NBA JAM: On Fire Edition News Post

The '94-'95 Seattle Sonics being included in NBA Jam: On Fire Edition is one of the single greatest announcements ever made in NBA video game history.

Yes, you read that right. Gary Payton, Shawn Kemp and Detlef Schrempf will making a grand return to the two-on-two arcade sensation. This is just another step in the right direction for NBA games.

The Sonics will be their own option. They won’t be some secret team hidden underneath the Oklahoma City Thunder. They won’t be stuck in Sonics jerseys running around on a court full of blue and orange (remember NBA Live 10?). Isn’t that exciting?

For those of you who remember playing NBA Jam: Tournament Edition, you remember one thing: The Sonics were the best team in the game. This isn’t the homer in me coming out (it usually does when it comes to the Sonics), it’s a fact. The Bulls didn’t have Jordan -- who only appeared in limited arcade versions of NBA Jam. Payton was as fast as any other guard in the league, and Kemp was the best dunker in the game. The Reign Man was even a block monster. Oh, and did I mention both players could hit the 3?

Read More - NBA Jam Says Hello to Sonics, Online Gaming

Game: NBA JAM: On Fire EditionReader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 7 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 yessam430 @ 08/24/11 01:28 PM
is this out?
# 2 PH1LLYSFINEST13 @ 08/24/11 02:19 PM
No...probably around september october. Just a guess.
# 3 soxfan2815 @ 08/24/11 05:38 PM
Maybe I'm nitpicking a bit here but the court isn't correct. That's the Sonics new court and logo. The jerseys are correct from the '95 season. Strange they didn't get the logo and floor correct. I'm a huge Sonics fan, maybe that why it bugs me.

I'm not feeling it with the big heads either. I hope there's an option to turn those off. Just looks like someone slapped a picture on a body. I know NBA Jam is supposed to be cheesy but that's too cheesy for me.
# 4 mytoemytoe @ 08/24/11 06:07 PM
Sonics were pretty killer in Tournament Edition but so were the Jazz (Stockton, Malone, Hornacek) and the Magic (Hardaway, Anderson, Grant).

I haven't played the new game (not this On Fire edition but its predecessor) but I wonder why they can't just put a shiny new coat of paint on the old game and get the rights to all of the '95 NBA ballers, add online play, minigames, etc., and call it a day. Online play in Jam: Tournament Edition: Next Gen Edition would be insane.
# 5 Control-X @ 08/25/11 03:39 AM
i like the re-addition of Kemp and The Glove in this latest issue of NBA Jam. They were the second pair i used to play back then in the original NBA JAM Arcade (Midway@1993). The first being Phoenix Suns' Barkley and Majerle.
Get the Phoenix Suns '93 duo/trio next and I'm sold, EA!
# 6 bigdnlaca @ 08/25/11 11:46 AM
Originally Posted by Control-X
i like the re-addition of Kemp and The Glove in this latest issue of NBA Jam. They were the second pair i used to play back then in the original NBA JAM Arcade (Midway@1993). The first being Phoenix Suns' Barkley and Majerle.
Get the Phoenix Suns '93 duo/trio next and I'm sold, EA!
Kemp and Payton were in the tournament edition. If i remember in the original, it was Kemp and Benoit Benjamin in the original arcade.
# 7 Control-X @ 08/25/11 05:41 PM
I stand corrected. You're right. I forgot Payton was only on that spin-off edition I played. I never really used the other teams other than the Suns on that ol' arcade lol. Anyways, that was a long time ago but NBA Jam 93 is still the all-time best for me in the series.
# 8 VUUAASSHHH! @ 08/26/11 02:52 AM
EA Sports should give NBA franchise up until they get back on their feet. The money they spend to keep the franchise is not rewarded by NBA Jam sales. Hopefully we won`t see Jesus Bynum in the game.
# 9 MeanMrMustard @ 08/27/11 11:06 AM
No love for the Rockets? Olajuwon was unstoppable with his 9 clutch rating.

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