It does not give me any option to delete my account and create a new one or login with a different account name. In the game where you log in it just has aceguy78 and its greyed out and I cant change it or try making a new account. Its like Its just stuck on aceguy78. Is there any way I can go back to just aceguy7 as my account name? When I received the mail to delete the account, it just gave me some invalid error. thanks
Same thing happened to me. Is the 2nd account fine to use? Please respond 2k.
# 152 Radja @ 10/06/11 12:09 AM
oozie boozie. thanks.
# 153 keshunleon @ 10/06/11 12:12 AM
Mines is keshunleon..
# 154 SuperMario29 @ 10/06/11 12:15 AM
I verified two accounts but only the 2nd account worked in the game. Is this a problem that there are two accounts linked to my email address (especially because the first account is the one that didn't save). Please respond. I'll just run with the 2nd account because it's verified and won't let me change it in the game if it's ok.
# 155 Behindshadows @ 10/06/11 12:15 AM
Originally Posted by LD2k
All e-mails have been re-sent if you've posted.

Also, make sure to check your spam folders.
still no email..or reply and not in spam folder..
# 156 ibewhoibe0910 @ 10/06/11 12:16 AM
Originally Posted by SuperMario29
I verified two accounts but only the 2nd account worked in the game. Is this a problem that there are two accounts linked to my email address (especially because the first account is the one that didn't save). Please respond. I'll just run with the 2nd account because it's verified and won't let me change it in the game if it's ok.

The guy that was helping is offline, we prob won't know anything until tomorrow, which sucks but whatever at least they helping
# 157 Bizerk24 @ 10/06/11 12:22 AM
bizerk24 thanks!
# 158 Shaffer26 @ 10/06/11 12:22 AM
# 159 MasterTMar @ 10/06/11 12:25 AM
I received the email, I received all of the emails. I was in mobile mail. I tried my mail on desktop & I had a junk folder. It was in there, I used the link for my original account. If I have further problems, I'll re-post. Thank you for all of you help. Long live...
# 160 SuperMario29 @ 10/06/11 12:31 AM
Originally Posted by ibewhoibe0910

The guy that was helping is offline, we prob won't know anything until tomorrow, which sucks but whatever at least they helping
thanks man.

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