NBA 2K12 News Post

Hi guys,

I'm the Social Media Coordinator for 2kSports and I know we have been having issues with the "My2K" account verification.

The issues to my knowledge are the following:
  • Registered users receive an e-mail and the verification code clicks in as "INVALID"
  • Registered users are not receiving ANY e-mails for verifications
  • From the "update My2K" menu via console, the "Reset Password" feature isn't sending an e-mail
Please leave your registered "My2k" username in this thread and I will manually re-send an e-mail attempt while our team works on the issues at hand.

Thanks for all your patience, I can promise the team is working on hammering out all the issues. For now, I'm here to help with e-mail verifications.

Thanks guys.


Great news for you users who need verification for your “My2K” accounts! Now you can verify manually by the following steps:

1. If you go to: https://www.nba2k.com/social/link
2. Enter your “My2K” account name AND password
3. When you log in, successfully, this is an automatic verification of your account via the log in!

Again it’s for people who haven’t received an email, had an INVALID link in their email, or are wanting/needing to verify their "My2K" account.

Additionally, ALL email links will work now, even if they are expired. You just may require a log-in before validating the account.

Hope this will be of MAJOR help to all of you who were having verification issues!

- Chris
Social Media Coordinator

Game: NBA 2K12Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: iOS / PC / PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 102 - View All
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Member Comments
# 381 coma999 @ 10/07/11 07:17 AM


# 382 marilupat @ 10/07/11 07:36 AM
hi my registered "My2k" username is carmelo972 and i do not receiving ANY e-mails for verifications
# 383 Gramps91 @ 10/07/11 07:59 AM
I know this may be completely off topic and I may get hammered but I am having a slight issue. I beat the Jordan and Johnson games. After I beat the Jordan game Tuesday night it said Completed. Then last night I went into the Johnson game without paying much attention and beat that. However, afterwards it didn't say Complete on either one. After re-launching my game it said I had Completed the Jordan Challenge but not the Johnson challenge. I actually had to beat the Johnson challenge again. It finally said Completed on both of them and everything autosaved. I went and saved rosters manually just to make sure I had unlocked the rosters. I'm only saying this cause I know I'm probably not the only person to have issues with this and it may happen again. sry. Great game though overall!
# 384 amr08 @ 10/07/11 08:16 AM
username: amr08
# 385 youngim87 @ 10/07/11 08:50 AM
Platform: PS3

So I first tried to make my original desired My2k account name as: Makaveli87 which is the same as my PSN account and when I was going through the registration process it said 2k network was down at the time and did not finish registration, however, i did receive an email verification and I did verify it. But when I logged onto 2k12 it did not automatically log on to my My2k account and I had to end up making another account as: Cormega87 because it did not allow me to sign into My2k without making a new account. I want to delete the Cormega87 account, or just unlink it and use a new account, but I cannot unlink my PSN/2k12 with the Cormega87. Is there a way I can delete or unlink this account? I really want to use my original (Makaveli87) or just go ahead and make a new My2k under a new name if this isnt possible.

Can you please tell me how to unlink the current My2k to allow a new one or if at all possible sign into my original one (Makaveli87)?? Please help as I am thoroughly dissapointed.
# 386 thatillwork @ 10/07/11 09:28 AM
username: thatillwork
# 387 emelki1968 @ 10/07/11 10:52 AM
My 2k name is emelki1968
My email is [email protected]
I hope that can help with the problem.
# 388 peren @ 10/07/11 11:05 AM
username: peren
# 389 Coachcarter3 @ 10/07/11 11:07 AM
2Kname cocachcarter3
Email [email protected]
# 390 dcipher80 @ 10/07/11 11:16 AM
Name: cdhthegreat

Email: [email protected]
# 391 koolaid251 @ 10/07/11 11:24 AM
Thanks 2ksports or die lol
# 392 icecreamtester @ 10/07/11 11:39 AM
Username: MattVoyer
I got an "expired link" message, if I could get a new one that would be great.
EMail: [email protected]
# 393 Broderick @ 10/07/11 11:41 AM
[email protected]
# 394 rscotm2 @ 10/07/11 11:48 AM
username: rscotm2

Is this why it keeps saying, "you must be signed in" whenever I go to NBA 2k12 online? It won't let me do anything and there is no place to sign in. Whatever happeded to just going to 2k share and downloading stuff? Now you gotta sign in, register your games and so on.
# 395 ufc1985 @ 10/07/11 12:08 PM
my2k username is ufc1985. thanks in advance for helping
# 396 jchap38 @ 10/07/11 12:13 PM
my 2k username is jchap21
# 397 ufc1985 @ 10/07/11 12:14 PM
Originally Posted by ufc1985
my2k username is ufc1985. thanks in advance for helping
did get any email
# 398 ufc1985 @ 10/07/11 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by ufc1985
did get any email
meant i didn't get any email : )
# 399 feungie @ 10/07/11 12:21 PM
my2k username: feungie
email: [email protected]

i didn't get verification email.
# 400 Jenkz21 @ 10/07/11 12:28 PM
I didn't get an email. Created the account on launch.
Email is [email protected]

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