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# 1
tfctillidie @ 09/08/11 12:08 PM
practically zero stoppages. nobody goes offside, nobody ices the puck....or are those settings all off?
Thanks as always, Chase.
The majority of what I see here....I like quite a bit. In fact, pretty pleased.
If I remember right, Chase...you usually play on All-Star [hardcore], if that's what I was looking at, this will serve me well. I was pleasantly surprised at times, how fairly aggressive the AI was defensively. So overall...I liked what I saw, gameplay wise.
However, kinda disappointed about how the post goal celebrations are handled this year. Not really liking the cut scene to the crowd first, and really no players seen celebrating the goal on ice. Also no 3 stars announcement after the game. What's up with that? In these two areas, the game imo, has gone backwards. The game just doesn't need presentation value taken away. Strange decisions. I know the commentary is getting stale now. But I do think its still dang good though.
But again...digging the most valuable part of any sports game...the gameplay!
Thanks again for doing this for us, Chase!
The majority of what I see here....I like quite a bit. In fact, pretty pleased.
If I remember right, Chase...you usually play on All-Star [hardcore], if that's what I was looking at, this will serve me well. I was pleasantly surprised at times, how fairly aggressive the AI was defensively. So overall...I liked what I saw, gameplay wise.
However, kinda disappointed about how the post goal celebrations are handled this year. Not really liking the cut scene to the crowd first, and really no players seen celebrating the goal on ice. Also no 3 stars announcement after the game. What's up with that? In these two areas, the game imo, has gone backwards. The game just doesn't need presentation value taken away. Strange decisions. I know the commentary is getting stale now. But I do think its still dang good though.
But again...digging the most valuable part of any sports game...the gameplay!
Thanks again for doing this for us, Chase!
Yep, the goal celebrations are terrible. It really bugs me. The crowd looks poor so what better way to cheapen the best moments of the game than cutting to them? It's almost an anti-climax when it happens!
I'm disappointed with this year's iteration to be honest. After all the talk of TV companies involved in overhauling the presentation, they've made it considerably worse.
I'm disappointed with this year's iteration to be honest. After all the talk of TV companies involved in overhauling the presentation, they've made it considerably worse.
Looks like I will need to adjust the sliders to make the game more realistic. Each side must have had 100 shots each which is far from realistic. Zero defense, no offsides, no icing..........put me down for concerned if this is how the game plays out of the box.
Sometimes it seems like it'd be a good idea for the devs to have an outsider there, to kinda check things out. Ya know...to give them possibly a different perspective.
To have been able to say..."Ah...on the tv, they always show the players gather together after a goal." "Especially, an important one." "Not having that this year is, well...kinda dumb."

Like I said earlier... strange they went backwards on this.
# 7
Section_25 @ 09/08/11 07:55 PM
# 8
JeremyShanfield @ 09/09/11 08:50 AM
I've yet to see it return and I cry about it on here all the time.

I hope they look into that for NHL13. Definitely a great post-goal angle.
# 11
russwg1970 @ 09/09/11 10:50 PM
Wow, and I thought the Madden crowd was tough. I'm playing the season pass version, and It's playing a really good game of hockey. Really liking the net battles in front of the net in BAP mode (using Roenick in the Legend Mode). Also, it's seems to play a little smoother than the demo. The game is NEVER going to be perfect OR 100% realistic. Just not gonna happen. What's there is good, really good. Does the game have some issues, of course.... Is it FUN to play, you bet your *** it is!!!
# 12
IrishNDFan @ 09/10/11 11:21 PM
I just can not wait to pick this game up. So excited about this, I may take the day after off of work since I will be up playing all night.
# 13
gopher_guy @ 09/12/11 01:59 AM
Thanks for posting this Chase!
The game sounds FANTASTIC. From the sound of the puck hitting the stick when receiving a pass, to the crowd after a goal. Very good job on the audio, imo.
The game sounds FANTASTIC. From the sound of the puck hitting the stick when receiving a pass, to the crowd after a goal. Very good job on the audio, imo.
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