NBA 2K12 News Post

Hi guys,

I'm the Social Media Coordinator for 2kSports and I know we have been having issues with the "My2K" account verification.

The issues to my knowledge are the following:
  • Registered users receive an e-mail and the verification code clicks in as "INVALID"
  • Registered users are not receiving ANY e-mails for verifications
  • From the "update My2K" menu via console, the "Reset Password" feature isn't sending an e-mail
Please leave your registered "My2k" username in this thread and I will manually re-send an e-mail attempt while our team works on the issues at hand.

Thanks for all your patience, I can promise the team is working on hammering out all the issues. For now, I'm here to help with e-mail verifications.

Thanks guys.


Great news for you users who need verification for your “My2K” accounts! Now you can verify manually by the following steps:

1. If you go to: https://www.nba2k.com/social/link
2. Enter your “My2K” account name AND password
3. When you log in, successfully, this is an automatic verification of your account via the log in!

Again it’s for people who haven’t received an email, had an INVALID link in their email, or are wanting/needing to verify their "My2K" account.

Additionally, ALL email links will work now, even if they are expired. You just may require a log-in before validating the account.

Hope this will be of MAJOR help to all of you who were having verification issues!

- Chris
Social Media Coordinator

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Member Comments
# 521 yossihaz1 @ 10/11/11 04:44 PM
Originally Posted by LD2k

Please refer to page 1 for auto-verification instructions.

For the people who made MULTIPLE ACCOUNTS and are trying to chose one, please send us your "My2K" account(s). Then please specify which account you WANT TO USE.
why can't i see my replays upload to facebook and youtube- i got a message my account connected to those sites but i can't see the replays i uploaded through hp media share
username: yossihaz1
# 522 RAELpogi @ 10/11/11 05:18 PM
Originally Posted by LD2k

Please refer to page 1 for auto-verification instructions.

For the people who made MULTIPLE ACCOUNTS and are trying to chose one, please send us your "My2K" account(s). Then please specify which account you WANT TO USE.
My2k "accounts" are:

RAELpogi and iamrael

Please disable iamrael

My email is [email protected]
And like others, why is facebook feature not working???
# 523 unfriendlyghst @ 10/11/11 06:59 PM
Ok I just created a new account and still have not received an email for that one. Can I please just have my original one of unfriendlyghst my email is [email protected] thanx
# 524 LD2k @ 10/11/11 08:16 PM
Thanks for your responses, I've also added the URL in my signature in case you still need verification.

For those who posted re: multiple accounts issue, you are ALL being sent to the team who will sort it out for you.
# 525 Pete1210 @ 10/11/11 08:39 PM
I registered through the website on 10/8. Today when I went online it made me register again in game. Still no email.

Something is not working.

My GT is Pete1210
# 526 RAELpogi @ 10/11/11 08:41 PM
Originally Posted by LD2k
Thanks for your responses, I've also added the URL in my signature in case you still need verification.

For those who posted re: multiple accounts issue, you are ALL being sent to the team who will sort it out for you.
Thank you! The facebook issue is cause of multiple accts??
# 527 Brinkybon @ 10/11/11 08:43 PM
I had the problem that others listed where the game didn't ask me to register a My2k account to begin with, and now says I must be signed in to do anything online, which I naturally cannot do.
# 528 yossihaz1 @ 10/11/11 09:16 PM
Originally Posted by LD2k
Thanks for your responses, I've also added the URL in my signature in case you still need verification.

For those who posted re: multiple accounts issue, you are ALL being sent to the team who will sort it out for you.
why can't i see my replays upload to facebook and youtube- i got a message my account connected to those sites but i can't see the replays i uploaded through hp media share
username: yossihaz1
# 529 skippy1813 @ 10/11/11 10:57 PM
2k tag: skippy1813

I have verified my account through email, twice. Also did it through the link you provided on the first page. Still can't play online because it tells me my tag has already been used.

VERY frustrating
# 530 cherone21 @ 10/11/11 11:43 PM
My2k name is cherone21141

Sent from my SGH-i917 using Board Express
# 531 yy7748 @ 10/12/11 06:05 AM
Originally Posted by LD2k

Please refer to page 1 for auto-verification instructions.

For the people who made MULTIPLE ACCOUNTS and are trying to chose one, please send us your "My2K" account(s). Then please specify which account you WANT TO USE.

My 2k accounts:
Swish All Day

Want to use GRX188
# 532 Lucian @ 10/12/11 09:26 AM
Originally Posted by LD2k
Thanks for your responses, I've also added the URL in my signature in case you still need verification.

For those who posted re: multiple accounts issue, you are ALL being sent to the team who will sort it out for you.
I have the multiple account issue also.

My PSN ID is PsnLucian. My My2K accounts are:
Lucian <--- I want to keep this one
PsnLucian <--- I want this one disabled so it stops defaulting to it.

Hopefully you can help. Thanks.
# 533 ForeverVersatile @ 10/12/11 12:19 PM
@ LD2K does the video uploading work yet?? i haven't seen videos on my YouTube yet.
# 534 Markvshouse @ 10/12/11 01:47 PM
i have multiple account...
Markvshouse341 i want disabled this
Markvshouse i want to keep this one, but i don't have receive the mail to activate the account, please send me
# 535 LD2k @ 10/12/11 02:43 PM
For multiple account users, we're working on the resolution to this.

If you've posted, I've passed all of you along - as well as some of my twitter followers - to the team.
# 536 LD2k @ 10/12/11 04:13 PM
Originally Posted by rosque
I still haven't received any e-mail.
You won't need to anymore!

You can VERIFY your "My2K" Account by Simply logging in here for auto-verification: https://www.nba2k.com/social/link
# 537 LD2k @ 10/12/11 06:07 PM
Originally Posted by rosque
Every time I try to login it says .
Try clearing your cache. Also, try logging in through EXPLORER or a different browser if you're on, say Firefox.

Let me know.

PS: If you provide me your "My2K" account, I'll do a manual re-sending of the e-mail for you since you're having issues logging in.
# 538 Markvshouse @ 10/12/11 06:14 PM
my accont name is the same, there's not different!
# 539 LD2k @ 10/12/11 10:08 PM
Originally Posted by rosque
Thanks LD2K, it works.
Awesome! Glad that worked.
# 540 lebron james @ 10/13/11 11:58 AM
i get bad credentials also

my2k= Hull2215

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