MLB 11 The Show News Post

How does MLB 11: The Show foresee the 2011 playoffs and World Series? I ran two simulations, one using the most recent "official" rosters, and another using a modified version of Knight's fantastic OSFM rosters.

Compared to the wild and memorable night of 162nd games, The Show sims the playoffs pretty mildly. Most of the Divisional Series are sweeps with little drama. The Championship Series get a little better, with upsets and a 7-game series.

It seems, though, that the excitement was saved for the World Series, which, if it really plays out like either scenario, would be an excellent sequel to 2001.

Read More - MLB '11: The Show Simulates the Playoffs (w/Knights Rosters)

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Member Comments
# 1 drtrix @ 10/02/11 09:04 PM
The Show 11 really seems to like the D-Backs. They were dominating my franchise as well. I guess Knight and Sony saw this whole worst to first thing. Guess I should bet a surprise team that sims well in 12!
# 2 poorch @ 10/02/11 10:28 PM
2k12 and this one pick the dbacks ... both games rating systems are broken lol
# 3 dodgerblue @ 10/02/11 10:33 PM
Hard to simulate the playoffs when there is no playoff mode. One big area I hope they improve on for 12.
# 4 Shinyhubcaps @ 10/02/11 11:01 PM
These 4 sims (official and user rosters for 2K12 and The Show) have Arizona winning 12 games to 3 over the Brewers. In actuality, Milwaukee has a chance to sweep.

Still fun to do these, and thanks for sharing, but it reminds me of the constant 8-seed-beating-the-1-seed in NBA 2K sims.
# 5 Yankees2009Champs @ 10/03/11 12:57 AM
Originally Posted by dodgerblue
Hard to simulate the playoffs when there is no playoff mode. One big area I hope they improve on for 12.
Not really when you consider I put out a franchise 100% similar to real life. I guess my thunder has been stolen.

# 6 Knight165 @ 10/03/11 10:23 AM
Originally Posted by Yankees2009Champs
Not really when you consider I put out a franchise 100% similar to real life. I guess my thunder has been stolen.

Not exactly though.
You did it so guys could play the games.
O.S. always does a W.S. simulation.
I'm honored they used the O.S.F.M set this year as well!

By the way ....in my own sim. The D-Backs did make it to the playoffs but were knocked off by the Phillies who lost to the Yankees in 6 games.
Roy Halladay won the Cy Young and dominated the playoffs as well.
He won 2 games in the series and had a sub 2.00 ERA(for the series)

# 7 NAFBUC @ 10/03/11 11:46 AM
Originally Posted by Knight165
Not exactly though.
You did it so guys could play the games.
O.S. always does a W.S. simulation.
I'm honored they used the O.S.F.M set this year as well!

By the way ....in my own sim. The D-Backs did make it to the playoffs but were knocked off by the Phillies who lost to the Yankees in 6 games.
Roy Halladay won the Cy Young and dominated the playoffs as well.
He won 2 games in the series and had a sub 2.00 ERA(for the series)

My sim.........using OSFM rosters, Detroit over Philly in 7 games.

Verlander was the MVP.
# 8 Knight165 @ 10/03/11 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by NAFBUC
My sim.........using OSFM rosters, Detroit over Philly in 7 games.

Verlander was the MVP.
Yeah...Verlander rocked the regular season for my sim....he melted down in the playoffs though.

# 9 Yankees2009Champs @ 10/03/11 12:21 PM
Originally Posted by Knight165
Yeah...Verlander rocked the regular season for my sim....he melted down in the playoffs though.

It was weird, in my season Verlander started out 1-7.

I had to force sim him to win the next 14 in a row.
# 10 teebee @ 10/03/11 12:47 PM
Howd you get into a playoff mode you could sim?? I really wanna run one and play every game but can't figure out how to do it
# 11 Yankees2009Champs @ 10/03/11 04:28 PM
Originally Posted by teebee
Howd you get into a playoff mode you could sim?? I really wanna run one and play every game but can't figure out how to do it
Go here:

# 12 Petey B @ 10/03/11 06:45 PM
Both SHOW and 2K have the Dbags going deep! Don't get me wrong, SHOW is my favorite game ever created, but their authentic sim ability may be called into question after this puppy. In reality, the Dbags may not win a game off the Brewers. Heck, have they won an inning yet? Yes, I'm a bitter Yankee fan who didn't appreciate the end of 2001 nor this unlikely simulation result!
# 13 Shinyhubcaps @ 10/03/11 07:40 PM
Originally Posted by ILurk
If baseball was 100% predictable, who the hell would watch it ? A sim engine can have it's twists, turns and unexpected stuff just as real life can and will.
Yes, but it's weird that 4 sims have Arizona winning by a combined total of 12-3. Where do the teams rank in relation to each other?
# 14 Yankees2009Champs @ 10/03/11 08:38 PM
Originally Posted by Shinyhubcaps
Yes, but it's weird that 4 sims have Arizona winning by a combined total of 12-3. Where do the teams rank in relation to each other?
It takes too much time but it should be simmed 1,000 times. 4 times is not the best statistical sample.
# 15 42 @ 10/03/11 08:38 PM
World Series
Arizona over New York, 4-3.

# 16 CPRoark @ 10/03/11 08:41 PM
Originally Posted by Shinyhubcaps
Yes, but it's weird that 4 sims have Arizona winning by a combined total of 12-3. Where do the teams rank in relation to each other?
If I recall, the Diamondbacks were in the 20s for overall team rank with the Sony rosters.
# 17 CPRoark @ 10/03/11 08:44 PM
Originally Posted by Yankees2009Champs
It takes too much time but it should be simmed 1,000 times. 4 times is not the best statistical sample.
You are right...it would take too much time! With no play-off mode, it took forever to do these. Plus, we scrambled to get them done before first pitch (though they were posted a bit later).

I would love to see a playoff mode so we could get a little more scientific. No reliever fatigue takes a big part of the game away.

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