I think what a lot would prefer is to fix more of what they screwed up in the first place ie. Recruit tendencies, blocking etc.
Agreed...and they may yet well do so via another patch, but fixing the no-huddle issue was something that couldn't wait. It's absolutely had to be fixed asap.
Maybe because it's a great game, that plays a fantastic representation of the sport of basketball. It's a good enough game to have its replay value through the roof even with no NBA season.
Ya know, a game with superior AI and presentation, features that actually work, and I can guarantee it won't need 3-4 patches to even play correctly.
But hey, what do us NBA 2K fans know? We know how to enjoy a good game that plays without horrendous bugs.
2K always gets this free pass from a lot of the community, but at least gameplay wise, it's full of little problems/issues/glitches with the gameplay and animations that show up for almost every sports game. NBA 2K is in noway perfect.
Originally Posted by HokieTokie
Have you ever checked your player's tendencies post season vs preseason. They're not the same as when you recruited them. A HUGE GAMEBREAKING issue. I'd be willing to bet that's why everyone in your dynasty has such a bad record. By yr 3-4. All the new recruits with jacked up tendencies are your starters and not playing to their ratings.
A HUGE GAMEBREAKING issue would mean that it negatively affects pretty much everyone to the point of not being able to play. I've only came across a few handful (at most) of people that put much focus on tendencies of players past if their quarterback is 'scrambled/balanced/pocket passer' and the way the game plays the change between tendencies usually is relatively minimal to the point you can still get the same results and 3/4 of the people playing won't notice. Hardly a gamebreaking issue. If people have bad records in their dynasty it's more based on skill, we have a four man OD around 5 years in and outside of losing to each other, there's at most maybe 5 CPU loses at most in a season and deals more with messing up with turnovers than anything else.
This is pathetic. No Huddle? That's it? No fix for something simple like verticals being a money play against the CPU? No fix for the ridiculous injuries where running QBs are out by week 4?
So happy that NBA2k12 is coming out. 2k has always created a far superior product.
Verticals are nowhere near as effective as they were last season, but it takes next to no time to come up with a laundry list of plays the defense struggles to stop. Regardless, if you can't stop the verticals against a human opponent, that's just on you.
Also, ridiculous injuries to running quarterbacks? In five years of our current dynasty I've had one, which was a broken wrist at the end of the regular season. Little things like not running with your quarterback when he gets in the orange/red go a long way
Wow, so now you people who strain to defend the indefensible are complaining about complaining?
Only the insane expect a perfect game. But you people who rip on the folks for pointing out legitimate flaws look worse than the insane, especially while you strain to defend EA who has bottomed out to the point where they are releasing patches to fix patches. AMAZING
EA has effectively had us all pay $70 to be guinea pigs for their beta.