NBA 2K12 News Post
NBA 2K12 Videos
Member Comments
# 21
Stevenash22 @ 08/26/11 10:19 PM
maybe 2 insight next week. im guessing one on monday and da second on friday maybe with new trailer
# 24
SaC_KiNg09 @ 08/27/11 01:19 AM
I want this guy to give me impressions for all the sports games every year..........
Can somone sum the most important things up? I dont wann watch some random guy talk 15min about a video game...
I am here:,18.022139
# 30
starks1903 @ 08/27/11 08:51 AM
enjoyed the video but every year pre release everyone gets excited like this. "oh they add this, they add that" of course they ll add something im paying 60 bucks. i think it s too early
# 31
scottyp180 @ 08/27/11 04:37 PM
the fact that magic's one handed, fake one way, pass the other direction animation is in the game has got me pumped. Magic is my favorite player of all time and to finally see him represented accurately (assuming he's going to have many more signature animations) is reason enough for me to buy this game.
Man..I felt the power of this man's analysis.. Having the bonus teams (Kings and Warriors) didn't push me to pre ordering it, but this did..
# 36
wrestlinggod1 @ 08/28/11 12:00 AM
I can't believe I just watched all 15 minutes of that lol. But yeah it did get me more hype.
It also doesn't make you a gangster to dress, speak, and inflect the way he does.
It's CRAZY! This game is crazy as hell!
I'm definitely excited about 2K12 now. I was going to buy it anyways, but I wasn't quite as jazzed up as I was last year just because I knew they couldn't match the kind of jump they took last year. Sounds like they're fine tuning a lot of aspects of the gameplay though. 2K12 is starting to sound like the basketball game I've always hoped for.
I'm definitely excited about 2K12 now. I was going to buy it anyways, but I wasn't quite as jazzed up as I was last year just because I knew they couldn't match the kind of jump they took last year. Sounds like they're fine tuning a lot of aspects of the gameplay though. 2K12 is starting to sound like the basketball game I've always hoped for.
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