NBA 2K12 News Post

Steve Bartlett is checking in today with the first of two NBA 2K12 previews we will be running on the site this week. Steve's preview is more focused on the NBA 2K12 Greatest mode, some presentation touches and a couple random insights.

(Later in the week, I will be writing a more in-depth preview focusing more on gameplay and the current NBA -- I had a bit more time with the game than Steve.)

Read More - NBA 2K12 Preview (Part One)

Game: NBA 2K12Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: iOS / PC / PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 102 - View All
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Member Comments
# 41 youvalss @ 08/29/11 09:57 PM
OK, thanks. I guess it's a little "surprise" that will wait for me when I get a chance to play it (unless 2K have plans to tell us about it any time soon).
# 42 jfsolo @ 08/29/11 10:00 PM
When 2K first introduced the Shot Stick, I knew I would I love it as soon as I read about it. I didn't even have to have hands on to be sure. I had an intuitive sense of it being a perfect design decision, for me at least.

I feel the same way about posting up being on the "Y" button. I can already tell that it just works for me.
# 43 blues rocker @ 08/29/11 10:15 PM
Originally Posted by thugnificant
hop step needs to go ASAP. play online and watch how many weak players hopstep all game to get a layup under the rim
wrong...the hopstep needs to be included in the game. it's a move that is used in the NBA on a regular basis...to not include one of the most common moves in basketball would be ridiculous.

the mistake they made in 2k11 was that the hopstep button was completely uninterruptable..meaning, if your opponent performed it, the game would automatically make your defender move out of the way and prevent you from cutting off the hopstep..

the solution is not to remove it...the solution is to just make the hopstep less powerful and actually allow defenders to prevent the hopstep animation with body contact and proper positioning.
# 44 Eman5805 @ 08/29/11 10:19 PM
Originally Posted by Jakeness23
If they got Dr. J's wingspan... how about those big ole claws attached to his wrists? They were a big part of what made him so unique.
Precisely. That under the rim layup he pulled off that you ALWAYS see was only possibly because he could easily palm the ball. Looks like they'll have him cupping the ball which just isn't the same move, but close enough I suppose.
# 45 KyotoCarl @ 08/29/11 10:23 PM
Originally Posted by Eman5805
Precisely. That under the rim layup he pulled off that you ALWAYS see was only possibly because he could easily palm the ball. Looks like they'll have him cupping the ball which just isn't the same move, but close enough I suppose.
That's such a small issue, him not palming the ball, and I really hope people don't complain about such a small graphical thing. Altough, people have argued over smaller things (Lebron's headband).

I am here: http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=59.335010,18.022418
# 46 ProfessaPackMan @ 08/29/11 10:29 PM
They had Hi Top shoes back in the 60s?

I thought they all played in Low Tops at the time?
# 47 VDusen04 @ 08/29/11 10:33 PM
Originally Posted by KyotoCarl
That's such a small issue, him not palming the ball, and I really hope people don't complain about such a small graphical thing. Altough, people have argued over smaller things (Lebron's headband).
I agree it's not a huge deal, but it'd certainly be a big addition to Erving's signature style. Maybe I'd liken it to Jordan's tongue wag or palming pump fake. It definitely didn't have to be there, but it added a heck of a lot (in my opinion) to the entire essence of Jordan.

The way Dr. J handled the ball due to his hand size created some of the most distinctive plays in NBA history and in truth, 2K's interpretation of his reverse layup looks cheapened a little without the palm. And I'm trying to make it clear that I'm not complaining. Rather, I'm just saying, palmed dunks and maneuvers would certainly bolster Erving's cyber-arsenal.
# 48 KyotoCarl @ 08/29/11 10:40 PM
Originally Posted by VDusen04
I agree it's not a huge deal, but it'd certainly be a big addition to Erving's signature style. Maybe I'd liken it to Jordan's tongue wag or palming pump fake. It definitely didn't have to be there, but it added a heck of a lot (in my opinion) to the entire essence of Jordan.

The way Dr. J handled the ball due to his hand size created some of the most distinctive plays in NBA history and in truth, 2K's interpretation of his reverse layup looks cheapened a little without the palm. And I'm trying to make it clear that I'm not complaining. Rather, I'm just saying, palmed dunks and maneuvers would certainly bolster Erving's cyber-arsenal.
I get you.
Seems like it's been a problem in basketball games forver that you don't get the players to palm the ball. I guess if they could do it in a good manner they would include it.

It is a staple of Dr J though so it would be cool if they had it.

I am here: http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=59.335010,18.022418
# 49 kingg d @ 08/29/11 10:44 PM
This is cool and everything, but they better give Aldridge and Roy their own sig shot this year.

I will be really pissed off if a lot of old legends have their own shots and sig moves but the current nba players don't
# 50 aloncho11 @ 08/29/11 10:53 PM
That's because current players have to earn it
# 51 boboddy101 @ 08/29/11 11:10 PM
THIS WILL OUTSELL 2k11 and be better than 2k11 in every way. 2k11 is one of my all time favorite games and the only game i play on my 360 and 2k12 will no doubt blow it out of the water. these articles just boost up my excitement for this game. I WANNA PLAY THE DEMO NOW!!!
# 52 kingg d @ 08/29/11 11:11 PM
Originally Posted by aloncho11
That's because current players have to earn it
They have Kapono's sig shot and another players, but not Aldridge or Brandon Roy? (and I'm sure other stars doesn't have their own sig shot or it's really bad represented.

This is 2k12, not 2k80's, they need to focus on current players 1st.
# 53 ffaacc03 @ 08/29/11 11:20 PM
The key word isnt current but "players" ... so, are the current guys players ? ... not more than those "legends", not even close
# 54 aloncho11 @ 08/29/11 11:39 PM
Originally Posted by kingg d
They have Kapono's sig shot and another players, but not Aldridge or Brandon Roy? (and I'm sure other stars doesn't have their own sig shot or it's really bad represented.

This is 2k12, not 2k80's, they need to focus on current players 1st.
Man I'm just having fun and joking. I know current NBA is priority.

P.S. 1. When I'm serious, I'm always joking.

P.S. 2. When I'm joking, I'm always serious.
# 55 alkamist @ 08/29/11 11:52 PM
sry but never ran plays either, 2k is a more run and gun game and nothing more...
# 56 stillfeelme @ 08/30/11 01:12 AM
Originally Posted by Da_Czar
Guys wait for the insight to give you the total control scheme. Using the Y button for post up becomes second nature after you use it for awhile and makes sense with the rest of the controls.

Since they didn't say anything to the guys playing the game I assume that means they want to wait until the insight to tell you more about the games controls.

I found the controls to be the best in the series so far in my opinion. Some may not like it but the control offered in a 2k game to me has no equal( IE the best in the 2k series).

The other positive about the button press is that you don't have to hold it like you held the triggers. It also makes for seemless transition from your faceup game to your back to the basket game including spins out of it.

Think of the controls as evolving from last year as opposed to staying static.

Yeah we will just have to wait no way around it. Once we obtain a tidbit of information, it is like a pack of hyenas in here.
# 57 SwagDoc101 @ 08/30/11 02:20 AM
Originally Posted by blues rocker
wrong...the hopstep needs to be included in the game. it's a move that is used in the NBA on a regular basis...to not include one of the most common moves in basketball would be ridiculous.

the mistake they made in 2k11 was that the hopstep button was completely uninterruptable..meaning, if your opponent performed it, the game would automatically make your defender move out of the way and prevent you from cutting off the hopstep..

the solution is not to remove it...the solution is to just make the hopstep less powerful and actually allow defenders to prevent the hopstep animation with body contact and proper positioning.
exactly...it has to be part of the game ...taking it away would be like taking away the crossover...all 2k has to do is make it so you can defend the move and less affective when properly guarded
# 58 RoyalBoyle78 @ 08/30/11 09:27 AM
To be completely Honest, I don't care about current NBA, This game Has all the great 90's teams I will be in Heaven, I can stay stuck in the 90's NBA forever Best era EVER!!!!
# 59 ffaacc03 @ 08/30/11 09:30 AM
Originally Posted by Knickerbocker
Well the triangle (ps3) hopstep was catastrophic in 2k11.

The back hopstep created too much separation and the hopstep into the paint was overpowered. I don't think the button needs to be included imo, it's not like the hopstep aint there.

With the shotstick you can make the backstep, the hopstep layup and hopstep dunk, and a lot of players have the hopstep in their signature moves.

I think that is enough and plenty and cannot be abused, since all of those moves work rather well.
I kind of agree, if they cant make it right, they can remove the function for the button as there would still be plenty of hopstep options ... is like players endlessly moving the left stick left and right to try to create separation, instead of using the array of more natural flow moves such as crossovers and the in and out.
# 60 The 24th Letter @ 08/30/11 10:34 AM
The signature gather moves were great....hope they are still in

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