01:36 PM - September 14, 2011 by RaychelSnr
If you want the most current updates, just head over to Steve's and Dustin's Twitter pages.
Here's a stream of their thoughts thus far:
SteveOS - While we didn't get as much hands-on time as we wanted with #NBA2K12 the changes in gameplay are easily noticed. Help defense is HUGE!
DustinToms_OS - Crowd reaction in #NBA2K12 is improved. Fans in front row react to loose balls, corner treys, etc.
SteveOS - The #NBA2K12 intros are simply put, amazing work. EVERY one of them I saw was different. Not the same thing, didn't wanna skip any of em.
DustinToms_OS - #NBA2K12 Graphical overlays in Greatest mode keep true to the different eras. Had an old school NBA on NBC feeling.
DustinToms_OS - #NBA2K12 Legends use rules from the different eras. e.g. Lakers/Celts has no 3-point line.
SteveOS - #NBA2K12 player faces are much improved. They touched up some of them that were already good, as well. Good to see Granger got a facelift.
SteveOS - #NBA2K12 continued... Depending on player, there are different crossovers. Quicker guys have better handles, while the bigger guys are slow.
DustinToms_OS - @Bluengold34 Easily. I couldn't really believe how much it has improved over 2K11.
SteveOS - #NBA2K12 crossovers are more compact this year, just moves more cleaner. In fact, all animations are more crisp. Looks more realistic.
SteveOS - In limited time today with #NBA2K12 I don't want to play 2k11 anymore. Post game, help defense and no forced anims Q&A tomorrow, send Q's